Risk Protection Orders have unfortunately become a legal reality in many states. Understanding how they function is essential both to resisting one should it be issued, and certainly not filing them for every known jew and traitor and shitting up the entire system. Anons outside the United States should not use their legal immunity to submit as many as physically possible.
We will start with the State of Florida, boomercuk Paradise.
1.Allege that the respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to himself or herself or others by having a firearm or any ammunition in his or her custody or control or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or any ammunition, and must be accompanied by an affidavit made under oath stating the specific statements, actions, or facts that give rise to a reasonable fear of significant dangerous acts by the respondent; 2.Identify the quantities, types, and locations of all firearms and ammunition the petitioner believes to be in the respondent’s current ownership, possession, custody, or control; and 3.Identify whether there is a known existing protection order governing the respondent under s. 741.30, s. 784.046, or s. 784.0485 or under any other applicable statute.
(f)The petitioner must make a good faith effort to provide notice to a family or household member of the respondent and to any known third party who may be at risk of violence. The notice must state that the petitioner intends to petition the court for a risk protection order or has already done so and must include referrals to appropriate resources, including mental health, domestic violence, and counseling resources. The petitioner must attest in the petition to having provided such notice or must attest to the steps that will be taken to provide such notice. (g)The petitioner must list the address of record on the petition as being where the appropriate law enforcement agency is located. (h)A court or a public agency may not charge fees for filing or for service of process to a petitioner seeking relief under this section and must provide the necessary number of certified copies, forms, and instructional brochures free of charge.
Colton Gomez
>Petition must say subject is a significant danger of causing personal injury to him/herself or others by having a firearm or ammunition in their possession >Identify firearms owned >Identify is an existing ERPO exists >Copy of good faith notice to family members (email should suffice) >Address of subject >Jews like the sheriff of Broward County can't charge to submit the petition.
Basically all the information you would need is available publicly and through social media.
What identification do you need to file one? Can they be weaponized against politicians and corporate cocksuckers?
Thomas Long
NRA board members seem like a very good target. They pushed for this red flag bullshit.
Traitors first.
Camden Fisher
>and must be accompanied by an affidavit made under oath stating the specific statements, actions, or facts that give rise to a reasonable fear of significant dangerous acts by the respondent; You have to sign an affidavit. Obviously this doesn't prevent abuse against lawful gun owners, but will present issues to anyone using it for teh lulz.
Andrew Diaz
It would be up to the DA to prosecute perjury for this, a unlikely outcome at best.
Benjamin Jenkins
>every known jew and traitor Stopped and right there. Fuck off back to dead cripple chan its 2019 and you are still talking like a tard and your shits all fucked up. Its not 1930s Germany you spastic
Adrian Davis
>not calling a red flag on his senators who pushed the bill
Colton Hall
until people figure out that they can submit a tip to a police officer and the cop themselves will sign the affadavit
Gavin Evans
>>Identify firearms owned This is why the glows keep asking everyone to post their guns.
Christopher Morales
Gabriel Baker
Have red flag orders been ruled on by the Supreme Court yet? Doesn't look like it to me.
You do realize America is way more racist than Germany ever was, right?
Isaac Edwards
Sure is a shame when you hold those radicals accountable to their own rules
Would be a shame if a bunch of grade A leftist fuckheads got ERPO’d eh?
Eli Thompson
>something like 93% of ERPOs are approved by the courts in Florida >majority, if not all of them are upheld >accused has to prove their innocence, instead of enjoying a presumption of it >accused does not get to face accuser >abuse of orders - even if its caught and prosecuted - is almost always a misdemeanor >cops can and have fucked people who were allowed to get their guns back
These are such a fucking violation of due process in their current form, holy shit. You'd need a mile-long list of amendments to even make them close to acceptable.
Michael Sullivan
It's even looser in commiefornia. They don't even have to list what guns you own so in theory it can be called on a nogunz.
They also recently expanded the categories of people that can flag you from immediate family members to:
>An employer of the subject of the petition. > A coworker of the subject of the petition, if they have had substantial and regular interactions with the subject for at least one year and have obtained the approval of the employer. >An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary school that the subject has attended in the last six months, if the employee or teacher has obtained the approval of the school administration staff.
Colton Howard
yeah we have armed police knocking your door down at 4am because your neighbor reported you. it's more like 1960s east germany.
Kevin Russell
what if we give this idea to antifa to abuse, feed them our traitors?
Brody Gray
>1500 red flags carried out in florida >0 shots fired if the supposed crazies so low inhib they get themselves redflagged wont even resist do you expect the high inhibition people to resist?
Lucas Ortiz
shalom Mr. 50% Jewish ourguy! just defending the interests of your people I see
Nolan Roberts
>a reasonable fear of significant dangerous acts by the respondent; you can say that the NRA is losing the gun rights so they’d probably be pissed and you dont feel safe with that many rich angry gunners planning together in their gun cult.
This is exaggeration for the sake of your flags of course
Brody Nelson
Cooper Thomas
Id like to see law enforcement get shot up enforcing one of these. Any judge who approves this shit, and all politicans who votes for it deserve a hanging for their clear and grossly malicious violation of human rights.
Zachary Rivera
>implying jews and politicians will be held to their own standards With that being said, yeah, you should be compiling a list of every leftist and jew wrangler you know, and stocking up on burner phones. 4 or 5 should cut it. Keep then in a faraday bag with the batteries and sim cards out. Every week, pick a random phone, head out of town, and leave an anonymous tip with the local department, something about firearms, violent threats, add in drugs/children, the script is yours to write, just make sure it's enough to warrant a serious and scary response, possiblt even life threatening, and not just some patrolman knocking on their door. Leftists are cowards but love to argue with cops, which could play out in our favor. Politicans/police family would be great, but like I said, the rules aren't always enforced fairly.