how do we stop the "white incel" problem that is effecting america today? i'm sick and tired of all the mass shootings committed by these fuckers
How do we stop the "white incel" problem that is effecting america today...
Stfu faggot
Most incels are lefties your memeflag and made up wall of text won’t change that
Incels don't exist it's another feeble attempt to socially engineer America in the desired directions of outlawing dissent and civilian disarmament all under the pretext of dangerous white boogeymen who can't get laid.
Definitely there appears to be an archetype but only 53% of mass shooters are white. On a per capita basis you are actually more likely to be offed by someone of different extraction.
The issue of white terrorism is a media creation, whether the result of an anti-white agenda or simply the product of the media’s shared, blind ideology borne of privilege I don’t know.
They are mostly Jewish by the way.
they all wear glasses
>Responds to any negative news where the perpetrator is white by stating that the perpetrator is in fact jewish
Because the perpetrator usually is in fact jewish.
>last name Cruz
really makes you think
>conflating incels with the fags posting IR porn
Help them get laid. Simple as.
Incel forums are incredibly welcoming of all races. They're especially sympathetic to Indians and Southeast Asians.
how does this work if you arent an ugly kike?
>how do we stop the "white incel" problem that is effecting america today?
>legalize prostitution
>allow doctors to prescribe prostitutes for mental health benefits
>make (((insurance companies))) pay for it
I thought at least 2 or 3 shootings was an actual Jewish person. Which is higher than their proportionate population.
> They're especially sympathetic to Indians and Southeast Asians.
Keeping them around is a constant reminder that as bad as things are, they could always be worse
Mandatory annual psychological evaluation for every white male aged 16-25. Those showing signs of inceldom sent to secure re-education camps for the safety of themselves and others.
jew was adopted
Give them money for hookers??
This isn't rocket science dude.
Based. OP is just cherrypicking from mainstream news cycles.
welfare prostitutes is a civilizational goal
Nice narrative. But what are you going to do if one day it actually becomes real?
Niggle me this, OP : What's 13 but also more then 52?
It's the perfect job for women who want to live their lives childfree. If they're not going to bring children into this world at least they can stop an incel taking a bunch out. We've got the most virtuous whores, don't we folks?
No, they can pay for their own damn pussy. US spends billions on healthcare and is already unhealthy, don’t encourage THOTs.
They just need to man up and marry a femcel, it’s what ugly people did for centuries before the internet made everyone think they were special.
I actually specialise in de hymenusing femcels and can tell you, weird texts years later aside, they can fuck.
You sound like the type of person who would pimp out their children to 1/3 of your friends. KYS
Tits or gtfo
The white incel problem will not be a problem any more once whites kick out the Jews and have countries of their own again. When we were majority white we had tradition and community. People were safe and there were no shootings.
The so called white incels have just been ostracized and pushed too far by our evil Jewish society and is the reason they lash out, eventually as things get worse and worse the entire population will lash out. Weimar problems are what cause Weimar solutions.
Where do I find the femcels
What would they do with their psychology to ensure women choose them for sex?
Close the ADL and AIPAC.
You know, when I was young it was only post office workers. Then fucking Columbine happened.
Fuck, I miss the days of people "going postal."
Also, N-words kill more people in a weekend than every white mass shooter in a year, but OP is a stupid fucking degenerate waste of human flesh.