Why are Hispanic women so much more loyal and loving than white women?
P.s. can any Portuguese posters explain/translate
Why are Hispanic women so much more loyal and loving than white women?
Gavin Diaz
Ayden Nelson
IOTBW Halloween 2019
early reminder to print out posters, order stickers and get a costume
Joseph Jackson
Browncel? Is that you?
Jayden Walker
Cooper Cooper
Julian Thomas
Because they are not. My ex-Cuban wife was a cheating whore, so I divorced her!
Ian Rivera
White is smarter, Latinas cheat for being completely stupid
Benjamin Roberts
>white is smarter
>90% coalburners
Evan Edwards
Its a wedding and the wife is dancing as cringe as possible. They are dancing most to funk(non-wh*the music). Im sure he's going to get cucked.
Thomas Gonzalez
>Why are Hispanic women so much more loyal
They aren't