Sex before marriage is wrong

Sex before marriage is wrong.

Reminder. Sex before marriage is wrong

Reminder sex before marriage is wrong

Reminder God will not accept everyone else was doing it as an excuse

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People who have high time-preference cannot understand this.

Have sex

If you don’t make time for God then God will not make time for you or hear your pleas on Judgment Day.

But any sin no matter how major can be forgive by God before your death if you just repent.

I’m trash just like most here but I want to send this message
Yes, you can have sex in marriage

God told me jews are liars, and false prophets. He sends me text messages. "Reverse mortgages are a scam, calculate the NPV, can you believe these fuckers? LOL"


If the Church wants me to get married they can start by excommunicating spouses who profane the holy sacrament of matrimony instead of granting pharisaical "annulments" in order to avoid paying even the barest lip service to Christ's flatly-stated teaching. I'd prefer they also start their own bank to keep marital assets away from family-wrecking lawyers and judges or maybe declare a Crusade but I'm willing to start small and trust in the Lord.

God doesn't exist, incel faggot

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What's ok with god? LIKE is blowjobs and anal good?