So after looking at Chris Cuomo's instagram...

So after looking at Chris Cuomo's instagram, maybe it isn't a good idea to fuck with him unless you're confident you could take him.

I didn't know he was such a chad behind the suit and lying on CNN

Would you be able to take on the Cuomo?

Attached: Capture.png (918x630, 790K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I didn't know he was such a chad behind the suit and lying on CNN
Sure thing, Fredo.

This guy walks into the club and smacks your girl's ass and then says "aww that sucks"

What do you do?

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He's like a 5'3 manlet ffs

I already went to his Instagram
And called him fredo
Can’t wait to reply triggered when he gets says something

>nails Chris in the face with a hammer
>no background check

Oh no is the manlet going to slap my kneecaps for calling him Fredo?

This must become a meme. Shillbots should spam his twitter with Fredo gifs and memes.

That boat costs about $350k, btw
It burns roughly $200 an HOUR in fuel

Lifting muscles are garbage in a real fight, generally speaking.

Hes light skinned, just punch him once and he'll drop like a sack of potatoes.

Call him fredo and watch him cry

He needs to be careful fishing.

Why do you think he went all roid-rage on that dude?

Pffft flexing pretty hard for 7lbs

Oh shit, he's got nice muscles. Pack it up boys. There's no way we could make fun of someone with nice muscles.

Attached: kek look at this.gif (400x206, 1.96M)

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Why does? He have. To talk. Like a faggot. When he. Could just. Speak like. He doesn't. Have asthma.

Flounder is covering his gut that is hanging
over his shorts and he has old man boobs

>Never been in a fight
>Ivy League nigga

It’s cool he takes care of himself and does CrossFit but just punch him in the throat and jam your thumb into his eye and you’ll win he’s never been in a fight

He's just been on the roids to bulk up his middle aged manlet frame, its effecting his mood


kek, okay fredo

charge and sue him for sexual assault

nah, italians are just like that, its their nigger dna

>unless you're confident you could take him
what part of pedophiles get the bullet don't you understand?

Attached: race war results.jpg (720x570, 102K)

Kick him in the nuts, then power bomb him through a table

Is that you Batista?

being on trt and having a personal trainer doesn't make you a chad


Meathead guido who's the fredo of his criminal dago family

Attached: DIAMgNWUAAMcoFT.jpg (566x612, 57K)

People with nice muscles are NOT to be messed with.

he's for sure roiding

>this one did not go back
Murderer. He should be ostracised from the community just like big game hunters.

Stop calling him by his old name. He's Fredo

if he wasn't borderline retarded and a nepotism hire, he probably would be pretty fun to hang out with. his opinions are total shit, even for normie standards.

Fredo just stop.

Attached: just fuck it all up.jpg (540x720, 33K)

Fredo is experiencing roid rage


Attached: 1549759673297.jpg (1024x731, 103K)

>tfw your rank in the cult isn't high enough to order a false flag shooting to distract from you getting completely fucking roasted.

Attached: Fredo.jpg (1119x599, 73K)

Big arms do not a fighter make.
He's like 50 tho yah? P good shape tbqh.
Too bad he's fucking retarded.

Fredo do not ever talk about the family business In public you goombah

>I didn't know he was such a chad behind the suit
user, those are gym muscles. Hard, yes. But, small. Lots of reps with light weights. That's not the guy to worry about. You worry about the maximum weight/few reps guy. Looks different. Nothing but bulk. That fucker will throw you through a wall. This crossfit/gym bunny has stamina, but little strength.

Bro, you're 49. What's your diet? Help me out.


I bet he stuck his little fredo chubby in the fishes mouth

he's literally a curlbro, no forearms whatsoever

Good ol' Fish Fuck Fredo

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Is that my boy, Fredo!?

I feel like theres a 50%+ chance that Chris is OP

The Golden One could snap him in two in seconds, kick his head off his shoulders or deadlift his torso off his legs

Attached: golden_one_high_kick.jpg (800x795, 72K)

Let him have it.
Since apparently, it sucks.

Most cia agents are in decent shape.

I can take that faggot. Any day he wants. And I'll go on a bender the night before to give him the handicap. What he don't know is that habdicap is my edge.

This tweet is a attack on his own people. Don't he know that the Italians were in the white supremacist facist team?

Cuomo had me questioning my world views. But this image of the Golden One restored my Nazi faith.

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Forgive me for doing this but your nazi faith was just destroyed again

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Probably didn't even catch it. Too busy vaping and sipping prosecco off camera, little fuckin wop faggit

I mean he looks fit but how big is he? He can lift all day and if he's a 5 foot 1 manlet I could still throw him across the room.

On a side note he also looks like he spends most of his time doing curls to build his biceps which isn't particularly useful in a fight.

Attached: Pride fighting - Don Frye vs Yoshihiro Takayama.webm (480x270, 2.77M)

>gym muscles

>all it takes is a bullet to the head
i mean why would shareblue even ask these questions?

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>Big arms do not a fighter make.

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>maybe it isn't a good idea to fuck with him
why not? what's he going to do, assault you? sue him then.

>how do you do fellow nazi

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What a shock, fabulously rich elite has enough money and leisure time to eat a completely healthy diet, see doctors constantly for every need and want, work out with personal trainers, get plastic surgery.

He's fucking roided.
That + being a guinea is why he is so raged.

Not if he gets a hold of you. Most fights result in grappling

>People with nice muscles are NOT to be messed with.
Fredo's got a flat fish. Spicoli has two babes.

Attached: spicoli.gif (512x284, 1.51M)

What is this nonsense? Just because you're a big boy, doesn't mean you can throw down. Almost all of Tyson's opponents were larger than him.

Please reffrain from using the g-word you fucking racist it is literally the n-word for italians even worse than the f-word

>dont mess with Chris Cumo because he has muscly arms.

Are there actuall adults that sit around and think of the fucking world this way? Like a bunch of 13 year olds on a playground? What do you think Chris Cuomo will beat you up?

Looks like he's on roids

No wonder he gets angry at everything

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Doesn’t being a chad imply that women would go for you over others?
I find him repulsive.

If you ever watch this guy live, it's obvious that he's absolutely on edge, like a hair away from a complete meltdown. Dude is wound.

>Most fights result in grappling
true, i think punching isnt as instinctual as most think. underhooks > upperhooks

Call him Fredo, tell him to his face he ain't gonna do shit, tell him stop acting like a tough guy when he looks like a mutant bug-eyed Ken doll addicted to manicures, and then tell him to turn around to walk away cause I like to watch my bitches leave.

As a little Mac main...

/thread/ who cares about some boomer CNN anchor?


Muscles don't matter. He can't punch you because that's illegal.


I could fuck his wife and any sisters too.

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You guys do realize he's 6'2 right?

I would break that niggers back.

Fredo is ripped baby!

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Its called a gun.

Oh, so that his fetish.

Heel hook.

Attached: minowa.jpg (406x273, 32K)

Bicep injections

6'2 is manlet tier, true chads are at least 6'7

He's a little wog, just scruff the cunt and throw him about, don't hurt him though, he's not the full quid.

>curry and oil on fish
This uncultured swine should never have been let anywhere near a kitchen, you serve this with melted butter, horseradish, capers and potatoes. Fucking Fredo.

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