Is Trump the Anti Christ?

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oh no animals that refuse to fuck for survival are going extinct.
who the fuck cares?

This is a thread about white genocide now.

I'll support our critters over the niggers very much, and if you're a true nationalist you understand the importance of your soil and the ecology on it. You need to protect it from the niggers and the chinks polluting it.

top kek

But seriously what the fuck man. 99% of these animals going are because of us. Not only is he too retarded to believe in climate change because "our water and air are the best!" but he doesn't give a shit about biodiversity.

Whites can only be considered "endangered" if you are one of those people who believes in the one-drop rule.

Based and uncleTedpilled

They chose the owl for a reason
Deep state is coooooooked

Yeah I'm sure thats exactly whats happening.
Next week it will be "Trump lays off thousands of doctors! because he cures cancer".

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>refuse to fuck
... either that or habitat destruction.

Hi Michael have any good Chinese food lately?

Irrelevant. Just like those worthless beasts.

as soon as I hit post I thought of that.

>"our water and air are the best!"
LOL Did he honestly say that?

You mean animals that are exploited by corporate America are going extinct.

Nature is good because it draws people's attention away from popular culture.

what animals are being exploited by corporate america?

99% of everything that has ever lived is extinct
Hundreds of animals go extinct every day...most without any interference from us...Contrary to popular belief our ecosystem is really not that fragile...MOST things on this planet could die, and there would still be some sort of life..

>trump lays groundwork for white genocide
Imagine my shock

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Hitler would be against this

What's he supposed to do with those animals? Put them in cages like he did with the other ones?

no, some invasive species comes in and fucks up the gene pool, then the rest of the population doesn't want the interspecies mixed breeds and instead breeds in their now small, diminished gene pool. inbreeding and disease occur, you are then left with scant amounts of the original species.

unless you were to insert a bunch of prey for the animal in question to hunt and consume into their habitat, it would remain stagnant without any human input.

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OWLS will die. Who wants em anymoar? Return em home to Moloch.

Seriously though, what the fuck are you gonna do about these wild animals going extinct? The problem is human expansion into their habitat. It's all just a bunch of BS. Democrats and cuckservatives (who want millions of new immigrants every year and infinite growth) getting paid by the government to study and cry about the inevitable.

If they die off, it was coming sooner or later. Same goes for us hoomans.

He took out a broad policy that dealt with them, but the new regulation allows for specific policies that target the animals.

It also allows business/economic considerations to be considered now where it was barred before. Portraying it as an animal genocide bill is laughable.

Blah, blah, the animals are gonna die.

You can't have infinite growth on a finite planet.

There's gonna be 100 billion mutts on Earth eating soi and maggots, with Google microchips in their brain, using Facebook currency to feed virtual owls that look like Zuck.

Iv'e been a struggling owl exterminator for twenty years now. Business might finally pick up.

Fuck animals

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>I don't care about the environment
You're a piece of shit and you should be hanged.

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Animals aren't the environment you dumb piece of shit.

Learn to understand evolution. Species rise and fall all the time.

I agree if it is legitimate and not some disturbing earthworms over a sidewalk or some shit.

I’m all for STOP the fuckin clearing out the Everglades and cypress trees pisses me off seeing the 6 gorillion acres after acre for new publix and residential development shitty overpriced homes and apartments.

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No, but he's morbidly obese.

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Yeah, he'll overjew our country over the next 5 years, then we'll vote in neo-hitler and he'll win this time.

>vote Hitler into power again
Yeah thats assuming we have a say, we dont. We do not have elections, we have selections. And we are not the ones selecting the figure head...and that is ALL the POTUS is.

this if fucking sad. they need to make progress on this not fuck it up.

There's no objective value to keeping ecosystems exactly the same, ecosystems 'are supposed to change with time anyway. Keeping things in a standstill is not virtuous. The only other thing to give a shit about is what's useful to us, and keeping the bald eagle alive for example, wasn't gonna make or break us, so fighting for its existence was literally an aesthetic preference. Almost like a pet we don't actually enjoy owning!

>and there would still be some sort of life
Perhaps not.

Whites and a few asians are the only people to conserve nature. When we're gone, it's immediate extinction for almost every kind of animal. Every space on earth will become apartment buildings.

The owls are not what they seem.

No but he is most certainly a demon

fuck. brb having sex


Thats right, we would be reduced massivley, but we would not likely be wiped out..None the less..WE are a force of nature as well, so while I agree we should not shit where we live, but all tree hugging hippie dippy is not the way for us...DOMINION!

Link the article or get the fuck out.

Typical conservative, conserving fucking nothing except their own wallet. Anyone who defends this is a moron.

Tough shit. Animals are freeloaders. This is a human owned world.

>let's just bulldoze the all the nature in the whole country
>Concrete over everything and make a coast to coast walmart
>Big business will love it
>Think of the $$$!!

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No one gives a shit faggot...Trump fags are in the minority on this board..This thread about faggy eco shit, not whether or not Trump is or isnt doing something.

You're a retard

>t. hongcouver resident

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>says the Trump fag

>believing people who tell you they know the population number of an animal species living in the wild
Imagine being this retarded.

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They're going to die out regardless of our help.

ORANGE MAN BAD Please believe me pleasèeeeeee ha ha ha fhe stench of defeat gets stronger from you every day that passes.


They actually do count them, they tag them and track them..There is of course a margin of error, but its fairly close.

survival of the fittest doesn't need a fucking helping hand.

>Asking for proof is indicative of supporting a certain President

You are retarded.

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>Being so stupid he cant see that its clearly a b8 thread with a different purpose
>Imiedlitly gets defensive because he wants to suck Trumps dick

You're not hiding it well, pretty sad that even his supporters are becoming ashamed of him.

Why do the bad guys have this odd autism that makes them advertise their presence with ridiculous symbols?

No i am

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Trump is an Antichrist, but not THE Antichrist. If anything it's Kushner, but it's not him either.

He is. I voted for him now I hate his guts.


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>They actually do count them
No, they count a small percentage of them.
>There is of course a margin of error, but its fairly close.
There is no way to know how many there are unless you track down every last one. There is no way to know the original number of the species prior to interference either.
The truth is most of these "endangered" species are not endangered. They are used as a political tool, because nobody wants to senselessly kill off species of animals for no reason. Another truth is that people just assume that these numbers are legit without ever thinking about the impossibility of tracking down wild animals. If it was easy to track down every last animal of a species there would be a lot more extinct animals in apefrica than there are.

>go to where stuff is
>count stuff

what are habitats?

Try to use your brain for more than filer please.

No. He's a NYC native whose biggest claims to fame besides being president of a country full of defective pieces of shit are being a reality show star, casino owner, and once-owner of a beauty pageant.
The antichrist will be, according to the Bible, someone loved and respected by almost everyone, not some city-dwelling sleazeball.

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Just like white people

That sounds like whites lmao

>loses support of the great liberal stronghold that is i'm convinced this boomer nigger doesn't want a 2nd term

Honestly, as humans we had one job, not to destroy everything.

>it's simple dude go to where stuff is
>wild animals are stuff and wild animals only live in one location
Please demonstrate your retardation some more.
>What are habitats
Stolen land, while the wild species continues to live where it wants. Unless you are talking about a large land animal they are not stuck in a habitat.

>doesn't have dog
>surprised he hates animals

F sammies

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It's part of their luciferian concept of karma. Remember how they take everything God has and invert it? The luciferian concept of karma is one that if they warn the potential victim or victims in any way and they don't do anything about it to stop, prevent, or not be in harm's way, that it's the victims own fault. The symbols also act as a conduit for fear for those people who have become too paralyzed with fear to do anything. Nothing is ever one sided or even two sided with them. Their moves are multifaceted.



Makes sense. Getting people to recognize the symbols is like pulling teeth, though.

What would happen to people that just strike indiscriminately without warning?

Oh Penguins in Antarctica should be all over...Every where "wild" right? Shut the fuck you ignorant linp wristed leftist soiboy city dwelling faggot.

Depending on whether they did something that interferes with the luciferian cabal's plans or not, they would likely end up dead.


suck a hippy dick you pinko fuck

The treatment of wildlife is unironically the worst aspect of the trump campaign, but even still wildlife rehabilitation is working miracles right now. America does great with its animals and I love my southern bros for it

Kek lrn2evolve, genelets.

>The snowy black-tipped fluff-chested short-beaked wide-feathered jay-finch is on the verge of extinction!
>Well yes, the black-tipped fluff-chested short-beaked NARROW-feathered jay-finch is doing fine, there's millions of those, but the WIDE-FEATHER is TEETERING ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS! Just IMAGINE what the death of the wide-feathers would MEAN!

This is almost always what endangered species means as far as I can tell, minor variants that no one who isn't a zoologist even know or have reason to care exist. This is how they get those figures of 'MILLIONS of species going extinct'

There is a chance for sure, but personally I feel like 40 percent chance it’s him. Whoever it is I think is already on the public stage. Maybe kushner, maybe xi. Might even be bolsonaro. The US will burn so it makes me think it might not be him.

Slim chance it could even be little kimmy. His people already are forced to believe he is one. Will just have to see how the big war plays out.

I don't understand why we protect those that only fuck. Why are whites pouring so many resources for Africans, when we could instead millions of so much prettier animals? A tiger or a polar bear are just as useful to us as niggers. Even more so, really, because niggers destroy the nature and evolve new diseases.

lol, finally a quality post from a fucking leaf.

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>oh no animals that refuse to fuck for survival are going extinct.
>who the fuck cares?

No one.

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If anybody is curious- this report is based on the fact that trump opened up Alaska for oil exploration.

Its like saying trump supports mass shooters because he approved an aluminum mine.

>gives 1.8 million acres to FRACKING companies
>weakens restrictions on near extinct animals
trump has got to go.
it is time to impeach him NOW and reverse the damage hes doing.