how the fuck do we save boomers from this
How the fuck do we save boomers from this
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we can't even save ourselves
Fuck em
We don't.
you soulless shits don't have parents??
I would like to man, but my entitled generation is so shit, I just can't, I am just way too incompetent, all I can think about is, video games, the newest electronic gadgets, not marrying and not having children, not buying expensive boomer properties or other boomer status symbols so the economy crashes because of me and most of all where to buy my next avocado toast, but it's ok boomers are such gogetters they will just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and walk into the next place that is hiring and get the job instantly after giving the boss a firm handshake, they will surely show me how it's done and not die in the streets like the dogs they are.
One simple trick
they made their own bed
We can’t. Boomers did this to themselves.
Donate to charity, help feed the homeless, do what you can.
I have parents. They own their home and have money. They've never spend it frivolously, never went to holliday aboard, no expensive shit, lived frugally. How the fuck can you be penniless after a life of hard work ?
They wanted socialism big gov and got it. Let them suffer.
I do have parents.
My lazy and selfish baby boomer father would sit his fat ass in front of the TV whenever he got home from work and wouldn't move until it was bedtime.
My gen x mother decided to divorce-rape him rather than put in any sort of effort into the relationship.
My baby boomer father quit his 6 figure job and dumped his life savings so she wouldn't get a cent.
I grew up in poverty, surrounded by niggers, because my parents are perfect representations of their respective generations.
You dont, millenials and zoomers will have even higher rates of homelessness. A lot of anons on Jow Forums will be homeless eventually. Not my problem.
Wtf am I paying SS for if these faggots are all going homeless?
oh no that sucks
>my parents did everything right
>I can’t fathom why people aren’t exactly like my parents
Ballooning homelessness in all developed nations
Try not thinking like an imbecile for just one second
dont ask questions goy
the ones who had nest eggs had them plundered by jews a decade ago
should've gotten a hell of a lot angrier over how no banker faced any punishment.
>it's the boomers, not us, i swear
as everything else what jews say, this is also a lie
I encourage you to think for a moment how many bridges you'd have to burn to sleep on the street tonight, how many friends, family members, coworkers, ex girlfriends, accountants, and various other hangers on you'd have to piss off to the point where you would have nobody to help you sleep on a couch or in a motel room tonight.
Imagine how it's going to be for you zoomer fucks when a generation that got rich just by showing up is ending like this.
Turns out they still own multiple homes, but have taken to sleeping on the streets so as not to depreciate the value on their homes. Since millenials aren't buying homes, they've had to wait much longer than expected after flipping their homes to sell them for vacation homes in the tropics.
>nest eggs plundered
no they just followed the Boomer School of economics, understand nothing, fear everything, buy high, panic sell low. A Jew was certainly involved in the transaction but market crashes were largely caused by boomers being retarded and following investment advice from CNN.
An addict cares ONLY about his fix. People addicted to opioids or speed are not capable of empathy
I'm gen x and mom/dad divorced remarried others five times between the two of them. Narcissism has pop (married 3 times) in tha ministry praise tha Lawd! He left me and my mom penniless in a shit tin can trailer when I was 8 but "god knows he did the best by me" lol. Mom was a piece of work too but dad's beyond help. user you've got to basically hit the reset button and succeed where your folks failed. I've done it and many others have as well. Be the great husband, father, and man your dad never was.
This is what happens when you let humans reproduce uncontrollably.
why contain it?
don't you mean prescription?
Send the homeless and veterans to trump heights Israel its American since it was paid by our taxes
Send them to Iran to fight Israel's battles
absolutely savage
I learned after Bitcoin took off to stop taking money advice from my folks, pops said it was 'how criminals launder money' which admittedly could be true, but if I trusted my gut I would have bought a few thousand dollars worth while it was still around $300ish. That was probably one of my first redpilling moments, not including interactions with niggers and spics, these days I don't even talk about what is happening in the world. They still think Obama was a good president and orange man bad (but for CNN talking points, nothing based). The last time I even tried talking politics my dad he said I should run for local government to fix things, thats how oblivious they are. They are great parents, taught me alot, but also pushed all the beliefs onto me at a young age that have destroyed the western world - they have no clue what is really happening, I envy them at times. Grew up in a majority white nation, dated in high school, married almost 40 years, and have no clue about what is really happening in the world around them...
What a sad life
Heard someone say they can just learn to code.
Dumbass boomers can't even use an ipad and think they can just "learn to code"
lmao not as sad as these homeless retards
It’s sad in California they have so many homeless but then give sanctuary to illegals and take in thousands of foreigners to top universities. For so called compassionate people they sure don’t give a shit about Americans.
Shove them into homes with their shitskin nurses that abuse them till they die, fuck them all.
I thought all they needed to do was walk into a business, look the manager straight in the eye, and give him a firm handshake?
And if that didn't work, try it again until they call the cops on you for trespassing,
>assuming everyone has bridges in the first place
Just tell them to pull themselves by their bootstraps. McDonald's is always hiring: go there, give a firm handshake to a manager and land a job. I am sure it is very easy and there will be 0 homeless boomers.
Lol imagine what they did to their kids that they hate them so much they'd rather let them sleep on the street.
I'd love to go volunteer to help them but I've chosen to not have a car and I've chosen to only rent a room because I'm a zoomer who is too stupid to see the value in property investment. I am just too incompetent at being an adult and taking care of myself that I can't afford to help these smart old boomers who are literally rotting in the streets like walking corpses.
Move them out of Democrat run areas, there are only supposed to be illegals living there anyway.
Boomers didn't save. I feel bad for them, the assumed things would always be as good.
Better to have low expectations and have to work harder than go from comfy $20hr almost no skills to unqualified to make burgers
Ship them down to Old Mexico.
sometimes people just like comfort and a guarantee that they'll have another day with their loved ones. Not everyone's an adventurer.
Okay so I am putting myself in their shoes for a minute as a thought experiment.
I am old and my kids ditched me for whatever reasons, probably greed, selfishness or whatever values they took. In any event, they've left me to die and I have no home. Probably since home ownership doesnt even occur to the majority of Americans as feasible any more than having money to start a family. The majority of Americans have already been financially sterilized, being taught that poverty is something to be ashamed of even if you are doing everything right, and believing it.
So my choice is to ask Caseworker Fatimah, a third my age and no grasp of American culture or English, if I can sign up for a retirement home. The waiting list is years, with the oldest and most likely to die first prioritized, as well as minority females.
So my white male as is waiting. When I finally get in, no one looks like me, and I am effectively under martial law. One wouldn't notice the dreadful bureaucracy looming as authority in everything if everyone behaved as normal humans. Unfortunately, I have a Somali nurse screwing up my meds, Tyrone half-cooking my meals, Rosario minding the desk where I ask permission to take a piss, and if having a government doctor half my age isnt insult to injury enough, its a female doctor who barely makes eye contact during visits.
Plus, they quickly learn my kids are gone, my friends are all dead, so there will be no one to complain if I suddenly start getting bruises, bedsores or become emaciated or mis-medicated.
Alternatively, I could just wait for death staring at the sky from a city park and just hope to god something kills me sooner than later. If not a Tyrone or Juan, maybe just a nice cold front or merciful stroke.
I think I can see where this is going.
Traveling to places with loved ones bring you together even more, and you get to experience new things that broaden your mind
>and you get to experience new things that broaden your mind
>that white privilege
>be an asshole your whole life
>piss away all of your wealth
>invite hordes of foreigners into your nation
>actively destroy every value of your culture
The wages of sin are death, boomer.
let them starve
we need to focus on issues that matter like trans nigger asshole dilation acceptance and destroying free speech
That's what they get for doing LSD and having 20+ sexual partners in the 70s & 80s. Not to mention failing as parents by raising a whole generation of manchildren and dog moms.
Shut the fuck up boomer
They pulled the ladder up and left us to rot. Fuck them.
if they were smart, they wouldn't be on the streets
I see black pills arent selling well today.
>The wages of sin are death
An interesting sentiment from the most debauched generation in history. And when your sons are asking you what you did to turn it around, why men are in the ladies room, why pictures of little animated Japanese girls are everywhere, why people are using satellite technology to find someone to fuck, I'll be listening in the coffin right next to yours.
Save em?
Those motherfuckers are the primary cause.
>your sons
lol let's not get too carried away here
>generation that single handedly destroyed western civilization via mass immigration for cheap labor and the obliteration of our traditions and culture
>"can you help us?"
That's gonna be the biggest 'fuck no' in the history of mankind
That’s going to be me
Nigger tier money management detected
Lmao, you hillbilly fuck.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe i have a decent enough job where i can afford to take time off and go on holiday
If a country can't provide for it's old people, it has no reason to exist, and it's young have no reason to defend it. There is basically no point to that country other than stealing wealth from it's population.
This isnt new. Many cultures simply dispose of their elderly or at least hide them away for practical reasons.
The Communist revolution in China was no different. The youth's zeal for destroying the world of their ancestors was insatiable rather it all made sense or not.
So I dont mind adolescent bitching coming from 20 somethings about how old people made things hard. Im just saddened that they think anyone above an IQ of 80 doesnt see right through the faux moral premise of justice for what it really is, the squalling of adults who now have a reason to do nothing about their own situation.
Theres a difference between actually cataloging detected problems in the population to genuinely address and what you find on most of pol. And that seems to be men blaming women for being exactly what you allow them to be, blaming Jewish shenanigans for their own fear of financial discipline for daring to mention it aloud lest they lose their own shekels, blaming the natural human motives of starving Mexicans for their own governments treachery,
Or the classic: whites in charge of a society that then blames the negros they release into it for negro problems.
Clearly, the power of responsibility hasnt been taught in a while. Everyone is a victim.
How the FUCK do you grow up in the age of pensions AND the biggest stock market in the history of mankind along with an absurd housing market and end up homeless?
I mean for fucks sake they still have welfare!
Did it ever occur to you that most like you have shit for net worth and think you’re wealthy because you buy lots of disposable shit and “experiences” your (((tv))) told you will make your life worth living
>omg #LOLO
They want to live the migrant lifestyle evidenced by the ones they brought in the past 5 decades, let them reap what they sow
t. Tinder roastie
Slush funds. Guess (((who))) withdrawals the money from them.
You get cancer. You lose your job. You live off your savings. Now you're homeless.
Thtas a butter nut squash nigger
I bet even in their cardboard box they still somehow are blaring Billy Joel from their Bose Sound System™ and accusing younger bums of not panhandling hard enough.
You're truly a piece of shit
None becausd I have no friends, no family, and no GF. I could blow my brains out right now and my body wouldn't be found until next week when my employer notices I haven't shown up in a while.
Nice reference
I'm about to butter nut to that squash
Armed hobos. Great.
Life can be better. Go to church
I could explain the many paths a homeowner may have to losing their home; divorce, disaster, personal or financial, a bubble bust, job loss. But since they are that obvious, I doubt actual reasons interest you. You're literally blaming poor people for being poor, as one would expect of a culture that teaches poverty is shame while kids are complaining about first world problems on a thousand dollar toy they call a phone and see no irony whatsoever.
Dozens of programs to make sure anyone but the people paying for it are having kids, and the people replacing us have no shame about it at all.
Apparently, people like losing to a rigged game even if winning means you go extinct.
I can understand the edgy comments, and maybe these old people are shit. That isn't the point though. We take care of immigrants. If just one immigrant is receiving help from the government in anyway, there should be zero homeless old people. The reason this happens is there is no ROI on old people. That ship sailed. Immigrants can be leached off of for decades, and used for labor. This is what the government thinks of it's "citizens". You are a commodity, and nothing more, hence the comparison to cattle, or sheep. That's literally what you, and me, are to them.
This whole thread is. I keep bumbling into these threads thinking there is a discussion and its just phone posters bawling like infants.
Homeless baby boomers? I find that hard to believe considering they own all the homes
The same reason you're still expected to tip 15-25% even though the smartass faggot who probably spit in your food and spends no more than a total of 4 minutes bothering with you is now getting $15/hr.
I tried. No one looked at me or wanted to be around me at functions. I'm just a mistake user, just someone who wasn't meant to ever be born.
gas pills
not for farts
but for an hero
Go somewhere else. You can always kill yourself later. I suggest trying Holy Orthodoxy. Try an OCA parish and make sure and stay for coffee hour.
>save boomers
no this is the best thing that will ever happen to this planet. just shut the fuck up boomer.
Thank fucking god. Let the die off begin
That doesn't mean that they should be forced to shell out for the shits that couldn't save a dime.
>This is what the government thinks of it's "citizens"
Well said.
If Ive learned anything, the mob attacks those who are the least able to defend themselves.
Young whites will watch negros throw old whites screaming into an incinerator if it came to it, as long as the more able group doesnt attack them.
Thats what all this white guilt virtue signalling comes from. People cant relate to others in their own peer group. So they align with someone else outside of it, basically betraying the social integrity of their native group by promising the new group access to the old groups resources.
You see it in race riots, where hordes of whites will align against the cops while the browns stay behind. Its not all just virtue signalling. Remember, these people are looking for social validation. To them, the bigger risk isnt angering the people with guns who arent allowed to shoot, its appeasing the mob with out guns who are free to attack them at any time. Its simple medizing.