Alright retards,here’s the story
A couple of months ago I sent a letter to Brenton Tarrant and today I finally got a response
Alright retards,here’s the story
fake and gay
Post letter faggot.
no you didn't mossad.
I'm listening fren
open the letter fag
will OP deliver?
Oh boy story time
Big if true
Post it Vanya.
I'll mail you a cheburek
post quick before the glowies arrive
Post this fucking letter, ivan
You’re a fucking faggot
Post it, Alan.
Are you going to post the text Alan?
IOTBW Halloween 2019
early reminder to print out posters, order stickers and get a costume
better have a hand drawn picture of a dragon dildo inside of it
Don’t agree at all with what he did, but I wanna see what he says
jannies, please allow this LARP until it's proper conclusion. thanks!
Just post the letter "he sent" so we can read what you wrote .
You won't post anything you nigger
Wanna point out that the hook present in the "O" on OPs time stamp is also present in the alleged letter from Tarrant.
This would indicate that this is indeed faked.
fucking share his wisdom
I just noticed that, thank you
>I will have to hide them from the guards
Don't they read all letters?
He writes like a fucking third grader.
Fuck off we know it's fake.
Your handwriting matches the note.
Well russians do.
This is fake
>do not forget your duty to your people
They haven't broke him
>he can send letter from prison
>"I will have to hide them" good thing nobody reads these letter I send out
Posting in good bread.
>talks about having to hide stuff from guards
>also writes guards will confiscate letter, implying they read it
Fake and Gay
He's probably allowed to have them but the cucked guards can steal shit from inmates they don't like?
I was looking for telltale signs of a forgery too, and that's the first thing I noticed. Probably fake and gay
Today, OP was not a faggot
>that words
lmao the "white master race"
Someone transcript everything in a post
Yeah, the U and P is the same way. Oh well.
Screenshot...include me in it.
thats bullshit
but i believe it
It's real and guards won't find it. It's easy to hide stamps.
You got more proof this isn't you, ivan user?
Yeah but why write “I have to hide it from the guards” in a letter which will be read by the guards?
Oh fuck
>which will be read by the guards?
Is that legal?
Why would he be allowed to have decoration on a purposely bland cell?
The fakest part of this is that a letter from NZ was delivered by Russian post office in less then a decade, or delivered at all.
I, personally, am 1 out of 4 on delivered mail from abroad.
This is most likely fake, but I hope its real
How does he know his Facebook page was deleted?
How else are the guards supposed to find out how he got the stamps to mail the letter they're reading?
did he named the Jew or not
Tarrant's handwriting is present on the weapons.
He's broke and nobody is sending him commissary or pretty stuff?
Someone should buy him some paper and crayons from the prison commissary list
Believe me or not the letter is real
I knew you would say shit like «youhh handwrithenh matches da letta» so here’s an example of my handwriting
I don't think Op wrote it
Is there any speech verifiers that we can put it through to compare the words and grammar of the letter to his manifesto?
While we're here does anyone have a link to the manifesto? Havent been able to find it since like on day after the shooting
>mfw op doesnt post his own handwriting
of course not
I’m calling bullshit him admitting he wanted to hide the stamps is fake and gay the guards go through their mail no way would he implicate himself and no way the guards would have let the stamps slide.
FSB in the thread
You literally just wrote in cursive retard
>The date on the first page isn't all backasswards either
untrue and homosexual
We can email him, then?
Ignore the mossad posters trying to downplay the post,, you know its always hard to post this stuff.
What can we send him?
What can we email him? whats the email?
dont doit user you will be jailed
The date is wrong on the timestamp too.
You're full of shit.
Fuck the government
>english isnt someones first language
im guessing you don't have many friends
When do Russians not write in cursive?
>What can we send him?
Someone should print one of the Saint Tarrant images and send it to him.
>>english isnt someones first language
What do you think Tarrant's first language is? Hebrew?
actually he's writing in a code. the weird halting way it sounds is because he's writing the code in the special order then filling in words around the code to make it look like he's writing a real letter. Almost nothing he wrote meant what it meant.
But why do they use greek proxies blyad?
>implying NZ would allow any mail in or out of his cell
>or that russia would allow it to be delivered.
Kiwi cunt here, Never in my day's have I seen that type of blue stamp, it's the real address. However, how the fuck would Brenton know the address of the Prison's Albany P.O box.
And we don't have 5 number zip codes, they're only 4 in Auckland.
Only morons would believe this when there is so much pointing to it being fake.
Literally match OPs timestamp to the letter.
It's morning of the 13th in Russia, dumb faggot
Sun rises in the east before it does on our sweet land of burgers
This is Moscow time, fag
If it's not fake, then good on you user. It is actually considered service work to write letters to inmates. They get very bored like he said his cell is all grey. Seems like he wants a friend. How nice of you
>>implying NZ would allow any mail in or out of his cell
Perhaps it'd be illegal to not allow him private mail. Maybe some user from New Zealand can illuminate us.