Epstein was moved off of suicide watch and hung himself with a regular bed sheet, allegedly.
This nigga woke AF
>muh Clintons
MIGApedes are insufferable
> the point he was blue in the face from asphyxiation
That shit takes over 10minutes IF done properly.
Bedsheets in prison are hang-safe meaning you'll do good to manage to hang yourself on the first try.
>Muh Mossad
Nazi incels are insufferable
you can hang yourself with toilet paper but he wasn't even on suicide watch still so doesn't matter.
This guy is like the albert einstein of niggers
Yeah I imagine if you were to wrap the whole roll around your neck and choke yourself .. maybe.
He’s not even dead though.
Shut up
dumb nig it was with bed sheets
you twist and wet it over and over. twist enough of it and it can support your weight
you can kill yourself with tp
Discord trannies are worthless and less than animal shit
never been to prison, but I thought the sheets were basically paper, no?
trust cnn
wont be long an summer will be over
this. its all so tiresome with these redditor faggots like this guy
Why everybody is ignoring the fact that after the first time Jeff said he was attacked?
Why has nobody stated the obvious? Maybe this was all staged and faked so Epstein could be placed in witness protection in exchange for testimony against the richest and most influential/powerful people on the planet.
like an m80 exploded in a ham lol