Attached: E6B64D7B-CFC3-4C96-B1EE-52261E2D9B2D.jpg (828x1203, 582K)
You were going to do what white boy?
Kevin Morris
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Sanchez
Submit to Islam
Jace Collins
How do obvious bait thread like this stay up while substantive threads get primed immediately?
Justin Howard
brie larson looks like shit
Charles Nelson
MVSLIM BVLL cucks wh*toid
Nolan Baker
You’re just mad Muslims are better terrorists
Oliver Gomez
I honestly thought that was a butch lesbian
These are white "men"? Pathetic
Isaac Smith
Chase Thomas
This dude probably has 4 wives because he’s very successful and has strong moral convictions
Matthew Brooks
He looks so healthy. No wrinkles on his face for a 65 year old. He's probably never eaten junk food or smoked a cigarette. There's no bullshit in this man's life.
Mason Kelly
stay cucked race traitor
Jacob Torres
This is now a mohamed rafiq thread
Aiden Martinez
Hes never watched porn because he never had time
Cameron Long
Now this is what i call a chad.
Liam Bennett
Ayden Russell
So this was the false flag they tried to pin on infinity chan while it was still down? Sloppy jalopy, mossad.
Joseph Taylor
I don’t want to roll in the mud with the other whites I will take my cute hijabi wife and there’s nothing you can do inshallah
Sebastian Phillips
I bet he's got enough grandchildren and great-grandchildren to fill a village.
Carson Cruz
>norwegian men are the epitome of cucks
what else is new?
Parker Sullivan
> (((White supremacist)))
I can’t even tell wtf it is. Thanks jews.
Alexander Jones
Joshua Miller
I can smell the norse estrogen up here
Ian Turner
Ayden Garcia
shave you
Jose Price
Clearly a butch les
Angel Turner
Lucas Garcia
Angel Johnson
whitoids eternally btfo. nazi's go home
Brayden Ward
N*rdics are not men
Christian Perez
how does whitey cope when they keep losing like this
Jonathan Clark
He only spared his life because he’s a merciful servant of allah
Cooper Bell
Ryan Perez
he is an inspiration to us all. maybe I should look into converting to islam. i'm going to visit my local mosque this week and ask some questions
Michael Scott
Did it ever occur to you most of this board is muslims and shitskins? Why do you think cuck threads stay up so long
Kevin Gray
Adrian Ramirez
if it wasn't before it is now lol. nazi larpers wont dare to show their face after this
Benjamin Parker
Benjamin Green
Hey stupid fucks. We WANT Islam to take over in America. We WANT sharia law. Leave them alone.
Benjamin Hughes
any videos like this of it?
Austin Sanchez
Jayden Gray
> muh based Muslims
Juan Reyes
Carter Hughes
Parker Young
Josiah Butler
Fucking based
Wh*Toids btfo
Elijah Barnes
fake news desu
Alexander Morgan
Why do jews always censor non swearwords that make them butthurt?
Owen Perry
Fucking sad, to be honest.
He tried to what was right and failed. Like Hitler.
Austin Brooks
lol make that your epitaph white boy
>here lies whitey
>they tried
Lincoln Long
Ryder Flores
Imagine thinking you can get your opinion out through violence.
Did Hitler blast into the German parliament to become chancellor? Did he blow up mosques when he was young? No. He rose to power with politics, not unwinnable fights. The most we can do is try to elect people who care about the nation, much like how "we" "did" with Trump.
Samuel Sanders
>my depiction of a Cuckstian crossdresser in the style of a Mongolian cartoon will surely win them over!
Varg is right about many things, just wrong about Christianity (though right in another sense) and how brown eyes aren't white.
Connor Hughes
Greatness in a picture.
Parker Foster
Brown man is based honestly
Brody Parker
Oh my god, is that kid trans? The jawline looks masculine.
Ayden Martinez
Hitler literally organised a massive armed march in Munich, the SA were literally the NSDAP's militant organisation before they rose to power, and they fought communists on the street.
He wasn't even elected, he was appointed chancellor by Hindenburg because he was popular.
Jaxon Diaz
Based and Mohammedpilled
Parker Stewart
No, he posted on Endchan: 8ch is down.
Robert Wood
Is that the lead singer for System of a Down?
Cameron Watson
We are home.
Colton Hall
Kek, good one
Charles Roberts
Frankly it’s still like 6-1.
Jayden Bennett
you don't get to make that choice anymore white boy. wait for a muslim bvll to assign you a place.
Asher Sullivan
Don't concern yourself with nazis, subhuman shitskin.
Carter King
Your country is being assimilated by Indonesian women.
Dominic Lopez
>Because he was popular
That was the point, if you go and rape some women in the mosque alone, you don't get popular, you get jail.
Logan Myers
Aiden Ward
Accelerate. Provoke retaliatory attacks that are undeniably going to be carried out. Someone White is getting fucked, and ebil wayciss tend to stay away from sandniggers. Past cases show the ones getting fucked are always larping leftist white trash like yourself.
Luke Cox
No, only Hague and Amsterdam, etc.
Your country is already a mutt country.
Elijah Turner
Islam Santa actually looks like a cool dude
Gabriel Sullivan
This guy looks more white than the white supremacist what the fuck???
Mason Gutierrez
What about 9/11?
John Sanders
lol what a literal faggot, I bet he had the aim of Randy Stair.
Kevin Hill
Niggers really are the lowest form of life. I can see why you're attracted to the camelfuckers.
Justin Peterson
Brown man more successful in your country than white man because he isn’t raised with shit morals
Leo Russell
Cope, dilate, and have sex, seething reactionary cucks.
Jonathan Stewart
Grayson Hill
I don't give a shit about my country. I await its collapse so my nation can stand again. Your people will be bred out of existence by horny Asian girls.
Chase Sullivan
Get shot
Julian Bennett
I'm sorry, but what exactly was the point of letting this muslim live in Norway?
Grayson Gutierrez
seems like this white guy was jk. just a harmless prank. why don't Muslims have a sense of humor?
Dylan Murphy
Do you know how many churches there are in Islamabad?
Leo Evans
>I shot up a bunch of little controlled pets instead of going for people who allowed this to happen and invited them OMG le based I am saving us!
These shooters are just pathetic retards
Tyler Evans
Good luck trying to we wuz with your Irish and German heritage then, while despite all supposed Indonesian mixing, you won't struggle finding picrel here.
William Bell
So he could demonstrate how chad he is.
Joshua Sanchez
This guy has no excuse, since he posted on Endchan (which literally has a rule saying "no jews") and honoured Earnest.
Ayden Cox
not many
John Green
Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass. Filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own asses get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power
Wyatt Adams
The Virgin domestic abuse victim vs the Chad 75 year old fasting man
Ethan Gutierrez
Lol why for a supposed superior race you whites are getting cucked left, right and center. What went wrong? This must be what happens when you turn your backs on what made you great (Christianity). Now all you have are degeneracy, low birth rates, immigrants cucking you and getting replaced. SAD
Noah Mitchell
>surrendered before he did anything
>old man that made him change his mind "with a pleading look" kicked the shit out of him the moment he put his gun down
bet he wishes he followed through now.
Liam Martin
Weren’t muzzies allied with Nazis? The fuck you talking about nigger
Gavin James
Hudson Clark
There are no Germcucks in the South. All of your cousins live in the North. That's why Yankees are so cucked and godless.
Julian Mitchell
>This must be what happens when you turn your backs on what made you great (Christianity)
Blake Miller
Mason Wilson
That's a chick
Hudson Taylor
Adrian Phillips
wrong, beating up trannys and fags transcends all creeds and religions, two thumbs up
Jaxson Bennett
Am I the only motherfucker seeing curly jew hair? I mean, this is Jow Forums of all places.