Women are subconsciously hiveminding to destroy Western civilization. Why?

This is a controversial subject. Why are women hell-bent on destroying all that remains of the West? In my personal experience, I've noticed that women sort of coast along until they encounter an opportunity to either affirm or destroy Western culture. Given that opportunity, it's as if a hardware glitch occurs in their brain and they path towards DESTROY. Why is this? Please share anecdotes.

This is but one example. Below I shall elaborate on my own anecdote.


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they do it to create a generation of strong men

Men destroyed western civilization when they decided to create a mestizo race and invite niggers from Africa.

Shut up.

I work for a global research company. I write reports and women happen to make up my superiors and are in charge of signing off on work product before it goes to clients.

Since my company is global, they hire global, and many of the report writers are ESL. I see report after report delivered to clients where it's obvious the writer had a scant grasp of the English language, logical ability, and as a result very sketchy work product is often sent to clients.

On the other hand well-written reports in the English language immediately get red flagged by the all women review team and get sent back to the ESL team for them to start over on.

These women will not let any vestige of civilization, from it's poetic greatness, to it's history, to it's insights on art & humanity pass on to clients. They subconsciously kick back these reports and only accept something written by someone struggling to put thoughts together in the English language.

That's my story for tonight. What's yours?


Women always go with the stronger tribe. Furthermore, and this is a tough pill to swallow, they’re RIGHT to do so. It’s up to us to make our tribe stronger, not to change women.

The responsibility rest ONLY with man, but as to your post, think about it. Did man really do that or did woman? I'm honestly asking. Have you retraced the steps? My gut feeling is that doing so would have revealing consequences

Notice how shills have switched tactics recently. Instead of spamming BBC threads 24/7, they are now posting "How do we stop womeon from....", and "Aren't white women the worst", type of threads.

Listen up shill. You will NEVER seperate white men and white women. No it is not white women that are doing this crap you speak of at large. Its 75% Jews and 25% mentally ill liberals/feminists. Most white women are every bit as right wing as most white men. Almost every hot white woman is right wing as well.

You shill tacitcs will not work. You hope that by pasting anti women and anti white women threads constantly that any women browsing this site will be turned off or that they will suddenly start hating white men. It is not going to happen shill.

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Women are programmed to create conflict between men to measure who is the strongest.

They will always rock the boat if it is just smooth sailing.

Going full muslim (removiong womens influence) is litterally throwing in the towel of the competition. (competition -> conflict -> strongest survive -> strongest genes are propgated)

It's in their nature, most of them don't know they're doing it. Think of it like a humanity-wide scale shit test. Ideally it keeps the men strong and on their toes, but Jewish conditioning has ruined feminized and fattened up men so much that they can't really fight back, thus civilization is crumbling. I'm looking forward to the boogaloo personally.

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Thanks for posting this cause you're right AND you're wrong.

Women want masculinity and they go with the most MASCULINE tribe. This is obviously so true from looking around at threads on pol that I need not elaborate. HOWEVER:

Think back over the last thousand years. For the last SEVERAL thousand years women have respected intellect and the masculinity of the agrarian lifestyle of man.

Culture has changed so much since WW2. Women went from respecting men who were traditional (from an Enlightenment or agricultural background) to a preference for what could only be called physical prancing around. What the fuck happened? Is human civilization really only one generation of rap music away from complete deconstruction?

Did fucking rap get popular in Ancient Egypt 30 years before it ceased to exist?