Is THIS da superior Germanic race I wuz being told about? Pathetic huwh*toids.
Is THIS da superior Germanic race I wuz being told about? Pathetic huwh*toids
>behold the master r-
>balding manlet who uses steroids to further shrink his already tiny penis and is covered in tattoos to distract from aforementioned tiny penis
fucking embarrassing rofl
You leave the Drachenlord alone you fucking nigger.
He´s worth more than a thousand dindus.
I'd keep silent Paganoid, your Hypcraticus, way of existing on this plane of existence in the current existence with reside in moses me seeing as even the G*rmanoid HuW*itoid race even mock him.
At this point I'd actually take a retard like Drachenlord over the Somalis and sunni niggers in Germany. Isn't afraid to beat the shit out of people or swing shit at them or pepper spray them in all places Germany. So I give his downsyndrome ass some props. Past that hers the germanic Chris Chan.
>muh dik
dumb cumbrain not everything is about sex
uh oh, looks like i touched a nerve with the tiny penis fanboy. can you imagine being such a faggot loser that you nuthug for a balding manlet on roids? i mean... oof. that's fucking sad.
I'd remain silent for the duration of the threads continuation otherwise someone might get clapped.