What is the Third World War going to look like? Who will be the major players? What will initiate it? How will it end?
World War III
It will be terrible but it will end by the will of God.
the end of civilization as we know it
>What is the Third World War going to look like?
Mutually assured destruction.
>Who will be the major players?
USA, Russia, China, France, UK, Canada, NK, Israel, India, Iran, Ukraine, SA
>What will initiate it?
A nuclear ICBM
>How will it end?
The Holocene would be over.
I'm going to guess that Russia will nuke themselves on accident and the fall out will sweep across to Alaska. When Anchorage falls and the state is left uninhabitable the US will suffer trillions of dollars of economic loss. There will be calls for retaliation and we'll declare that Russia incompetency has forfeited their right to own nuclear weapons. Russia will try to first strike us, but we'll EMP them and then shit will hit the fan.
The idea of a world war 3 implies that the second world war ended, which, guess what
It didn't
We're in it
It was the cold war it's basically over fags
WWIIII vs China (Hong Kong, India vs Pakistan) just kicked off
lurk moar
You guys ever think about what will after a nuclear exchange between many countries? The remaining survivors and military won't stop fighting. The war will continue. citizens who survived will join the remaining armed forces for revenge. There will be battles over the wastelands that used to be America and Russia. There'll be battles over land and resources since a nuclear war will bring famine and a decade long winter.
What WW3? Don't worry about it. That'll happen when whites already have been replaced within their own countries.
>What will initiate it?
Based and redpilled. WW2 never ended.
It's coming. They have been planning it for a long time.
>3rd WW
Will be in the whole american continent (North and South). Also, there will be civil war in countries that will have already been in war.
All American continent (North and South) with EU's, Russia's, China's and some Middle East countries patronage.
>Initiated by
A feminist explosive suicidal in Allah's name. MSM will say that she was oppressed by misogynists and that is the fault of all countries with right-wing presidency.
>Ended by
ICBMs, and welcome to Fallout.
nukes have made another world war impossible.
Impossible? I wouldn’t go that far.
sounds plausible. So. Am should not be ignored as a threat.
we've been living in world war 3 faggot
you want to know about world war 4
You're a threat to yourself actually.