Hopping To Climate Change Convention

That face you make when you are hopping to a Climate Change convention to hear all about why CO2 is pollution and is warming the planet, but you get stuck in a blizzard in Australia.

Attached: kangaroo-blizzard.png (630x521, 421K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: coldest_in_65MMM_years.png (1109x848, 254K)

Attached: simple_concept.png (746x817, 42K)

Amazing how news of record snowfall and the coldest temperatures in decades gets no response

Its amazing havimg watched the way they were allover the so called heatwaves last montn, why would they not show the same enthusiasm for record temperatures ? Surely is cant be because it doesnt fit in with the warming narrative they are
Pushing ?


>what is the mini ice age

Grand Solar Minimum Eddy you mean ?

>plants thrive with more CO2

But that's false, only a fraction of plant species experience more growth under more CO2 concentrations, and that's only in controlled greenhouse conditions

And when plants experience more rapid growth, they also consume more resources. And because the amount of soil nitrates and water table isn't changing in the average ecosystem, plant species compete more with each other. Any plants that don't experience more growth (which is most of them) get starved out by dominant species and the ecosystem collapses, leading to desertification.



Also there's a huge difference between having a high CO2 level in a classroom, and the same CO2 level becoming the global average. The issue isn't humans suffocating to death.

Also, the last decade was the hottest on record. It was cooler 150 years ago:


>hurr durr weather is climate
Holy fuck you deniers are retarded.

But it was hot in Europe!!!!!! That is all that matters!!!!

FUN FACT: Milder winters usually produce more snowfall, not less. The reason why much of the antarctic is considered a desert is because it gets less than two inches of precipitation a year. Look up the meaning of "too cold to snow"

This is because precipitation and snowfall heavily depend on humidity, which increases along with temperature. So as long as it's still below freezing, warmer winters will produce more snow and not less

In the wild nitrates are usually the limiting factor, not CO2. That is why plants respond so well to nitrogen fertilizer. Only with fertilizer does CO2 then become a limiting factor.

Oh shit how could i have forgotton, silly me getting side tracked by record snowfall and cold temperatures in Australia, i really should know better

Question: I searched "average global temperature graph" in DuckDuckGo and found that earliest dates on the graphs are from the graphs begin in the late 1800s. Why is this?

simple ask yourself what CO2 level you would like?

Attached: CO2_chart.png (1851x1082, 58K)

Attached: cambrian_life_explosion.png (817x859, 46K)

Attached: greenhouse_levels.jpg (960x720, 123K)

Ha ha what a load of bullshit strange how AL Gore said our kids would be lucky if they ever got to see snow in their lifetime and you say theres going to be more snow ? Which one is it ?
Im glad you pinned your colours to the mast and said milder winters, care to explain the literally thousands of cold and snowfall records that were shattered in north America the winter just passed and the record snow being experienced in currently in Australia is being accompanied by the coldest temps seen in several decades ?

No he didn't

Snowfall records were made because of the reasons I outlined, milder and more humid winters leads to more snowfall as long as temps remain below freezing


No, "thousands" of cold records weren't set, although scientists have been predicting for decades that global warming would include record cold temps. Look up the polar vortex:


>but it's to haaaaard I don't wanna reeeaaaad......


Fuck Australia.
Fucking faggots

FUN FACT theres such a thing as Solar cycles , going from 11 years is it most regular to 200, 400, 1200 year cycles. I will also mention the Maunder Minimum which went from roughly1650 to 1710 , how tempertures dropped during that period, weather patterns changed bringing mega droughts to some areas and massive flooding to others, coupled with longer colder winters ill let you do the research to see what effect it had on population levels.
Its 400 years since and the sun has dropped of a cliff face in terms of activity , say hello to Grand Solar Minimum Eddy, no doubt warmist will try to move the goalposts and blame it on CO2 but you are full of shit ,there has never been mention of much longer colder winters in your made up bullshit c02 climate change hoax,,this is where you will be proven to be the liars you are.

Except sun activity has been declining for the past 35 years:


propagandist site, created by the inventor of the "97% consensus" lie, as shown here: www.populartechnology.net/2012/03/truth-about-skeptical-science.html

current temperature variations are fully within normal variability, the "catastrophic anthropocentric global warming" is one of the largest mass delusions and frauds, second only to the holohoax

for example, pic related, contrary to common perception sea level rise is constant and not effected by an increase of atmospheric co2

Attached: 1612340_Honolulu_vs_CO2_annot3.png (1067x450, 96K)

Ha ha ha are you trying to tell me last winter in the US wasnt bruatally cold with thousaands of new records lows being set ? Your a liar
Record cold temperature huh but the poles will be ice free ,that sure makes sense.not
Its called a Grand Solar Minimum something this planet experiences on a regular basis that have beeen recorded throughout history and weather events associated also put down in records , its no some made up bullshit co2 global warming, whoops best change that to climate change so we can include anything and make it up as we go along, its a bit difficult when its already been shown to be a regular cycle.
As for the polar vortex ,these are caused by the lack of solar activity , when the sun is active its keeps the relatively flat when its not active the jet streams are free to wander where they want, this is what causes polar vorex and why freezing cold temperature reached down as far as florida last winter.

poo in loo

Liar , strange how your link shows nothing to do with your statement
Declining for 35 years huh ? Looks pretty consistent to me apart from the 1950swhere it jumps up, what notable weather events happened in the 1950s ?
The only obvious decline is around 2005 when activity drops off very sharply , obviously that has nothing to do with temperatures not rising since then.

These warmists are the some of most dishonest people you could ever come across, its amazing how they suddenly vanish when previous solar minimums and the names they were given are mentioned , sporro, wolf , Maunder , Dalton being the last 4