Today I learned that Gerhard Sommer (former SS-Untersturmführer) is still alive at 98 years old

Attached: Gerhard Sommer.jpg (234x320, 15K)

dog bless

Based and SS-pilled

Trump will find a way to deport him

you sure that's not Greg from Mad Men?

Attached: Capt Greg Harris.jpg (1505x1000, 161K)

Good, I hope he is wealthy, healthy and has dozens of based grand kids.

But he's in Germany

Does he have a family?
I want a autograph


Attached: 1564037993814.jpg (178x264, 20K)

too demented to stand trial in person
guilty of war crimes in absentia
should have pic related the cunt anyhow

Attached: 2da3d93e24b2b7c348c1a698d6edbb8b.jpg (501x565, 38K)

imagine being from that and still being here to see the world as it is today

This. How has he not killed himself already? We can only see what it was like from pictures and videos but to actually live it and then to see what it’s like today? Fuck that

On the contrary I'd say he feels entirely vindicated. Literally everything Hitler said would happen has happened.

I can only imagine what that feels like

Today I learned OP is a faggot.


We need to show him pol. He might think everyone forgot, he might die believing that all hope is lost, instead of just most.

Good for him


let's go redpill him

Yikes. You've both got to go back

What's DAATH on his hat?

Attached: 87y432.png (656x177, 16K)

this desu

I want to learn the sacred art of national socialism with him

i bet everyday he parties like it's 1939

long life to him. hope he outlives „holocaust” „survivors”

I hope he dies ASAP

He already did:)

expectations from OP pic

vs his colostomy bag/dementia/alzheimers/incontinence etc, in real life

I wonder if he's conscious enough to give an interview tho, would like to hear what he thinks of the promised 1000 year reich failing so fast and if his friends dying was worth it since Israel got created either way (which ought to piss him off back in the 1950s)


how many Survivors(TM) are there left by now

5, 15, 500 ??

6 godzillion

6 gorillion™*