someone please explain how ancapies could possibly exist
I don't understand
US was founded on no roads ancappies. Then jews brought slavery and taxes and nobody was happy.
Roads are overrated anyway , the desert was a great border to keep the niggers out
Pay me $100 USD and I will teach you everything you need to know and answer all your questions.
Sir no listen to >222879067
Sir , i do for 90 , first sir is robbber
Is like to know as well how do a caps prevent the centeralization of power aka “ the state”
>litteral cummunist answer
i guess horseshoe theory is true after all.
whoops wrong reply
Okay, my credentials and I can verify them before Swedanaon pays me the $100 include
>Degree in Economics
>A verified thesis I wrote for my Master's explaining the concept of Private Roads and how it would actually be better than state funded roads
>My Ludwig von Mises Institute, Hayek Institute and Friedman School credentials
>My Rothbard letter of recommendation
What about you?
fuck this guy, give me $500 and i'll tell you everything and let you fuck me for an entire night.
>What about you?
I browse Jow Forums
I live in the jungle
this. Roads should be private and everyone needs to pay a toll. You're using those roads to pursue a personal interest and benefit. Don't you? So why not pay the person who builds those roads that benefit you?
Listen, I know you come from a Communist state, you dumb fucking lowest IQ of the Nordics fuck, but the first rule of AnCap is the fucking exchange must be mutually beneficial and considered a value worth more to be accepted by each party than expense to said exchange.
Therefore, as a kindness, I am offering you the lessong into fucking AnCap for a mere $100 for two reasons: 1). I value the currency and feel spreading AnCap Theory for $100 is beneficial to the School of Thought and worth the discount
2). I value YOU learning what I spent tens of thousands of dollars on for only $100.
This is worth more tbqh.
i know posses the local watersource of your town area, you could purchaise water for 9.99 per mm or pay an exorbinant amount to move ou to a different area using my roads. Got a problem? Have a talk with my McMercenaries.
9.99 ameridollars per 500 ml*
I certainly pay my private army better than yours and they get a pay grade increase for every training lesson they take from my Navy SEAL neighbor who I give discounts to my crops for every Merc in my army he trains and double the discount if he doesn't train any Mercs in your force.
He and I would now like a new well dug. We find it mutually agreeable to share a well and we find a well digger we both like. We pay him to dig it for us, and I'm so satisfied with his timely and quality work, I give him a bonus, while my SEAL neighbor doesn't have to.
I also recommend this well digger to my friends and offer to send some of my Mercs for protection at a very fair rate if he doesn't have Mercs of his own. If he chooses to take my Mercs (well trained by my SEAL neighbor, remember), I simply ask for a FAIR cut of each well. A rate we agree on that covers my Mercs and a little profit for me for supplying my employees at my own risk but something the digger and I both agree on without force or coercion.
AnCap is fair trade for fair labor or fair product.
Whereas you pay your mercs in money, i pay them in money and child sexslaves. CHECKMATE. I currently have supperiority over you mercs so NO DEAL!
>implying you don't want giant low crime megacities with limited immigration and law
>property taxes and restrained markets destroys any possibility of this
its like you statist fags don't want into future
The Wild West was great. Best moment of human existence.
Personally, I think ancaps are idealistic spergs. However, their whole ideology is based on free association:
>You are free to build roads at your own expense
>Charge a toll for use of said roads
>Shoot those that misuse/abuse your roads
>And get shot by those that want to misuse/abuse your roads
Ancap leads to inevitable arms race unless there is broad virtue ethic in place already.
Be more subtle next time.
imagine instead of 60% income tax and 25% vat, you only pay for what you actually use....
i'm going to import all the immigrants i want, they work for less. don't thread on me.
Any state of anarchy is only temporary. Sooner or later the power is centralised.
I hire mercs who don't like child sex slaves, and get trained by my SEAL neighbor. We actually find slavery to be a violation of NAP. We hate it so much, we arm anyone who agrees with recreational nukes and free your slaves and divide your property equally.
are you against slavery if they want to be slaves? i've been thinking about getting myself at least one on fetlife, someone i can smack around who wants to clean and be degraded in exchange for living space and sex.
Rational though exists.
So ancaps exist
yeah but they also commit a ton of crime, and people don't like crime. so they leave. also
>So why not pay the person who builds those roads that benefit you?
That's what taxes ARE you dumb fuck. The people who build the road are already being payed. Tolls just slow down traffic.
1) Poor relationship with father
2) Abuse at an early age
3) Divorced parents
4) Raised by single mom
5) Never/rarely disciplined by parents
Basically, the wiggers of politics.