
Is it odd that the FBI designated people who believe in conspiracy theories as potential terrorists, shortly before the take down of double chan and Epstein's 'suicide'? Are we all terrorists now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what the hell is a conspiracy theory extremist

Also red flag checks and all sorts of normalization of authoritarian red tape measures.


you are because you're here that makes you a bad guy now

this is absolutely not a coincidence

>Is it odd that the FBI designated people who believe in conspiracy theories as potential terrorists,
hell no they have to keep their job descriptions relevant, if they can't try and entrap internet fools they have no jobs, they hire the mass killers so they can continue to have a budget

This is getting scary

No one believes them. People know they are guilty as fuck.
This is how low they are sinking.

People are waking up to the Israeli problem, and they are getting everythiing in order to maintain their hold on power. Wont be long now...He'll they even made it illegal here in the US to be critical of Israeli, not the people but the fucking POLICY. If this doesnt wake you up, nothing will...

today im gonna teach you guys how to do a proper front-side 180 kickflip while I lay some facts down about what REALLY happened at Sandy Hook

someone who asks too many damn questions and gets their jimmies in a twist! now go back to work for ZOG

>don't think or discuss alternative "facts"

>yaron steinbuch
fuck jews and fuck israel


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anyone who does not put 100% trust in MSM and government. anyone who thinks that the police are the only ones who are capable of administering justice.

*are not the only ones.

Hello sir. We'd like to ask you some questions.

They are going to start throwing people who don't blindly accept everything they are told at face value in Guantanamo. Patriot Act = NO TRIAL reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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and what really happened sandy hook was adam shot everyone

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>Is it odd...

Careful bud you sound like one already.

The FBI is mostly jewish terrorists
what now, guys?

Provide a link to a government website that contains this document. Or was it just a ((leak)))? Otherwise, some shills made this up to deter research into actual conspiracies.

The "memo" is probably just as fake as Sandy Hook was.

we're already running a background check on that guy. we backtracked him. HES POSTING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE

>conspiracy theories as potential terrorists
pure coincidence

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Epstein isn’t even a conspiracy theory. It’s legitimate questions. Like ‘why was he taken off suicide watch?’ ‘Someone needs to be held accountable for him being taken of suicide watch’ ‘we need to look at every one in the prisons financial records and the records of their family. Clearly something went very wrong. And it’s a clear minded person who could question such a far fetched lame story. I mean, if these were my teenagers telling me lame stories about the camera malfunctioning and some clerical error and over worked prison guards as a reason to why my most valuable possession is now worthless, I would ground them an extra month for making up such a bad cover story.

I was going to mention that, especially in light of everything happening with's part of it and ties together too nicely

Kek!! I didn't even see that, just pulled the screengrab

I feel like things are going to start accelerating really fast. It's kinda frightening, but also exciting.

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>people who believe in conspiracy
The bad actors spreading the conspiracy theories to demoralize and destabilize the West don't actually believe the lies and propaganda they're peddling. Yuri was right.

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Nope it was on CBS yesterday, I was flabbergasted but too black pilled to then make a thread; and forgot all about it. Look up Yahoo news, the original source, which CBS quoted and discussed. The FBI basically says that Trump May be investigated for his language, as well as anyone on the Internet. Even the supposed Norway mosque shooting is already being used as another example of this grave right winger threat, the final straw for me was the usage of ISIS supposedly lowering in threat, juxtaposed with a rise in domestic mass killings... as though the gang warfare occurring on our streets is at all domestic...

yes of course it was to take down Qanon on the brink of declassiftying the docs

IF they are conspiracy theorists then what is the threat?

you can always some funny business is going on when the media picks up the conspiracy angle very quickly. sort of like the whole Pizzagate thing.

The fbi needs to be dismantled.

Question 1. Where exactly do you put your front foot?

Officially, there was a guard who wasn’t even a guard and wasn’t on duty so we are already officially at conspiracy according to the kosher-approved narrative. If that makes telling the truth terrorism, I think we all know who the real terrorists are (hint: they are circumcised)

I'd still fuck her, even if she is a commie

The FBI is a conspiracy.

They have all sorts of AI and monitors on social media to gauge public sentiment. When they realize that there is no stopping the shitstorm, they tell their shills to turn coat and pretend like they never offered any resistance to the theory. The shills then attempt to steer the conversation back in a favorable direction. These NIGGERs are all about controlling public opionion. It’s outrageous that our government is allowed to do this and equally outrageous that we have not passed laws forbidding corps/“ngo’s” from doing the same.

>take down Qanon
Over 2000 drops and not a single one came true. I can't believe anybody was stupid enough to fall for this limp-dick bullshitter.

Jow Forums bad


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The fbi is the long arm of the globalists. One day there will no longer be an fbi and people will have a better quality of life. I hate those shit heads so much more.

It's afraid.

Bottom one looks like it is washed and that is plastic siding. Still not as compelling as the WTC 7

ironically if you censor the internet it would red pill more people in more then one way

1. no more lefty propaganda
2. censorship is bad

Ever since obamanig legalized propaganda

We terrorniggas now

YOu are full of shit because

1. They already do that. Note non existence of Alex Jones online.
2. The FBI are working in the criminalization of conservative theories on the Internet.

It’s way beyond that. Propaganda is the outward facing arm of the operation. They have to first understand he influence networks and distribution channels that counter messages as traveling though. They also need to know the general mood of the public and how the public is responding to something. There is a lot of computation, automated text analysis and influence network modeling that goes Into this. This helps them “tune” their response so the government always can gain upper hand on insight and credibility during disturbances. It’s one of the most repulsive authoritarian things that the US govt does but you would never know about it unless you looked at some academic research on social networks and instantly realized that governments would be huge beneficiaries of it.

Here’s how some of it works in miniature.
Governments have this data being processed in real time. Think of that dot that people post on pol that is supposed to be a fear index. Well that’s what the US government is capable of but they can zoom to neighborhood level and integrate many huge data streams. 1984 is here and if we don’t break the back of this beast we will succumb to it. Fuck the military and our lettered agencies. They are all in on it.
Don’t think that this stops at journalism. Since they’re “just listening” they don’t need a warrant or anything since the data is in the public domain. Fuck DHS and the niggers that are part of it.

No. Before the internet, very few people were red-pilled. It took years of those 1% of the people constantly posting on hundreds of websites before the alternative story became mainstream.

There was a time when someone showed me the list of US Ambassadors and almost 100% of them were kikes. That was information that would have been hard to find without the internet. Before the internet, only the MSM had a voice. Now everyone of us do. We may have our messages only read by 100 people on an individual thread, but if what you say is compelling then those 100 people might tell 100 more and it goes viral.

Basically, your audience is as big as you make it yourself. That's the power of the internet.

Have a meme that serves as a good example of my point. One post that went viral and got into the head of the man on the left of the picture.

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Did the trannie in the pic off himself?

>fraudulent fractional reserve debt based fiat system slavery
>plutocrat plan to wipe out 99 % of humans when AI/robotics come online
>Alien technology and contact
>one world government controlled by the private banking cartel
>all wars are fake to extract money from the system
>100% data storage and AI tracking of online activity and communications
>all corporate media is 100% propaganda to keep you asleep

the truth is dangerous to the establishment so they need to shut it down.

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The matrix is a psyop in and of itself.

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Chad Muska must be stopped

>Conspiracy theorists terrorize the government
>Not the people
>Government is defending itself from terror, from people

Are we just big ol' bullies Jow Forums?

people who can remember things

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>Are we all terrorists now?

God, I hope so.

If the internet pose such a threat to the establishment, why hasnt it been banned or censored as fuck yet? Why even give us a platform?

That was just Arizona branch. It doesn't extend to the whole bureau.

It's nothing new. Have you read the southern poverty website?

They think everything is terrorist

A fucking possum is probably a terrorist to them

Pretty sure flat earthers are even on that list. I know sovereign citizens are though they made a new subtype called paper terrorists for them where basically if you're super obnoxious and clog up the legal system but don't actually pose a violent threat.

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one who uses violence or intimidation for political influence
>conspiracy theory
a confirmed hypothesis shared among multiple inquirers, that is tested by multiple inquirers
I feel bad for the feds who grew up determined to make an impact on the world. I'm sure you guys worked very hard.

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>we need to find a way to turn animals into terrorists think of the budget increase we should dedicate our existing budget to fund these kind of ideas
fbi is a joke

This. All "conspiracy theory is bad" speak is to guard against right-wing awareness fueled by growing criticism and skepticism of Israel and Mossad.

Sad thing is Trump admin is locking down social media under the guise of protecting us, but in reality anti-Israel, anti-Likud, BDS-leftists factions are being shut down.

We are accelerating quick fast into a place where the US and Israel are synonymous, that's why Ben Shapiro eclipsed Milo and Jow Forums and anyone else who had real things to say. Alt-right meant anti-neocon, Trump got elected on this platform, Trump isn't a Hawk like McCain and Graham, no, he makes Kushner do covert KSA deals that destroy Iran before we okay a stealth strike to implement Greater Israel.

Harvey Weinstein, Brad Grey, Jeffrey Epstein all fell on the sword to bring in this shift. Netanyahu will remain in power because he ordered this brush fire. Sheldon Adelson is the Trumpian Soros. They don't do subversive content, they are more brazen. Is it better? Probably not. It simply takes Jow Forums more time to parse. Trump and Barr allowed Epstein to be kill. Now they blame Clintons and not Mossad. War was not the answer, fog of war and money is the answer. Evangelicals think Trump is building the Third Temple, they are buying gold coins with Trump and King Cyrus's face on it. This isn't on Fox News. It's not even on Jow Forums. We are sold out. We keep the guns, we lose everything else. Frog boiled. JaVanka at the stove.

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I remember that. I skipped high school that day (which isn't special caused I skipped all the time) Anyway, CNN was only choice for cable news then. I had it on. Been watching this showdown for a long time. It was appalling to watch but it woke nobody up. You had newspapers and cable news back then. Internet hadn't even really took off yet. We've come a long way.

This needs to be a copypasta. Perfect summary of current events.

Free thought that doesn't fit the official narrative is terrorism.

>No. Before the internet, very few people were red-pilled.
True and not true. Before the internet, you had millions of Americans, and millions of Christians and Catholics, who were not only redpilled but had millions to fight J influence. They built publications and communication channels that intently were private but not secret. They had huge information awareness, dedication, influence and power. Charles Lindbergh wasn't an outlier, he was mainstream for his day. McCarthyism was a full blown manifestation of a war for America, that the """media""" and """Hollywood""" totally revised into sensationalism.

Losing control of media, lack of investment and advancement in culture in favor of history and economy, was the biggest downfall. Optics usurped facts, and evil deals in perception over reality. It was maybe unavoidable. But don't discount that pre-Internet, the redpill was widely dispersed. That's why the ACLU, SPLC, CFR, TRC, and ADL sprung to prominence.

It's easy for Jow Forums to say we are leading a charge, but we are in the losing corner, whereas pre-Internet redpillers were at an even standoff. We currently have the Internet advantage but that's it. Public and private culture is lost and in sway. Israel infiltrated private church discourse using operatives like John Hagee and Jonathan Cahn, who have millions on reserve to turn Evangelicals into crazy prophecy obsessed Zionists. Fox News has moved incredibly Leftist and totally soft Zionist, and Drudge is literally a daily step toward Zio rule disguised as a fair Culture War.

Best of times. Worst of times. America is becoming more like Israel, less a nation than a diaspora of people, while Israel is becoming more like a super power, a nuke protected "white" nation united by ethnic theocratic foundation. Trump, Clinton, Huckabee, all lurching forward while we puzzle piece our decline, imho.

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Wew lad

your imagination fight between what religion is right is just another trap to keep your mind misdirected. The truth is there is no god, and religion is just a tool to control men's minds.

Right, the autistic looking fuck who probably couldn't hold a gun strait, deadass got the high score, yeah mmhmm. Of course!

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Literally anybody that questions the government especially white males

I didn't endorse any religion, but like it or not, a Christian America versus a Zionist run world is the chessboard. And the latter is winning bigly. It's no cohencidence Ivanka and Chelsea gave birth to tribal kids and Huckabee married his daughter to a Sanders. I don't have a divine dog in this fight, but as an American, I don't benefit from a Zio takeover tightening its grip.

That doesn't mean religion isn't important to a society. Maybe God isn't real, but if good acts are done in his name and the community is stronger because of it, then all is well. That is, unless the religion causes undue complications.

lol We're so not terrorists, but they must've had their reasons. Maybe by calling up chan, they get to involve other resources?

>see apocrypha


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FBI is no longer a legal organization. They've gone rogue and work for their wealthy criminal masters.

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger. We’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics’ show that there are at least 12 dimensions. And now that’s what all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, ‘it’s a false hologram—it is artificial.’ The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected, and gravity’s bleeding-in to this universe. That’s what they call ‘dark matter’. There’s this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension that just turned over the most horrible things—it’s what it resonates to. And it’s trying to get up into the 3rd dimension—that’s just a basic level consciousness—to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up at the 5th/6th dimension, consciousining (sic) our best people. But there’s this big war trying to basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will. And there’s a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evil’s allowed to come and contend, and not just good. Which is kinda like a false transmission, because what they’re thinking is that they are is ugly and bad, projecting it onto themselves, instead of believing ‘no, it’s a human test about building us up.

And so, Google was set up, 18/19 years ago (I knew about this before it was declassified—I’m just saying I have good sources) that they wanted to build a giant artificial system, and Google believes that the 1st artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity, with billions of people wired into it, with the internet of things. So all of our thoughts go into it.

Have we proven that it's possible. Worse yet, have we become that?

allah akbar brothers

>tfw the abyss stares back at you so long it gets sick to its stomach

Nothing will change until the average citizen is starving in the street.
