Tonight is the second anniversary of the great reawakening of the White race. How do you plan to celebrate, Jow Forums?

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By giving money to israel

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Hiel Heather

The Jews really went after those guys. They totally annihilated them. Does the so-called "Right" even exist anymore?

Why weren't any of those guys doxxed?

>Tonight is the second anniversary of the great larping
Fixed for you

That event singlehandedly killed the not the alt right, but the internet as a whole too. No way I’ll celebrate that march of hate.

What? That was a good shit post that he did. He's just calling them out for being hypocrites.

No, not really. Striker is trying to reform it though.

A lot of them were.

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by deporting all brown people

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by masturbating to my favorite blacked episode

>No, not really. Striker is trying to reform it though.
Good, but sounds really fuckin' dangerous. Especially now.

Watching this video

Two year anniversary of fags in polos larping

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Also daily reminder the reason this event got so much ppushback wasn't because some bitch died or because of muh optics, it was because it became clear white men were organising to fight for their rights, their interests, and their existence and nothing scares kikes more then this

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I never realized so many White men showed up for that. How many were there?

Most burgers don't even know the difference between Right-Wing, Conservative, Republican and NeoCons. They let the left conflate every one of these groups with Fascism.
In Mexico, the left called all Right-wing groups "Corporatists" until they realized the current Lefty president (basically Mexican Bernie) is trying to use corporate money to fuel social programs, with all the lobbying that comes from that, and now they have to backpedal so hard it's not even funny. You need to pull something like this off in America for the average citizen to wake up.

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>it became clear white men were organising to fight for their rights, their interests, and their existence and nothing scares kikes more then this
That's the truth. Everything Jews do, from the feminism, porn, multiculturalism, affirmative action, etc. is to disenfranchise and weaken young, White males. Because White males are their biggest threat.

>Most burgers don't even know the difference between Right-Wing, Conservative, Republican and NeoCons. They let the left conflate every one of these groups with Fascism.
The Jew media calls Donald Trump a White supremacist. They know that he isn't, but normies read that and they believe it.

I Plan to teach 4ch the hulubunge meme
Long Nose Man come to Cave, tell 6 White Cave Man 6 Long Nose Tribe Die in Hulabunga

Six Is to Many, Whan Man Tribe Not Believe.

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Which is why the alt-kike shouldn't have given the far-leftist media a god tier win the next day.

At least one lost his job, another guy committed suicide.

Reminder that those were special ops people larping as Nazis

Some Nazi flags had fold marks from being mailed to the larpers.

Not real nazis

What did they accomplish?

> someone chose to have James Fields run over someone

Acceleration is all I can think of.

Folded flags


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Flags sent in the mail -_- not real Nazis.
Created a fake badguy for the left

Here's something that no one has explained so far - it's well-established that top Virginia officials (including the state's then-governor Terry McAuliffe) were involved in a conspiracy to use the Virginia State Police to shut down the rally. This is already a federal crime called "deprivation or rights under color of law" (1st amendment assembly and speech, in this case). And then a girl died, which makes this a MURDER conspiracy.

And yet, nobody has been indicted for this. As far as we know, Trump's Department of Justice hasn't even opened an official civil rights investigation into McAuliffe and other conspirators.

What the fuck, Jow Forums? Why aren't they in federal prison yet? This is an easy place to start draining that swamp, especially since McAuliffe is a top Clinton associate.

> unlisted
Nice, user, I'd never seen that. Thanks.

Trump is a kike; what's new?

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Remember after polls we are going to have the biggest fucking UNITE THE RIGHT RALLY EVER.

Lets please bring our brothers together on this one frens

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No what killed the Alt Right was the constant backstabbing by Cuckservatives like Ricky Vaughn

Don't forget Anglin trying to get us to dress like little boys with bright red sneakers. The optics shit about getting us to appeal to boomers was so fucking retarded.

>Untie the Right

We haven’t gone away.

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Were the confederacy and nazi Germany similar in any way anyway?

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Not at all. The confederacy was all about free trade, and anti tariffs. Slavery didn't cause the war, tariffs did.

>You need to pull something like this off in America for the average citizen to wake up

Only 3 things will do that that are in the realm of probability
Food shortages
No sportsball

"Adolf Hitler fought for you. And I went and stabbed him in the back. And everybody who fails to study for himself to find out whether what I'm telling you is true or not is helping to do just what I once did.

Stab our own people.

Now how in the name of God folks do you think that we're going to win by stabbing our own people? Those of you who have been in the right wing for quite a while you know how many people are calling me an agent for the Communists and the Jews and it goes all over the right wing. Everybody I know in the right wing is claiming that everybody else is phony, spies, no good. Everybody is accusing everybody else and I think every night the Jews must have a laughing period! I think they get together for a whole hour and laugh at us and we deserve it. Because we are so stupid. We keep cremating each other. You keep wiping each other out."

"We have been losing because we have been preaching facts and dry approach which is lousy salesmanship and will never win the people. We have refused to understand emotional tick, emotional salesmanship.

We have been attacking each other and refusing to stay unified and sticking together while the enemy is tightly unified and works in blocks."

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I sent an email to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard explaining why Jow Forums's support for her has diminished with the closing of 8/pol/.
Because I'm such an evil peace-monger and white supremacist.

Blood and soil, for the good of all mankind!

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Rockwell was nore based than anyone. God we would be saved if he had won. If only that rat didn't kill him

How many incels on one image

No. White nationalists went into public to peacefully protest and the (((mass media))) called them murderers, their lives were destroyed, and good goy cuckservatives sided with the shitskin hordes and jews openly calling for their deaths.

This was the turning point from whitepill to blackpill for many of us. There would be no great awakening. The masses know exactly what the jews/shitskins are doing and they applaud the destruction of anyone who opposes it.



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August 17

(((Deporting))) right

People pissing over optics, especially the dipshit car kid destroyed it though.

See It was singlehandedly destroyed by this event and the idiocy of those who attended who didn't give a fuck about how they presented themselves (e.g. Cantwell).

Compare the turnout at this rally with the next one immediately after. Not even 5% of the same number showed up.

That was a bunch of Jew LARPers.

They really need a proper channel. Apparently that's just a fan's channel. Doing god's work though. Life. Liberty. Victory.


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S on Bill Buckley Jr.’s grave

Is it? They have little intros that seem legit.

Donating to Vox Day and Owen "Kike on a Pike" Benjamin Smith

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that was a bunch of bullshit. i think the majority of us thought that was lame.

we could have saved the white race but Jow Forums be playing

This. It was stupid. The nazi flags were also retarded.

>honeypot event
>local police instructed to let antifa attack (but conversely to immediately crack down if antifa get hit back)
>string up some random who was driving home, got attacked by a belligerent armed mob and a corrupt kike communist judge sentenced him to 6000000 years in prison because an obese leftist woman had a heart attack in his vicinity
>next FBI honeypot doesn't have 5% of the turnout
yeah, people wised up

I would rather not engage in acts of homosexuality as an implicit last stand of white identity thank you very much.

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I don't know (((whose))) idea was that, but that event was retarded.

Based and Redpilled

>This was the turning point from whitepill to blackpill for many of us. There would be no great awakening. The masses know exactly what the jews/shitskins are doing and they applaud the destruction of anyone who opposes it.
I agree. Also, remember, *Conservatives* are no longer conservative. They support and promote the same policies as Liberals - e.g., feminism, Third-World immigration, multiculturalism, support for Israel / Zionism, etc. It's just the so-called Kosher Sandwich. Jews playing all sides, fooling normies into believing that there is a difference.

Assjob from mixed chick.

The publicity got things rolling, but we have slipped back into the underground.

I warned you memeshitting niggers that charlottesville was gonna be a honeypot and now look where we are.

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The biggest, dumbest problems were twofold:
>Absolutely zero vetting for who could show up, and no set rules of conduct
>Holding the rally in the self-proclaimed "capital of the resistance" with extremely left-wing governance and police

If the rally had been held in a conservative or neutral city with competent policing, there would have been almost no drama. The two sides would have been kept separate because the police would have been doing their jobs rather than trying to make the right look as evil as possible.

The guy commented on one video replying to someone saying he was just one guy, not some coordinated effort by the group. Which really sucks. I think they could do well on youtube, if only to get a bit of publicity before getting kicked off. They need to spread out more. Seriously.

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We have to be much more careful in the future. But i think now is the time to crawl back out into the world again. Albeit slowly.

>If the rally had been held in a conservative or neutral city with competent policing, there would have been almost no drama.
THe police were competent, they were just under the control of the ANTIFA governments and politicians of the city / state. Also, the idea was to represent in support of the destruction of the monuments in that area.

Agree. It would have been peaceful and indicated that it'd be peaceful in other Red States and Cities. It could have propagated, but they bet big and went broke. The fucking retards they were, natural selection took its course.

>now is the time to crawl back out into the world again. Albeit slowly.
White nationalists have no institutional power. The Jewish Left control all of our institutions. Even fellow Whites don't support White nationalism. I don't know what will change that. Some people argue that it will take massive economic catastrophes for Whites to finally wake up and become more in-group oriented. Until then, any White nationalism is really fuckin' risky.

>they bet big and went broke.
Ha aha. I'm going to remember that one. Those guys have no institutional power, but they were walking around there like they did. It was a suicide mission from the start.

>People pissing over optics
Yes, fuck your optics. Your optics get us nowhere.

I feel like im one of the few here that think the population is a bit more redpilled than folks think. Im seeing a huge spike in people at the very least waking up to bankers/ the fed/ if not (((them))). I see more anti semetic comments on youtube. I see more speak out for policies that gravitate towards national socialism. Many of my old boomer conservative type friends are now starting to take some real redpills. Boomer conservatism is dying at an astonishing rate. We can't reclaim the nation just yet. Hell we probably won't for another half decade, at the very least. But the fires are rising. I can assure you all of that.

If you don't have good optics you won't win the people's hearts. "Screw your optics" has screwed us all over for years now.

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Yeah, they were glorified clowns telling all the jokes the left wants to hear.

Bu remembering that we still have our statues.

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>another half decade
By that time everything you associate with America, hell all of Western civilization, will be gone.

IRL meetups are always cringe.

Someone couldn’t have ordered a National Socialist flag for the rally? Are we just supposed to have one hanging on our wall at all times?

Is it possible for the right to do their own "long march through the institutions" over the coming decades? Get their own people into key positions of power - city councils, colleges, senate, congress, military and police. That's a long game, though. Also, one does not advance in those career paths unless they are fully on board with the current anti-White policies. Seems like it would be impossible to survive.

"LOL the NSDAP are just stupid larpers, hitler is clearly controlled opposition"

that would be you if you were alive during the NSDAP's rise to power

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>that would be you if you were alive during the NSDAP's rise to power
If it was done before, you'd think that common sense would dictate that it can be done again. But you need the right circumstances, the right events to unfold, and for sure the right man / men to do it.

This was the first step in taking a online movement into the real world, obviously there would be hickups, but the fact so many people just jumped ship as soon as the going got tough is pathetic.

Also my point was that these people will call any irl action larping, because they think that they can save the our race by posting online

also enjoy this lost jem
For context he's a male to female tranny half asian/half jewish antifa faggot.


Hitler had compete control, he killed or jailed his opposition, took jews out of all positions of power, banned all forms of usury and forgave all owed debts, and had complete control of the media in a time when their was no internet, I don't think any of these things could be achieved today.


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the nsdap used to do marches and speeches like unite the right prior to getting into power, they did annual large rallies at nuremburg starting in 1922 a whole decade before they gained power. These rallies were great ways to get their message out and occupy public space to force people to listen to them as the jewish media obviously covered them unfairly at the time (sound familiar?)

These types of rallies have always been and will always be how we garner support, even trump knew that.

No it won't faggot, it'll still be around.

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>the jewish media obviously covered them unfairly at the time (sound familiar?)

they also didn't have a ADL or SPLC that completely controlled the internet, people at the time also knew if they where male or female, and the had a white identity, people weren't afraid of be called anti-semit's or racist. they where fired from their jobs and smeared all over the internet for going to these rallies. if was a different time European peoples where much more conservative at the time, they had an identity, Hitler just said what everyone was already thinking. oh ya there was also no Israel.

by getting good optics.

Why would you assume they weren't?

By making toilet paper a symbol of white supremacy
>white paper eliminates the brown stain on society
>ADL: White toilet paper is racist!
>degenerate libs post their freshly wiped tp on twitter in solidarity of brown people

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haha I see me :)

Are you the one in the Murdoch Murdoch shirt?

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lel is that "Emily" gorcenski

he literally made weapons for military contractors

Why aren't FAANG using machine learning to find these fucks?

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