Lol Chris is a faggot but he absolutely punked those morons who tried to start shit with him and then got all scared...

Lol Chris is a faggot but he absolutely punked those morons who tried to start shit with him and then got all scared and started stammering like retards when they realized he wasn't going to back down and got right back in their face

If that was anyone on the right acting like Chris you'd all be calling whoever it was based and redpilled

Then the guy holds up his fist like he's actually gonna do something like a retard and Cuomo rightfully calls him out on It

Sorry but Cuomo came out actually looking pretty b&r

This video just makes the Trump supporters look like scared pussies lol

>Y-y-you're not very nice in person!!!

Lol yikes

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Other urls found in this thread:

t. Fredo

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Sup, Fredo.

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>not posting vid
OP is faggot

more like chris homo lol

Nice spacing. Enjoy this seasoning

nice cope Fredo

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CNN, you're gay.
Fredo got punked.
The people talking to him were trying to get him triggered.
"I thought that was your name" was not backing down so much as it was trying to instigate him further. He had help, people coming between them. Had the camera poised for Fredo to snap.

Hi Chris. You’re a faggot, also fredo

I agree.
That r/tard pissed himself when Cuomo called him out.
Fraudos new name will stick though.

Cuomo is so thin skinned, he got trolled like a schmuck.

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okay just watched video since OP is a faggot
just your typical hyper-liberal chimping out
again OP is a HUMONGOUS faggot


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How did he punk them? The guy didn't back down and Cuomo looked like a guido faggot

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link newfag?

Cant believe Jow Forums buys into this left/right garbage, I guess it's all these T_D boomers. Why does anyone care about this? If it was a right wing guy in place of this CNN host you guys would all be calling him based. Trash


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op is a fredo. sage.

Hey, it's Fredo the Dago doing some damage control. Fuck off faggot.

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You could hear it in their voices, they sounded scared and surprised Cuomo wasn't the bitch they thought he was they thought he'd be easy to pick on and instead got surprised and tried to play it off like they were the ones that didn't start it in the first place

Thanks for teaching me a new racial slur Fredo Cuomo. I'll be using that shit all day tomorrow

a total fredo!

I actually gained a lot of respect for chris after this. Guy doesn't take shit from punks.

Low quality bait. Get gud

Cuomo is a huge triggered faggot.

Checked. Fredo is fucked

Fredo, just stop making threads. Anyone getting mad at a movie name is over compensating for something. Short guys are like that, small stature, small dicks, small confidence.

Oh ya, he totally punked them.

He went on record saying that the word Fredo is the moral equivalent of "the n-word" , and CNN backed him up.

I'd like to see both of them attempting to defend that position for the next few days.

He should have slumped that commie faggot, essentially the guy made himself look like a cuck and Cuamo made himself look like a typical commie, resorting to violence and anger any time he is prodded. If you're gonna make a stand for the right, make a fucking stand.

nice try, rabbi. still voting for trump. the dem candidates are 1000x worse

He didn't sound scared to me. Sounded plain. Fredo sounded like a sperg.

Why would a 49 year old man lose his cool so easy? It's almost like he's an emotionally stunted teenager.







Cuomo was ready to go, the retards weren't, period.

He looked like he was at some sort of outside ethnic festival. That means he'd been drinking since afternoon.

I like how CNN is blaming the victim and endorsing the use of violence against people because of "hurtful words". I'm sure domestic violence victims would really support that one too.

Okay, Schizo.

Indeed. Wouldn't surprise me if he was doing test improperly, which would increase estrogen, which would cause him to be overly emotional. This isn't normal behavior for an adult male.

Attached: fredo.jpg (267x320, 15K)

Now we know what to call him.

By his true name, Fredo.

t. communist


Nice blogpost faggot. Nobody cares about your opinion.

What video, moron?

no stair toss
wouldn't watch again

>fredo is like nigger
>whop starts chimping out
>right on the mark
just because you got bitched out in the other thread doesn't mean you make another one

Q boomer migatards are a plague on this board. The day of the pillow can't come soon enough

Chris Cuomo is a fucking bitch surrounded by security that guy didn't back down from him once. They guy asked that faggot Fredo or whatever the fuck his name is to take a swing and he didn't end of the fucking story.

LMAO Chris was hiding because his security though. Just a slimy pasta nigger hiding behind his muscle and suddenly goonish fake New York Italian accent.

I heckled Acosta before a Trump rally in early 2016 (the one in OKC where the spic came out with the white KKK shirt) and he just laughed and said he was happy somebody recognized him. His camera crew wasn't even there at the time. CNN was in Trump's good graces at the time though and Acosta wasn't the big time resistance tard he became in 2017 yet.

Acosta was less of a little bitch than Fredo. Can't wait until Andrew kisses him and sends him out to the lake.

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The only thing Fredo did was make Italian people look like punk miggers. There were no punches thrown no guys flying down a stairwell nothing.

Spamming hard to day. Credo got rekt and shrieked Kike a girl.

As long as no one investigates Epstein's friends, Cuomo is good. So please folks, I'm begging you. I'm down on my hands and knees begging you. Please do not investigate Epstein's friends.

Fredo pls go

If anyone investigates Epstein's friends, Fredo will personally (threaten to)throw them down a flight of stairs.

Shit just got real, folks.

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Cuckmo may have acted like a neurotic fag, but the other guys voice sounded shaky and nervous. He was acting like a total pussy. Can’t believe you faggots defend him just cause he voted for zion don
>I-i thought it was your name

You don’t think veritas has tried this with him?
He’s an actor, he’s acting.
He’s getting out of dodge before shit hits the fan.


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Fredo isn't even aknowledged as a racial slur. It's based on a fictional book, for goodness sake.

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whose Chris? I only see fredo

they were pissing their pants and trying to placate hard. Like retards in high school who thought they were going to get tough guy points by bullying someone and then got a surprise when that kid was ready to throw down

it-its j-just a p-prank bro

>white america stops white germany from stuffing jews into ovens
>jews immediately want to replace white americans with brown americans

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I know it's you Fredo

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If they actually were in high school you'd be correct, but seeing as how Cuomo is a 49 year old, well known news anchor, he comes of as an emotionally stunted moonbat.

and everyone claps

Imagine seeing this video and coming to Jow Forums to write a paragraph on it. Jesus OP. Look at your life me dude. You need help.

Fredo comes out every night as holier than though, calling others racist for farting wrong. This video shows him uttering homophobic slurs and devaluing the "n-work" by inventing his own racial slurs. Can't you see the irony?

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i personally think he just made an idiot out of himself.

and i'm pretty sure he is a jew, not an italian.

Nice try faggot.

When Fredo said he would throw him down the stairs, chad took of his shades and told him to do it.

Fredo pussied out like a bitch.

No, he didnt. Look I don't like CNN or Fredo but that dough ball got nervous and started stuttering.

Then why didn't he go? We all know that guy who talks shit, but never makes a move.