Mfw atheists exist

>mfw atheists exist.
Explain yourselves.

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>mfw people believe in a benevolent sky fairy that they have to be afraid of

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>tfw your universe has to exist in violation of the law of physics or else it was made by sky fairies so you make fun of sky fairies because it is moderately more ridiculous than the reality you choose to believe but steadily ignore.

I’m not lying when I say I’m impressed.

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>tfw your universe has to exist in violation of the law of physics or else it was made by sky fairies
The fuck? Where did you get this one from? How can the universe exist in violation of the laws* of physics?

>so you make fun of sky fairies because it is moderately more ridiculous than the reality you choose to believe but steadily ignore.
How the fuck do you choose to believe something and still ignore it? You aren't even half as smart as you think you are, and none of what you said makes sense.

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Prove zero, outside the context of everything, including yourself, first.

Meant for

I dont believe in an invisible wizard who sits on a cloud
I don't need the idea that somebody watches and judges my every action to feel good about myself

why does this "fuck you daddy" mindset always appear in atheists? they dont understand that there really are things bigger and stronger in life, and you can see this in their malignant sci-fi fantasies which revolve around being "uploaded" into a magical AI so that they dont have to die.

>tfw you can’t extrapolate the arguments against your ideology without them being explicitly spelled out letter by letter and still feel like a big-brain.
Imagine being you.
No seriously; on average the smartest people I have met have been atheist. Here you are, an atheist, feeling smart, but with absolutely no means to interpret information.

Have you ever considered you are a retard who happens to agree with smart people?
That agreeing with smart people doesn’t magically confer intelligence?
That you are a brainlet instinctually clinging to the most acceptable group opinion broadcast to you, as your evolved primitive brain would obviously benefit from your doing so?

Are you capable of taking a big step back and considering all that?

Are you?

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>feel good about myself
yeah you just need a constant dripfeed of radical political ideology (whether to mock or take sincerely) instead