Tourist desecrating Bali shrine

Why do these chink tourists look funny ?

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How is this "desecration" of a shrine? What is the flowing water used for?

All they did is use water to wash her buttocks. There's nothing disrespectful or damaging to the shrine...

why marge i believe its for scratching your ass

Das rite J*poid we can pee pee poo poo on your grandma and there's nothing you can do about it

I put sugar in my green tea when i go to japan.

The water is from a sacred natural source and is used to "purify" so you can pray at the shrine.

It's like someone spitting in the holy water in a catholic church. This is desecration.

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lol, that's pretty bad. You'd just look trashy or retarded though.

失礼な!!!!!!!!! >:^(

>The water is from a sacred natural source and is used to "purify" so you can pray at the shrine.
Exactly. It's used to "purify" or ablution; the ritual washing of your body parts. It's used to do exactly what these tourist did.
>It's like someone spitting in the holy water in a catholic church. This is desecration.
Wrong. This can't be compared to Holy water because Holy water has been blessed and is stored for use for ceremonial/ritual use. That shrine is a flowing natural source where the water falls on the ground after being used for purification.

>Exactly. It's used to "purify" or ablution; the ritual washing of your body parts. It's used to do exactly what these tourist did.
There are fancy baths you can go to to wash your ass with sacred water. Not there. That water is to wash your hands.
>This can't be compared to Holy water because Holy water has been blessed and is stored for use for ceremonial/ritual use.
The water is blessed you shitbrain.

That's some nigger tier behavior

Australians I'd bet

She should be publicly whipped on those round buttocks as punishment

You should commit to Sudoku

Fuck off nigger. It’s fucking water. It H2O. Purify my nutsack you colossal faggot.

They look North European

No it's the equivalent to pissing in the river jordan, which happens EVERY DAY. Actually not even that, it's equivalent to swimming in the river. Holy water comes from the river Jordan. The natural source is sacred but it isnt that easily desecrated

I don't give a fuck about your religion, hate me all you want =]

chinks would have carved their names into the shrine.

Theyre brits, arent they?

You think that's bad I walk while I eat and then throw the rappers on the ground in front of the elderly.

Just stay in America you FAS baby.

>throw the rappers on the ground
Nah. You faggots fear blacks which is why you take it in the ass from them.

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It washed chads seed off of her ass and the water landed and splashed all over everything.
The shrine is now forever impregnated with chads seed.

Bali is truely a massive shithole. That water was probably somewhat purified by running over that roasties arse and cunt.

Its for fertility

I agree and I should be in charge of monitoring the whipping process

That's nothing you fucking faggots.