Can't live with them, Can't live with them

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus divorcing after just months of marriage. If Liam can't keep 'em, who in fuck can?

inb4 she's fucking side chicks for months now, which probably triggered his self respect to bail out.

Avoid twats.

Attached: fuct.jpg (770x470, 43K)

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He mogs her

Gas them
take their assets

Captain save a hoe right there just realized he was trying to restore an oldtimer that's not worth the effort. It's just that he was sentimentel about his time being with her and believed he could turn back the clock reforming her, but she's too far gone.

Bitch has haircut like some 90s skinhead girl from Birmingham lol

Why he ever thought Miley was a catch is beyond me. She wasn't even the hottest girl in her own show.

Even giga-chad cant tame the turbo roastie

Miley has been dating him for over 10 years.
Apparently she lost her virginity to him.
The last time they broke-up was what triggered her to twerk at the VMA's and become a degenerate whore.

Then she remarried him and tried to "settle-down," now she is degenerate again as of a few months ago; I expect her to double down with the degeneracy with new music.

Attached: SelenaLindaMorph.jpg (547x547, 59K)

he made a mistake thinking roasties are redeemable

he made her that way look