early reminder to print out posters, order stickers and get a costume
tell your friends too
IOTBW Halloween 2019
only use the original
this and CHECKED
If it's okay to be white, why do you need a costume?
did you see how every media company in the country tried to send a lynch mob after a child for smiling? that's why dumbass to protect yourself, not from any legal trouble (because youre not doing anything illegal or immoral) but because violent left wing mobs will try to ruin your life, or end it
And this
I have done
there is no phase 2.
>only putting these up on halloween
Damn White Man you put up posters to save your race? Shit why didn't my people do that to keep the Oregon lands. Maybe i could have been eating Buffalo Stew on a 100 acre home if my fellow Red Men put up signs that said It's Okay to Be Red. THAT would definitely save us.
Please white man, stop being scared and actually fight for your people. Not with posters and memes but with weapons. Not a glownig but a red man who hates jews. It breaks my heart to see how much you're getting fucked and how little you even care. Although i disagree with Tarrant, i have so much respect for his brave spirit.
>my fragility is cuck level
what happened to the USA? bunch of crybabies, not even using weapons and taking the government Hollywood, etc
fucking cucks, all of you deserve to be gassed
Because lefties are unhinged psychopaths who assault people for little to no reason
Also this is mostly a college thing and college fags are guilty until proven innocent
>because lefties!
>now we are acting like leftists!
bravo gay
we're doing this to prove the outrage once again.
eventually they will outlaw posting the posters which would be the final nail in the coffin of free speech and white people's patience.
we are better at this than others.
Sure thing agent shekelburg We'll get right on that open warfare for you. Should we wear that memeflag of yours while we do it too?
It's not about saving the white race, this shit is just to annoy kikes and so on.
Based iotbw leaf poster
do not respond to trolls. Phase two has begun
These are the official posters from now on.
Bump..Godspeed gents
and quit being a niggerfaggot.
How do the idiots in this board not realize theyre being radicalized by Russia when it's this transparent
Based leaf. Is this the third year now? I remember a leaf was doing this last year. I petition to not have you raked on the day of the rake.
Good places to order stickers? I don't want to spend much time gluing A4 pieces of paper to stuff.
thanks user, yes it's me - I also led two other poster campaigns during that time, MBMC and SYG
here is some MBMC salt:
here is some SYG salt (and poster compilation in pic related):
>>now we are acting like leftists!
This is exactly what’s needed. You chose to post with a Third Reich meme flag— you should know that Hitler said we must be exactly like our political opposites, to be equally bold and just as offensive. Playing by rules of the current order brings nothing but defeat. Are you posting from Israel?
reminder to only use the original and the poster date is Halloween, night of Oct 31st 2019
the Jeffrey Epstein posters are a good idea but they're unrelated to IOTBW and not "phase 2", they should have their own separate thread and plan the campaign for a different date (probably much sooner than Halloween before the story fades from public memory)
they're both good but they're not related, keep them separate: separate threads, separate deployment dates
>iotbw season approaching
Nice to see you getting the message out early again this year. I'll do my part again soon
and this
What’s your thoughts on this?
>eventually downgrade to a simple piece of paper that says “WHITE”
>post that with blank pieces of paper
>eventually get leftists to freak out over a blank piece of paper
absolutely this, don't change the original it's working perfectly and all the "muh white nationalist terrorism" hysteria right now will make MSM cover IOTBW even more
Fucking btfo that kike so hard his retarded grandmas ashes just rolled over
we should help OP post links back to this thread in the slide threads shitting up the catalog
Compilation of media hysteria over IOTBW
It’s fucking August yu retards
>implying you aren’t trying to piss people off so this doesn’t happen.
I think after the first wave of iotbw doing it with blank pieces of paper would be hilarious. Imagine them getting mad about blank pieces of paper. However, I suppose that could bring the risk of getting charged for littering since it wouldn't contain a message.
You still have time to print business cards via vistaprint.
Quit shilling yer lousy thread
Bumping this effort thread
Good call
Normies need constant reminders for something to remain important to their lizard brains.
>we should help OP post links back to this thread in the slide threads shitting up the catalog
Good idea. This one has the shills so nervous
>”haha post this one”
>”guyz they can trace the printer it came from”
>”lol this is stupid”
This are the type of shit you’ll see in this annual campaign. If the shills are working overtime that means we are doing something right. OP did a good job last year posting examples of shills, but we can help since he’s sending out frequent reminders.
theres an eerie cut to the "see something say something" poster at 1:50, almost like theyre hinting this shit is terrorism
it's superior to the slide threads in which it's linked
good idea, can be deployed very discreetly for surprise discoveries later
it's funny but I guess I'm worried it changes the message, though an isolated experiment might be interesting as opposed to getting everyone to change it
these are the most significant and impressive posts ITT, fucking god tier effort went into those compilations especially all the archives
nothing wrong with early reminders, pic related
thanks user
>However, I suppose that could bring the risk of getting charged for littering since it wouldn't contain a message.
Good point, well I guess what we have is good enough. It’s funny to see (((them))) get so worked up with minimal effort.
Exhibit A:
Most universities have wireless printers that you can print to from anywhere. It would be a shame if someone were to print tons of copies on each printer on a campus.
Didn’t some college in Canada call the police or something?
I enjoy testing out new designs that poke and prod at the brainwashed leftist mind from different angles
but IOTBW has been the most effective so far (though I don't regret trying the others and I will try other approaches in the future too, in addition to repeating the best ones like IOTBW)
I thought about it more and the blank papers is an awful idea. Not only does it erase the original meaning but it gives someone the opportunity to write their own message on it.
more than one did, pic related and here is one calling the police because of MBMC:
Police were contacted at a number of places. Watch:
I want this to happen because it'll kick the white nationalist panic into hyper mode and to see all the kikes on tv literally schvitzing would be a delicious treat.
My university assigned me a print code corresponding with my ID, linked to an account that charged me to print. But I’m positive there’s less shekel grabbing universities out there.
Got anymore screenshots of articles reacting to the campaign?
literally ask some random person nicely if you can print something from their account, make up a story about how you have to hand in an assignment really soon and offer them cash / change to cover the cost
very easy
>panic into hyper mode
What if someone posted plain text of the first and second amendments? Nothing more or less, how do you think they’d react?
>jasonco from voat?
lots, I'll dump em here
That’s funny, good suggestion. Done with uni though.
Just remember lads, keep it refined
eat a dick, you facsist scum
Mine does the exact same thing. I'm sure we can find one where you just pay with a prepaid visa though
here they are lol
Do you go to a UC?
COPE, mad nigger. See your s o y-fueled outrage in a few months.
OP it’s lunch time for me, have a good one.
from Iceland lol
thanks for the bumps and support user
are you actually in Japan?
kek that one worked pretty well too, pic related is a salt compilation
Do you mean a university? Yea, I'm not sure if that's what UC means though.
Nah, I think I'll just fly or my city with posters encouraging violence and rape against white people.
We need to pour gas on this fire, stop being pussies
This same thing again? Same thing every year, it's so boring, at least change it up a bit. How about posting "it's ok to be Jewish" posters instead just for the lulz?
why bother mentioning that here? make your own thread and stop derailing
>This same thing again? Same thing every year
if it aint broke don't fix it