Is The Boys kiked or not?

Heard good things about by many, even in more private circles that are keen to the fuckery most of hollywood produces. Opinions?

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All 3 of its producers are Jews and takes the traditional swipe at White Conservative Christians. That said it's themes are interesting, characters well portrayed, and is well directed.

>Is a show made by Jeff Bezos kiked?

You have to be 18 to post here.

>”gore is a jewish pysop, goyim”
>the endless webm’s of people dying on this board.
Image related.

That’s a given at this point. I usually stick to non-western shows, but I got curious.

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The Boys was always a take on what would actually happen if humans got super powers. I don't think it's really kikey or not. Homelander is a sociopathic literal ubermensch created with a nazi super soldier serum who was raised in a lab and uses whatever he can to make himself seem good, whether that be god or a call for patriotism, it's all for his own ego.

Super Heroes powers! BING BING!

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The comic is based, the show is not. Much like the majority of live action adaptations.

Jeff Bezos is white.

the point of the show is that worshipping celebrities is retarded. think for yourself brainlet


What I might do is watch the first season unless it becomes too annoying, then switch to the comics. Between what I’ve read of it and what’s presented on the live action version, they changed a bit around.

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This. As far as comics go The Boys and Transmetropolitan are great.

Show is 100% based and redpilled

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Yeah, comics generally don’t translate well to TV, but they did a pretty good job of staying faithful to the tone of the source material.

The comics are way more fucked up than the show btw

It's pretty good, not as much pozzed shit as you'd expect from jews.

> too much degenerate sex scenarios
Cringe worthy at times. In fact the sex/gay nudity detracts from the story.

Shows definitely changed a bit, but it's still good. Fucking black hero is a speedster with a drug problem lol.

All Garth Ennis has ever written is shit just like it, gross out shock nonsense that could have been written by an edgy 14 year old. If you want superhero deconstruction then you need to go Alan Moore.

Are we talking How to Get Away with Murder levels of degenerate? Granted this is supposed to be one fucked up comic, but I remember watching that show with my mom and it was probably the first of many times she started realizing how absolutely pozzed entertainment media is.

LMFAO. I don't care if the CIA made this or not- this is fucking hilarious.

Both of them are good, stop being a plebian. Moore's Miracleman was kino though.

Ennis fucking sucks, stop being a retard. It’s the same stuff every time. Try Rick Veitch, simpleton.


No I mean, the sex/nudity just comes off as totally unnecessary crutch to try and hold an audience.

It’s like the nude scene first episode of Breaking Bad and then never again — cuz the story just didn’t need it as the seasons went on.

Amazon basically was trying to be Netflix with its virtue signaling but missed Pride Month ... by a month.

Otherwise the plot & delivery is great.

It's based (even though made by kikes)

It is anti-christian and anti-white. Anyone who doesnt see this is poisoned beyond saving by our media.

Starlight is disgusted when she sees posters like "1 male + 1 female = marriage".
Purity until marriage is outrageous according to this kike production and so.
And the bad guy is white with blonde hair.

Fuck Netflix! KILL IT!

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>nude scene in the first episode of BB
I can't remember this user...

It suffers from the usual problem of all of the works of Garth Ennis: it's written by a bluepilled as hell northern irish who is convinced anglos are the master race and can do no wrong, supports old school communism (because, as a rotten toothed, tea guzzling retard he's all about class war and syndacalism up until he himself becomes part of the elite), loves Jew York, he's for multiculturalism and gender equality, and he can give Pope Francis a run for his money when it's time to virtue signal how good of a goyim he is (ironic, considering he utterly despises the catholic church, probably because he was molested by some priest).
He writes good shit, for the most part, if you like grimdark, gritty works of fiction. His Punisher run is legendary. Yet he can really piss you off: ALL of his bad guys are nazis, klansman, mafia hoods, catholic clergy and evil rich white men, ALL minorities are based and even minority bad guys are presented as smart, strong and sympathetic (case in point: Barracuda). Also, stronk indipendent womyns and faggot apologism are recurring themes. You ask me, despite being purplepilled on neocon aggression and pedophilia among the elites, he's an utter cuck.
And since we are talking about The Boys: the part when a Norfman, a crazed frenchman, a soviet russian and an american nigger beat down a literal nazi superman in a manner reminishing of the standard narrative on WWII is a Rick & Morty tier act of s0ifaggotry.

You absolutely want to read a tolerable comic book, go read Conan the Barbarian.

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>Need to listen to my stormfag overlords before I'm allowed to watch a movie
>Don't wanna be brainwashed afterall!

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