Firstborn daughter

Just found out my first child is gonna be a girl. I wanted a boy first. How fucked am I?

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Just toss her down the well

Irish twin daisy chain until you get a boy.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Maybe we should think about this logically.....

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Hide your wallet. Those little creeps will take it all if you're not watching.

Not into abortion mate

Not at all. Teach her to keep house.

What does this even mean?

The question is how fucked is SHE amirite? But seriously bro not at all, protect her, raise her right, dont give her a reason to blame her life problems on you, yes this is fatherhood on hard mode but the results of good parenting in this situation would definitely be rewarding.

You can always sell her off to rich/powerful people.

Oh and teach her how to cook.

>cute and sweet girl on the way
Ohhh god whyy do you hate meeee?


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You're virtually guaranteed lineage by having a girl. Raised well, she will select for optimal genes that reinforces your genetic line.

I hope so. How do I raise a daughter to be obedient who will marry a white man

The you'd better get to fucking Brenton

Fuck that. I’d still love my daughter no matter what

that shit only counts for half the points

A daughter. How lucky! You might be able to get 4, maybe 5 goats in 9 years time when sharia law allows you to marry her off.

Won’t be carrying my last name though

Half points for the Y chromosome as well. Whenever this topic comes up on Jow Forums, there is the dread of raising a thot, yet no thought is given to the possibility of raising an incel faggot.

True, but that's superficial. Genetic lineage is what really matters: how far will it go before extinction.

You will be raising a future mother OP, much harder then a wage slave boy and more rewarding, look into peaceful parenting, read books, don't hit, negotiate

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Firstly by not making it seem like she MUST do it. The first thing a child (especially a female one) will want to do is whatever her parents (especially her father) told her NOT to do. Leave bread crumbs. Be subtle. Dont allow your reasoning to be to forward. For example say you're watching tv with her one night and a thot is on tv with her bigger husband and they're doing something trashy, dont say "don't marry a darkie or you'll end up like that" instead something along the lines of "she really must be in a tough situation to act like that, really shows you gotta pick the right partner he sweetheart?"

*nigger not bigger
*huh not he

You're Golden till they reach their teens then it's a nightmare. Mostly all good again when they reach their twenty's.

My father had a daughter (my sister) as his first kid and he raised her right. Pretty sure she was a virgin until marriage. Always went to my dad for advice and is a daddy's girl even when she is married. I mean its possible to raise her right, just tough I guess.

Raise her traditionally and properly.

assuming you're male, it's not your child. Western men do not have parental rights. never forget this.

You are blessed, user. Just be a good Christian father. Let her have lots of children when she's married. You will gonna have a big family and you will be the head of the family.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

That makes sense. Do girls always go against their father’s will?

Just like your grandfather raised your mother right?

What was your father like to her? Firm but fair? Loving? Etc

you are a very dumb nigger

>doesnt know how to raise a child
why do brainlets like you even breed?

To increase the white population so we can teach you how to poo properly

No. Girls hate weak fathers. They will get daddy issues and will seek wrong attention.

You need to be the right kind of masculine, she will map who you are onto other people in the future, so the only thing that will 'fuck' you, is yourself.

Wait until the cord is cut then. You are in charge of your legacy and your higher ideal means having a firstborn son. If you compromise on this, you will feel inadequate as a father and your daughter will hate you and fuck niggers.

Put away the silly religious nonsense and Nietzschean morality, or morality for its own sake. The universe demands priority and your one job as one of its bricklayers is to ensure that your brick is placed correctly. Abort the bitch and try again. You can have a daughter as a second child. She will be a better person for it

Very firm and disciplined, but loving towards her. He was also very subtly openly racist infront of us from a young age so that might've worked as well starving her off from blacks.

13 Withhold not correction from the child: for [if] thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

if you are a bad father, it is inevitable that your daughter will turn out a slut in her teens. show compassion, show her what it means to be a good man and husband, she will want the same for herself.

he is obviously an immature retard if this is a problem to him in the first place, so his "higher ideal" is 100% irrelevant.

Not always as we cant speak for human nature in a singular sense. The key to know is if shes a daddy's girl complety or only when its convenient. You'll find this out around puberty. Shell either really rebel or really stick close. Regardless it's important to communicate and understand your child. Remain close, but give enough space for them to grow as well. It's like spinning plates. Leave one thing unattended too long and they all shatter to the floor. Stay diligent and it's a beautiful act. You sound like you'll truly love her so you should be fine. Just trust your instincts and dont let the lows obscure the highs. You've created a beautiful life that's yours buddy! Be thankful and proud. And instill into your daughter the good things that were to you. And all the things your parents should have but didnt/couldn't. You will make mistakes but every parent does. As with all things in life, a path taken with love, passion, patience, and discipline is always the most rewarding

Look how great you turned out kek

When she turns, oh, about 13, everything you do is either irritating or embarrassing to her.
A few years later she's good again.
And when she gets custody of your grandkids you get to see them

This is sound advice. My father let my mom run the house and to this day avoids all forms of conflict, allowing her to walk all over him.
I went through several relationships before figuring out how fucked up my perspective on men was because of watching my dad be a pussy and my mom be a heinous bitch. Of course because it took so long to learn about actual good stable relationships, I’m pretty much an unwanted single mom now. PLEASE don’t do that to your daughter.

He needs to read Evola asap, realize the importance of adhering to his aspiration instead of saying "lmao oh well guess it's a girl" and abort his daughter before he destroys his family and subjects her to a fate worse than death

What's with all the newfags not knowing this is a pasta?

So what's wrong with me then, faggot? I don't even know if you're a father but you cucks are the reason white women are openly whoring themselves out.

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Besides your immediate, unwarranted hostility and jumping immediately to "beat the shit out of her" you seem perfectly stable fren. I'm a firm believer in strong discipline but strait up ass whooping is basically asking for girl with serious daddy issues destined for bdsm porn. Did your dad knock you around so much that you're retarded and can only quote scripture and call people cuck? I believe in the bible too. And theres alot more love than wrath in it. Try reading it instead of regurgitating it.

>my first child
sure it is your child and not the child of that Sudanese refugee?

Kys you woman hater, let the mother handle it, you'd only ruin her childhood.

>beat children
>now their daddy issues are even worse
woah, good job toothpaste

Don’t be a fag. It takes a real man to raise a daughter.

First of all, paternity test. After that red pill her early on. I have a daughter who is 11 and is disgusted how even girls her age act. Of course she may get brainwashed as she gets older but she knows I'll disown her if that happens.

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how would you go across redpilling your kids?

Whatever kid. He asked how do I raise a daughter to be obedient who will marry a white man. You responded by saying
>"Firstly by not making it seem like she MUST do it".
>For example say you're watching tv with her one night and a thot is on tv with her bigger husband
>along the lines of "she really must be in a tough situation to act like that, really shows you gotta pick the right partner he sweetheart?"

Sure that will totally not let her follow jewish propaganda. Muh strong, independent woman, a little bit of watching Kim Kardashian on television and all your hard work will be in vain. All these muslim girls probably only marry other muslims because their fathers say the things you say. And why would I put too much effort in my posts here? As long as the message is clear.

My message was clear but you refused to see anything but force. My message of discipline was in every post. But discipline without love an independence will always lead to a negative outcome. And not seeing this is just a shame. I'm not saying be ashamed of yourself or your parenting friend. Just a shame that you think the only way you can acquire results is thru force. A tactic that has proven ineffective time and time again thru out history in terms of parenting. I wish you and all those you love all the best in your endeavors and life in general.

Very young age did not let her watch any disney shows or play with dolls. Don't let her acquire that princess mentality. Occupy her time with art, music, language. kids love that shit. Starting around 2nd grade she noticed that blacks were always the loudest and troublemakers. I say that's just how they are and we as people are not compatible with them. There's other things and I feel one day it may be for naught but I am not going down without a fight.

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Irish twins result from conceiving subsequent children within three months after first birth. Closely aged children 9-12 months, customarily referred to as twins.

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I agree with you there fren. God bless you and your family. I wish I had more time to talk but I have to get going to work. Putting on clothes while typing this. Have a nice day all.

With a girl you’ll have a good chance at her not living in your basement. She’ll go to college, get a good job and take care of you in your old age.

Mean to reply to you. Also taught her wearing booty shorts and tank tops are NOT normal wear for a female of any age. I am flabbergasted that parents parade their girls in skimpy clothing like sexual objects.

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Tank tops are fine, but I agree on booty shorts thing.

ill take note of that thanks user

You do know she'll rebel against you when she hit puberty. You've wasted your time user. I also have a daughter. I don't mind the Princess stuff, or dolls or whatever. If I sit back and wait, she'll rebel as I did when I was a kid. My parents were conservatives so I listened to shitty Anarcho-Punk and eventually red pilled myself 20 years ago. Me and the old man sing from the same hymn sheet now. It's a natural evolution. Don't tamper with it.

keep her preggo until she makes a boy for you

I mean, the difference is with a daughter she has the chance to rebel against you by fucking 50 niggers... a son rebelling is harmless, but a daughter rebelling fucks her life up

you need to put a bullet through your head immediately, retard.

it means you're low test and will probably keep making girls. usually girls are 2nd as babies.

enjoy having your daughter be a hole to stick it in. first born daughters are cumsluts and terrible people.

but it could be worse. at least she's not a middle child female.

No problem, good luck.

That's fine by me. I was a teen too and as long as she doesn't get a buzz cut and start spouting feminist nonsense I'll be happy knowing I did something right. If not she can fuck off and I'll live the rest of my life without worrying for a thot.

I was the same. I did not talk to my wife for 3 days. But now I adour my daughter. My wife is 6 month pregnant now with a boy. So do not worry your time will come.

Well I'm lucky user. There's no niggers here and she's a very smart little girl. She'll figure it out in her own due course.

You'll be a good father user. I was in the opposite position, I desperately wanted a girl first and had a boy. I felt literally zero paternal attraction to him for the first 6 months, but eventually it clicked in me. Once they stop looking like aliens and you start seeing their personality, you'll come around.

I’ve been anti feminist my whole life but now I have a daughter, I kinda want her to do manly shit like hunting and fishing

Does Australia count as the West?

Prully a bad omen for marriage stability nowadays. Call Hirschman, Hirchman & Hirschman for legal counsel to prevent divorce jacking. Keep a detailed private log of wife behaviour. Exclude wife from financial details and career decisions, violently if necessary. Do not relax around first time mothers and first born chattel daughter. Take and maintain ownership. Expel other women friends from wife association, monitor and patrol female in-laws to wife. If available, provide regular contact between grandmothers and chattel daughter. Blame and Spank wife for not giving son. Get wife into church.

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Instead of princess dolls and Disney Channel, what are some good things to do with your young daughter?

My daughter is 6 months old.
I dream about playing chess with her in a few years.
I think that could be a redpilled activity as well.
What else?

Congrats on your new wife bro.

Thanks user

Jiu Jitsu when she's around 5. Keep it fun, good gyms have good children's coaches and they keep the sessions fun.

no it counts as China

My wife is subservient and will pretty much do anything I say. She was a virgin till our wedding night. She’s a good woman user


Yikes. Imagine having gay sperm and creating a daughter, yucky. Girls have cooties and you're basically just a cuck to all her future bfs now.

>Jiu Jitsu
definitely a good idea, it's probably the best MA for self defense, especially for women and smaller men

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No point for reasoning with bitter betas.

congratulations user. if raised right you will have someone to lovingly take care of you in your older years, and who will surround you with good grandchildren who will listen to and learn from your every word.

Came here to read this again

Why would anyone want a son over a daughter? When I see parents with a son the son always seems weird, annoying and unlikeable. And often borderline autistic. Daughters often seem more normal and well adjusted in comparison.

Shut the fuck up copypasta pedo

Also OP is a faggot.

Imagine being this gay

take her hunting and fishing, teach her important things in life. hopefully she'll look for a mate that resembles you

My dad’s first born is a girl, she’s like 1000% better than all of us 6 dudes he fathered. Girls are awesome you did Fuck

Do you prefer having a big sister or big brother