BED SHEETS!!!!!?????
Storm the streets!
BED SHEETS!!!!!?????
Storm the streets!
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Take your pills, son
How this nigga getting hands on bed sheets?
Even if this is true, the fact that he had any ability to kill himself is criminal. Arrested all prison officials and guards at that prison and charge them with murder and conspiracy. I want to see other people hanging up there with Epstein.
He was on suicide watch. There were no bed sheets and the guards had to check in on him once every 9 minutes. This whole thing stinks. The corpse doesn't even look like Epstein.
They apparently took him off suicide watch 2 weeks ago. Can you imagine that? A high profile prisoner facing life imprisonment attempts suicide and you take him off watch after 1 week? And then this super suicidal guy waits 2 weeks after that point to try again.
jesus christ why do they keep saying hanged? ITS HUNG
mandela effect #30855
Agreed. Everyone involved from the warden to the janitor need to go away for bungling this - assuming he's actually dead. I still think it's all bullshit and he's alive in custody at either a black site, WitSec or Gitmo.
Probably from the bed or something dude
People are hanged.
Objects are hung.
not a scintilla of similitude
This is America, Mohammad. Our prisoners dont get treated like people
Inmates on suicide watch are given bedsheets that tear easily, if they're even given sheets at all. This is bullshit.
Now you are just being sloppy on purpose.
>bunk beds
>on suicide watch
nigger please
Hanged is correct.
I think he was given the option and the means to off himself with the alternative being some kind of threat. That or we go with the "he's not dead, the body is a double" story. Even some of his friends and former inmates in the facility are calling foul.
It's hanged when refering to people
I'm 56 and it's always been hanged
-- His attorney requested being off suicide watch, Jeff said he'd be a good boy
-- Jail agrees because suicide watch is a PITA for everyone involved and nobody really gives a shit if an alleged pedo kills himself
-- It only takes 3-4 minutes to hang yourself
I think his attorney told him he was fucked and wasn't getting out and most of his estate could be preserved if he offed himself before any trial (his only brother will likely inherit everything)
One of the two people monitoring Jeffrey Epstein in the hours before his death was not a properly trained prison guard, it has been reported.
Captured spy
Is it confirmed he was taken off suicide watch?
percale or muslin ?
Need some photos of the cell to determiine if this is even possible. Suffocating by hanging is not easy unless you can get your feet off the ground.
Poor guy, I would've happily given him a gun.
I've put a 6'1" young drunk/depressed man in the morgue who hanged himself with an iPhone cord in his dorm closet. Anything is possible. We need a true toxicology report of Epstein too. Doubt that will ever come forth or even be truthfully presented to the public.
This is bullshit. Those rooms are 100% anti ligature. Even the sheets and bedding.
That’s actually not possible, unless he had a 8 inch neck and weighed nothing.
Have you considered that you may be bad at your job?
>iPhone owners can’t afford belts
I'm good at my job and I pulled the cord from around his neck and saw the indentions in his neck from the cord. Kid took xanax and was heavily inebriated. I didn't see the police pics on how he managed to hang the cable (extended iPhone cord) in the closet, but he did and he even left a note. I was baffled and questioned the scenario, but the detectives and medical examiner reports all showed no signs of foul play and that someone had indeed managed to off themselves by slumping on a cord in a closet until they blacked out and then asphyxiated.
Did the warden lawyer up yet cause dis ain't gonna be gud. If this is the narrative they're going to stick with then everyone in MCC needs to be investigated and the top brass to see some time.
In that meantime, the DOJ needs to address the following:
>Maxwell - how is she free after 2016 and where the fuck is she at?
>Epstein case - what's the status and future? If closed/thrown out, will the evidence be used to indict other individuals?
>Pedo Island - Did agents really just go there for the first time? Had to be for optics, right?
Hung is something you're not.
When I was locked up there was nothing for me to hang myself from.
Our prison beds consist of concrete bed + basically a gym mat for mattress
I never had even a pillow, much less fucking sheets
And if you piss off the guards you wont even get a mat
lol former inmate. very few prisoner get bedsheets. the prisons are heated and cooled no need for that.
I forgot where, but I recall reading that he had been moved from suicide watch to an isolation room. I didn't think bunk beds were common in ISO rooms.
To make matters worse his cell mate was transferred out only hours before Epstein's death.
Mugabe effect. We switched timelines again last Friday
Indeed. In my childhood it was always “hung from the noose until dead”
I’m fucking tired of switching universes. I want to go back to my home.
>I’m good at my job
Okay, memeflag
why do you idiots keep trolling this chef pic?
Wat is this
>necking himself just by kneeling
How is this even possible.
He wasn’t on suicide watch.
He. Was. Not. On. Suicide. Watch.
with one end of the bed sheet tied around the bedpost, and the other tied about his neck, epstein knelt on the floor and, like, pulled really hard, asphyxiating himself. JUST FUCKING BELIEVE
I’m hung.
That even cuts out the bits that do match pretty well, the ears. The rest is unconvincing AF.
>the detectives and medical examiner reports all showed no signs of foul play
epstein wasn't just your dateline NBC style pedo, he was the highest of the high profile. or at least the prison should have treated him that way.
>Objects are hung
I don't know about that as I am not an object yet I am pretty hung..
the former prisoner in the suicide watch unit stated that the sheets are the consistency of fucking paper.
so unless it was death by a thousand cuts fucking shenanigans.
It's hangded
EGG SHAPE!!!!!?????
He must like :D!
I'm not saying I believe this shit either but you can totally hang yourself on your knees if your committed. A friend from school did this in his closet with a belt.
Dont get hooked on meth.
have a (you)
>That fucking pic
Guys, I just....
Like, i don't want to kill myself really, but I really don't want to be alive anymore either, I legit don't know what to do anymore.
Funny how I make that thread and you shills come up with damage control this shitty. That is Anthony, it’s his face.
Now post that stupid nigger bitch wardens phone number and address again guys.
Someone walked into his cell and whispered into his ear. “We’re going to kill your entire family and all your friends unless you do the right thing.”
are we sure he suicided and wasn't Autoerotic asphyxiating himself like Kunfu guy and Robin Williams?
>He was on suicide watch.
the alternative was he wasn't on suicide watch and then killed himself which is even dumber
but its true. definitely pretty dumb though
>guy is a child tracking ring leader
>probably the most influential, powerful enemies imaginable that need him dead
>whoopsie daisy guess the camera didn't work those 40 minutes wow he's dead now haha lmao
Damn well you could definitely kill yourself using the support bars on the top bunk and a twisted mattress sheet
Everything about this post is wrong. It just needs to claim Clinton is the real ruler of the world.
He had been moved back to a cell with a cellmate, but the cellmate was mysteriously moved out of there.
>So as to ensure he was in a room with a bunk and not in pic related from same facility where no way to "hang self"
>cellmate had to be moved so couldn't witness "suicide" happen
Fake and gay. Evidence:
Absolutely retarded. It is more expensive to make. B&w television than a color television.
undoubtedly why he was moved to that kind of room (presumably) because there is no means/opportunity on suicide watch or in the isolation cells. can't go staging a "suicide" in those cells.
My question is that if the picture is actually real, and the bunks have a bar that you can tie off on, why hasn't anybody else been able to commit suicide at MCC in the last 21 years?
idk man people die from auto erotic asphyxiation sometimes and they arent even trying to die
Take your cyanide, agent Smith.
seems like a pretty weird time to be doing that
they are all accesorys to murder, straight up, anyone paying tax to the fed now is paying for this shit, im going to my local city councel meeting to say this, if anyone else payed this much money to criminals and traitors to america they would be thrown in jail yet our local goverments are paying for it
link releated, its time to stand up and stop paying for this shit
Exactly. When they commited me, we had single beds. No sharp objects, no glasses unless they were polycarbonate. No shoes with strings, no real eating utensils. And break away shower curtain bars. They would open the door every 30 mins, all through the night
>I was baffled and questioned the scenario
Oh, bullshit. Stop trying to make the thread about you, larper.
anyone paying money to the fed should be arrested by local law enforcement for criminal conspiracy with child predators/drug dealer/murderers
Nice English lesson, thanks Pedro
Can you say "witness protection program"?
There is no bunk. The bed is monolithic concrete slab.
pic related is a 5150 in American prison but Epstein killed himself lol go back to sleep America, here is American gladiators here is 50 channels of American gladiators
literally said the night before he died, 'can't believe he's still alive and watch when he 'commits suicide' next time the cameras in the whole area will mysteriously malfunction just like all the cameras around the pentagon on ..."
>nobody could have seen it coming i'm a psychic
here is your reward for waxing your third eye
Lies. No bedsheets in his cell. Try again.