All of these mass shootings could've been prevented
Why don't womyn understand this
Other urls found in this thread:
Brooke Adams retired too soon
you're not lying
Women would rather have dead kids than not fuck chad, ie abortion.
>implying mass shooting aren't all Alphabet false flags designed to ensnare the (((media)))
Am laffin
her father must be proud
Im an incel and refuse to fuck any other kind of woman other than black women
this. /thread
>Sorry user, I only fuck incels that have guns. You have a waifu and you spent all of your money on anime shit and vidyas so you're clearly harmless.
Why not kill or bully an incel to death like before bully ban.
Why would u want genetic trash passin on genes.
He has nothing to live fir he can man up be ambitious and get one or just get a hooker.
Going on a shooting spree cuz u cant get laid is most pathetic.
Muh master race
I love when people put mercedes logos instead of peace signs
The sick irony of these incel memes is that you would have to be a kissless virgin to think that pussy solves more problems than it causes.
> Women would rather have dead kids than not fuck chad
But taking it anal shouldn't be a problem, right? It's not like she is cheating Chad/Tyrone.
Yes, they could have. By purging the kikes from this country
the best or nothing
But I have animu AND guns!
Mass shooter alert!
wtf are you talking about
nerdy looking outcast white males are a literal fetush now because of this media shilling.
girls love killers
it saves more lives to let the weak incel genes die off than to risk our genetic future on suicidal crybaby bitch sperm
Fucking kek
Guys it's not hard to get laid. Lower your standards. Fuck some puss. Then realize how much of a big deal it's not. Then chill
Dating sites are a good start. Just find some dopey looking lass and ask if she wants to fuck. Every ten nos will net one yes.
I don't plan to and never plan to shoot anyone
I just want a black gf
Kek at this every time
Fuck im trying to nofap you fucking cuck. God damnit
cute face
completely destroyed pussy and asshole + already saggy tits
Fyi I'm not a Chad by any means. You just gotta be economical about getting pussy.
>Every ten nos will net one yes
u must be some sort of fancy lad, its like 1 out of 20 for me
She got really messed up, addicted to drugs, did prostitution, and eventually had a heart attack. Here she is back to being a "good Christian woman" after cleaning up, going back to her cuck husband and popping out a baby.
1 out of 20 sounds about right to be fair. But that one yes is all that counts
lmao fucking this
only when they’re in prison and famous
>Haunted Pussy
No don't
What do you call an incel with a job?
sounds like a good movie get on it hollyjew
And don't get stuck! Just because some whore let you stick your dick in her doesn't mean she loves you. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks lads
socialize the means of reproduction
>suddenly the leftists aren't so keen on communism anymore
But don't kill them! Then you fuck your whole life up for no reason. Just be cool
women dont understand anything and they never will
why should they?
I wonder who is really behind the incel memes desu.
I have *never* seen anyone get anywhere near this upset over no puss puss IRL.
When people think they are in love. They do dumb shit. Don't let emotions fuck your whole life up. Feelings are temporary
>did prostitution
Darn. Wish I'd known about that.
Your waifu is keeping you sane.
Sorry user but I have to use my pussy in a way that is most beneficial to society.
Incels don't care about sex. Hell if they are really desperate for pussy they can go fucking prostitutes easily
Tits or gtfo
That's the Mercedes Benz emblem not a peace sign, retard.
>who is really behind
do I really need to tell you?
Could it be...
I mean while it is true that what they want is the feeling of being loved and wanted, it would certainly help take a load off their mind if they got the sex part out of their way considering it's part of the obsession.
Well, if incels just got laid on a reg basis and weren’t so focused on pussy as a panacea, then they’d focus on something else
That's the Mercedes Benz emblem not a peace sign, retard.
>You know im sorta a graphic designer
Why does anyone need to have sex with an incel? First of all most incels aren't white and shouldn't be reproducing period. We need to stop pushing for recreational sex altogether. Second men should learn to harness their sexual energy into something else, nofap gives real power. Virgins whether male or female don't need to feel ashamed of their status, they can be like modern day monks.
Us incels dont want wh*te pussy
We want that black pussy
Her face is cute as a button
That was back in 2010-12, when she was a coke head. Here is an archive of one of her old ads:
>I covered wars yknow!
>virgins think pussy solves problems
Maybe you're just an enormous pussy for being afraid of nerd virgins?
Found the next shooter
>mfw porn threads get 60 posts and never pruned
the absolute state
Found the whitoid bitch
To be fair that pussy is what brought me into the thread
Nigger alert!
next time I’m at Walmart and see an incel shooter, I’m gonna stick that gun up his chute and bump stock
Fuck you bitch
>when the ass so phat you gotta wear two bottoms
The BLACK woman is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity.
Let’s start by looking at her body. Her body is curvaceous. Her voluptuous shape makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is nubile, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and fertility. She is then covered by her dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of her hardiness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK woman’s demeanor is one of alphaness. She is submissive, yet assertive, and can be explosively emotive. Her demeanor strikes envy into the more timid, prudish races of women(wh*te bitches)
The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her bunda. The BLACK bunda is largest of all the races. As the bunda is the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK woman the most feminine of women. This large bunda is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of WHITE MEN, being able to more than take all the length of the phallus. Its strength insures that when she orgasms, the potent african contractions will immediately draw in the seed of the WHITE BVLL the BLACK woman copulates with.
In total, the BLACK woman expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she receives the entirety of the lusts and desires of her WHITE BVLL without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BLACK woman is the epitome of femininity.
Leave it to a nigger to want to fuck this sweet white ass of mine
do you let yourself be killed if it's just a regular sex having shooter?
On the one hand, maybe it would unironically save lives.
On the other, it feels fucked to cave to pressure under threat of violence.
Imagine if you were pressured to fuck fat femcels because a bunch of crazy bitches were shooting people.
Married incel here, and same
Who cares about mass shootings? Abortion is the problem. 22% of all kids born in US are aborted by their useless mother.
I don't like white women
I prefer my own black women
Wish theyd fuck me though
I think I can live with taking one for the team.
Anyone have pic without the shitty mspaint writing?
Why you scared tho?
Still looks fairly clean.
For a while, Sarah Shine was selling herself on Nightshift in Stockton and she was fucked up. She committed suicide before I had a chance to drive over from the Bay.
This guy already said he wanted to fuck me. He is pushing all of this rhetoric to hide his thirst for my white cock
if you only fuck girls in the ass you are still an incel, and probably gay.
Google image search brings it up real easy, the image isn't even cropped
oh they do but they are selfish and would never help a man who's a fucking loser
women want to take care of a man who doesn't need to be taken care of
Don't hide your thirst for my white ass you big fag
That's not a black woman. That's an amazonian.
I only like black women
Im not gay or a racetraitor you bitch
It's okay to love me you giant homo. Don't deny your thirst for gay white ass
I have some from that set but not that specific one.
Sorry but you're not gonna get blacked by me you dumb blown whore with a gaping wound between the legs
Prostitutes are illegal here
What the fuck is wrong with white boys
Shh my love. I won't judge your thirst for my white cock
We understand. It's just not worth it.