Why do rich elites love fucking children so much, Jow Forums?

why do rich elites love fucking children so much, Jow Forums?
i mean, you have all the money and power and the world + near limitless resources... and you devote your life to setting up a system that lets you fuck underage boys and girls...? why?
also, 99% of these people are like, old fat haggard men too. like, i get being obsessed with sex when you're a teenager, but these lads look like they need a good hour or two to even get an erection going. what the fuck is the point?

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Because they are insane, living with such wealth not good to mental health



What about the ones being blackmailed?

I think Dr.Pierce gives a pretty good explanation: (would post the Youtube link, but this got shoahed last year):


WARNING: The editing on this video (not his obviously, he died in 2002) is a bit much, definitely turn your volume down, but his analysis is on-point.

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young blood gives them strength. either that or normal sex doesnt do it for them anymore

perpetual vice breeds stranger habits and even stranger tastes. young children are small and easily manipulated but also physically weaker and simple to throw around the room/bed.

it's a power thing, mostly.

It's some sort of Judaic ritual/tradition. I'm not clear on the details. Jews by nature are extremely perverted and have no moral boundaries. That's the reason they're able to cling to power so easily.

It's the exact same phenomenon as how NEETs desensitize themselves to porn by jerking off all day until one day they need such extreme stimulation to get off that they're jerking it to futas in diapers.
The only difference is that NEETs have no money so they fap to pictures, whereas rich people with infinite money can purchase whatever sexual act they want IRL.


have fun

Most of them are cokeheads and degenerate in general
Being fuck you rich often makes you chase highs no matter the morality

All of the Occult rumours you heard were in fact true and practiced more likely than not. People keep making mistake that the current 100 or so years of "rationalism" was and is the norm. That's peasant thought.

It's because it creates a bond, that you can use to black mail each other. So basically one guy steps out of line than you release the CP

to appease their demon god, Moloch

duh.....Moloch requires child sacrifice. In exchange, they get riches and wealth.

This has been known since Ancient Times.....

>i mean, you have all the money and power and the world + near limitless resources... and you devote your life to setting up a system that lets you fuck underage boys and girls...? why?
Look up the hedonic treadmill user.



I hate every last one of you laughing at the kids stuck in ICE detention centers.

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they start off with underage girls that can pass as of age.
Once they have you on film fucking a 16yr old they can make you go deeper and do more and more fucked up shit while recruiting your friends and acquaintances who have no idea you are about to fuck them over.
Why would you fuck them over?
Because you don't want THEM to make a call to the higher ups at the news networks that have already been blackmailed and get them to run a story on how fucked up you are.
Thousands in all walks of life are compromised.
Its a real blackpill to realize this.
You will never know who is behind it at the highest levels, you'll just see their pawns busted from time to time.
>They say when good men do nothing, evil prevails... what they should say is, evil prevails.

Let's ask them.

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>secret club mentality
>being “above the law”
>must participate to get let in
>access is made available easily
>justify it with age of consent laws in other countries
>way more connections
>MKUltra girls are probably amazing in bed

Pick any of the above

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Literally everyone is a hebephile. When you're rich and powerful enough to get away with it, the temptation becomes too strong


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This is why...
Alex predicted this, and no one listened.

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>break law
>get imprisoned

Look up Sex Magick, user. Elite believe in mystic rites and a child's anus is a stargate portal. It's fucked up and these people need to be slaughtered like pigs.

Mind control.

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When you have everything you have to fuck children and do taboo shit to get off. These people deserve the rope.

Why do you think Trump blamed Video games for the shootings?
Does Trump know something more?

That kike just claimed he was killed by the chinese.

it's not the sex, it's that they can get away with it and flaunt it in your sheepish face

What do you think China has been working on?
China has been working on AI!
Who is the real group in control?
Who is Biden, and Hillary connected to?
The Vatican and Israel is a small part.
What is the land of the Dragon?
Who built the great wall of China? Because I will tell you now it was not the Chinese, it was the Greeks who built it to keep the chinks out because they wouldn't stop their spice and silk rip offs that were bankrupting the Mediterranean states!

If you spend long enough jerking off and edging to porn eventually you'll get to a stage where you're holding off on finishing only for the sake of finding the perfect image or moment in a video, the most alluring one, specifically to maximize the erotic potential of your experience.
This is a very human experience, one might almost say that it applies to basically everything.
I think people who pursue power experience that feeling in regards to power itself. This class of psychopaths is addicted to reaching the highest heights, even long after power itself has already conferred the peak of material comfort and potential. They just keep going because that's a manifestation of the particular habit of fixation that simultaneously enabled them to get to the top in the first place.
When you get addicted to dominance like that, it stands to an odd sort of reason that you'd inevitably arise at raping kids. The same reason NTR fetishists like the idea of the husband watching and miserable but being incapable of doing anything, these elites enjoy that the world is being humiliated by basically being their sexual dumping ground and by the fact that humanity itself is incapable of rescuing its own children from these trafficking pipelines. It's probably among the most complete manifestations of power possible.

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Because why not?

>hur dur not the jews

Have you read the stories of Alexander the great?

you know when you beat a game and start fucking around doing crazy shit? It's like that

Fuck off kike.

Because they are jews and or satanist/occultists

Wait are you a Q boomer who believes that Alex is MOSSAD shill?

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After you've had everything you wanted, all the hedonistic desires, fulfillment of goals, high society perks and luxuries, done every drug you wanted of the utmost purity and quantities, and had the feeling of controlling masses of people, on an international level, behind the scenes all these elites consider us a lower species that they herd like cattle
After you've had the feeling of all those experiences, the only things left that seem interesting are increasingly violent, bizarre and sick sexual exploits.
Behind the scenes in their deep secret societies they share the experience of owning human beings as objects. Total slavery, brainwashing, sex slaves, and just their playthings they can fuck, torture, kill, eat, whatever they want, in any order.
Doesn't even have to be sexual, but most of it probably is.
The men most likely purchase little girls orm
boys that are raised as slaves who are totally unknown to the world, no identity, and trained to engage in obscene sex acts with their adult masters, or with each other for their amusement.
The ultimate pinnacle of their power and wealth is to own these broken souls who know nothing else. There's a massive trade and trafficking network. Lots of moving pieces, agents, brokers, facilities, supply chains. Of course, clientele.
Post menopause women, alternatively, exercise their ultimate power by experiencing torture, murder, cannibalism.. I never thought that adrenochrome business was real, but maybe it is a motive for them. Some kind of ultimate drug experience which provides insane sensation or sustinence by which they get to perceive the world in a way we will never even imagine

It's all that's left for them after having everything else the world's got to offer

>why do rich elites love fucking children so much, Jow Forums?
It's about actualising themselves as "gods" and the final arbiter of morality. On a biological level, life is about perpetuating genes. Children are an expression of those genes and represent the future. When you protect children you protect the future. Fucking children is a total perversion of nature. It's like wiping your ass with something holy.

When you have power, real power, the temptation to use it in awful ways is intoxicating. Doing the unnatural act is thrilling. Being able to desecrate nature and natural order is a drug and the elite pursue this relentlessly.

99.9% of them don't do that shit. They just bang hot 20 year olds.

You just hear a LOT about the fucking weird 0.1%% that do.

Amazing that people here never understand simple things.

From my point of view why the fuck do you want to fuck 3/4 year olds, you can have same power with 14/15 year olds but at least they have tits and ass unlike little kids

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Always wondered that too. Like a child is the least sexiest thing. It can't be about sex. It has to be about destroying peoples souls. They are vampires who suck the life out of children.

It has to be because they are or become evil. Fucking disturbing, especially now since I have kids... The boogeyman does exist

I have no direct material evidence, just heresay. Seems plausible, but barring that, I treat it all as theater.

I mean there are better ways to fuck up kids, besides fucking the shit out of them