Are there any good non religious reasons to be against homosexuality...

Are there any good non religious reasons to be against homosexuality? I saw a green text screen cap a while ago but lost it.

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It would cut the std transmission rate in less than half.

If you're worried about birth rates or think it destabilizes society.

Lesbians have lower std transmission rates than straight women. All straight women should be lesbians.

fags have a much higher rate of diddling kids that the general population. You ARE against diddling kids right?

Omg those wittle buck teef I wanna brush em!!

Why non religious? Without religion there's no good reason for anything, everything becomes subjective and relative to each individual

>Anal prolapse
>Serves no purpose other than fulfilling a fetish and doesn't allow proliferation of the human race
And yes, it's gross. The religious reasons are just icing on the cake you filthy degenerate.

With religion there's no good reason for anything, everything is subjective and relative to each individual.

Nobody knows better than the Pinoy.

They rape kids.

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Christcucks now accept faggotry ane racemixing.

You don't have to be a Christian to recognize how repulsive homosexuality is.

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Fags often use that argument because at the core, they know what they do is wrong so they attack religion because religion forms the basis of moral values of a given culture and society.

>american exporter of tranny central and fag degeneracy
Ironic coming from a white cuck.

its bad for your anus.

only if you take social attitudes into account. You cannot criticize degenerates if they are also gay or trans or another 'protected class'. this sows hatred and allows bad shit to take place with no repercussions. chemical castration of 8 year olds, fisting in the street, forcing businesses to go against their religious beliefs, etc all in the name of lgbtq+++xyz rights.

And abstinence would make STD's non-existent. Sex of any type should be illegal.

This is a thread about homosexuality, not female incels.

Its against natural does not happen in the wild

you mean this?

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You're retarded, and that's okay.

>the truth is retarded

Its because females don't have dicks retards.

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im pretty sure this is wrong

Why Philippinos so based?

Thank you Captain Obvious. I don't know what we'd do without you.

The USSR which was a atheistic state hated the LGBT

>insert video of male monkeys going at it here

Religion makes you live by a set of guidelines making them objective. You're massively retarded

But our species will go extinct retard.

>this thread again
Absolutely degenerate, societal deteriorating, and no procreation.
Still the same as the last time this thread was created, faggot.

You interpret the "guidelines", and that's after picking whatever religion you like in the first place. It's all subjective.

Of course a leaf will say thatWe are a different species retard

It's objective within the religion

Because we're not living in the bronze age anymore and we need justified reasons for doing things. Put the fairy tale away and grow up.

Simmer down sea monkey. Everyone knows you people win every tranny beauty pageant and always have at least one faggot on ever single TV show or movie. It's in you blood.

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By that reasoning, without religion it's objective to the individual.

would impregnate OPs pic

It spreads diseases


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nice thighs

Full quote goes
>You know what happened to the Greeks Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that. So was Socrates. Do you know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags....You know what happened to the Popes? It's all right that Popes were laying the nuns, that's been going on for years, centuries, but, when the Popes, when the Catholic Church went to hell, in, I don't know, three or four centuries ago, it was homosexual.

Attached: Richard-Nixon-Roman-Emperors-Were-Fags.jpg (500x320, 75K)

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We have to have this discussion every single day. Nonreligious reasons are the most important. Your path leads to extinction, reproductive harm, and seeks to normalize and spread hedonistic pleasure seeking instead of healthy family units. LGBT is the opposite of a sustaining culture. It ends itself.

The future of the white race is non negotiable. Go spread your poz in Africa and do us all a favor.

Are you kidding? Faggotry is ultimately repulsive. The sight or thought of two men kissing is disgusting. If you dont have the urge to puke you might be a faggot.

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Yep that was the one thank you so much! rocks. Thanks OP

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Bisexual males are a greater threat, but even then gay males contribute to the std pool that bi-males inhabit, and can pass along to hetero females.

Non religious?

For one.... I don’t want to fuck another man in the asshole.
For second....I don’t want another
Man even trying to fuck me in the asshole either.

Just for starters there butthole surfer

>christcuck wanting him and his kin to die out

what a surprise

Nice numbers but there exist non-religious moralities that have logical conclusions. If you are trying to form a minimal harm society with a balance of freedom and social tranquility you can identify beneficial and harmful behaviors.

'cause they're the most powerful race

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I originally made this pic for r9k, but here you have it.

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Fornication = sex outside marriage.

>Everyone knows you people win every tranny beauty pageant and always have at least one faggot on ever single TV show or movie.
And yet it's Americans doing this.

Twerk more white cuck. Make sure you protest "homophobia" by twerking on the streets.

Giardia, anal fissures...... Idiot.

'cause its gay

>significantly higher std rate
>can provide offspring
>genetic dead end

All of the facts in this infograph have been verified. Gays are a walking golem of the jews and spread degeneracy, there should be no tolerence for them. The roman empire started crumbling after gays started being a normal thing there.

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Lesbians also have the highest domestic violence rate from all combination of pairings.

It's based on trauma and fucked up embryo or child development. It's a symptom of something, not a cause. And it's gay (but some traps are cute).


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Blessed get. Also correct.

>Christcucks now accept faggotry and racemixing
That's because the Catholic Church has been hijacked by the cabal, freemasons, jews, or whatever you want to call them.

I myself am Christian and I think being gay can/will lead you down the path of evil.

Do I need a reason to do something?