‘I’ll f**king ruin your s**t’: CNN’s Chris Cuomo gets foul-mouthed over ‘ethnic slur’.(VIDEO).

CNN host Chris Cuomo went ballistic over a man calling him ‘Fredo’, the name of the ‘weak’ middle brother in ‘The Godfather’.
Cuomo threatened to throw the man down the stairs, arguing it was akin to using the n-word.
A video has surfaced online showing a man who appears to be CNN prime time host Chris Cuomo in a bitter argument with a bespectacled man who apparently had just called him “Fredo.”

The footage starts with an agitated Cuomo erupting into an expletive-ridden rant while accusing the man of hurling an ethnic slur at him.
“My name is Chris Cuomo. I’m an anchor on CNN. Fredo was from The Godfather. He was the weak brother.


Attached: CNN's CHRIS CUOMO is ACTUALLY a FREDO.jpg (1280x903, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah yeah, now back to Epstein.

not politics faggot go make a vlog about it


Dude is a pre-programmed puppet. Just a shell of a person.

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Spooky coincidence.

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Fredo is an ethnic slur?
Since fucking when?

He should have said I'd rather be called Fredo than Cuomo

good catch

how does this not end with more people calling him fredo after this.

>Fredo is an ethnic slur?
>Since fucking when?
Jow Forums's next meme victim I guess....KeK

Lol it's now his only name

I've never heard of 'Fredo' being the Italian nigger. Can anyone confirm?

you’re trying too hard. cringe.

>I've never heard of 'Fredo' being the Italian nigger. Can anyone confirm?
CHRIS CUOMO...I mean FREDO can. Because CHRIS CUOMO is him.

Attached: giphy-2.gif (250x166, 227K)

>you’re trying too hard. cringe.
CHRIS CUOMO...I mean FREDO you are fucked now. Stop denying.. FREDO.

Did you forget your meds?

your personality is boring

CHRIS CUOMO aka FREDO please stop being butthurt.

something about the useless sibling that rode around on his brother's coat tails must have hit a little close to home

Attached: 1273938788160.jpg (312x338, 29K)

Sure thing... Fredo!

>Sure thing... Fredo!
CHRIS CUOMO...that's rude my friend.

Fredo CNNPC Cuomo: "It's illegal" To Read Wikileaks Clinton Emails, You Have To Go "Through Us"

Attached: fredo.jpg (758x594, 91K)

knock knock...
Who is it ?
come in FREDO

Attached: 1-497677675646.gif (245x207, 2M)

This Russian shill is getting annoying

>This Russian shill is getting annoying
CHRIS CUOMO aka FREDO is that you ??

Fredo please...

CHRIS CUOMO, fuck off


Would have been cooler if the guy had the balls to stand up to Fredo.

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No shit, that guy took a mouth beating from a faggot. I bet he regrets not knocking him out.

Dis nigger Fredo tried to claim Fredo means nigger for I-tals? We should just call Cuomo "nigger".

CNN, stop fucking denying you fucking corporate massive assholes.

Attached: CNN Chris Cuomo is FREDO.jpg (1280x721, 198K)

fredo the frog.

Fredo Cuomo is one salty pasta nigger


>fredo the frog.
cuomo the cum ?

Do you know why he got so upset because of "Fredo" because he's a weak traitor that sucks jew cock. He literally is that character that's why it hurt so much.

Attached: freddo.jpg (200x284, 24K)

I wish all Meds would realize Nords are the enemy and stop trying to be "white"

We must make sure to NEVER actually call Chris cuomo by his actual name from now on, ONLY Fredo.

now it makes sense, thanks for your insight user

Attached: hh.jpg (979x1080, 144K)

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How to ensure people call you Fredo for the rest of your days on this Earth in one easy step.

send him freddo frogs to cheer him up.

>someone actually made this thread
why is Jow Forums so low brow atm

Pretty sure that's just an Aussie thing

>Why are russians so dumb
Maybe because of this . . . ???

Attached: Sputnik *1.jpg (960x720, 104K)

>We must make sure to NEVER actually call Chris cuomo by his actual name from now on, ONLY Fredo.

Attached: CNN Chris Cuomo the cum FREDO..jpg (1280x721, 241K)

is he the new DragonLord..I think he could easily be

Summer a cute CUTE!

This. It's going to be glorious watching tbqh

>We must make sure to NEVER actually call Chris cuomo by his actual name from now on, ONLY Fredo.
Stop fucking calling me Chris Cuomo, (I'm not a car tire guy),..I'm Fredo.
Fuck all of you...and people you are associating with.

It's a fucking movie quote, jackass, not an ethnic slur.
Noone gives a fuck whether the dude's Italian or not, it's a fucking meme - now you're the meme. Kek.

But Chris doesn't want us investigating Epstein and his friends.

Fredo is his trigger word, fire away

Attached: bc10e990830773ac99e7eb7f76031233a76e038067f06e07c6ca95bc87670f54.gif (320x350, 252K)

Nice to see this is still going. It soared to number one on twitter and stayed there for hours. twitter jannies must have been asleep at the wheel. the board was clogged with fredo threads and even had a few generals. All we need now is for Trump to tweet it

Attached: fredonewname.png (493x500, 417K)

fredo is the new N-word

Attached: fredo plz.png (623x451, 67K)

Chris Cuomo is a massive faggot, anyone excusing his behaviour is a dis-ingenious leftist dis-info shill.

footage of the incident

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Whats the coincidence?

Kek makes so much sense now. Hes just an idiot. Hes not threatening at all.

You said it. Cuomo is a big time fredo.

Attached: fredo.jpg (500x516, 49K)

Well that's not going away.

Can you make it say Frendo?

The gay pedophiles of youtube removed it for not fitting the narrative

fredo is gonna be banned on all platforms

Anyone else prefer caramelo koalas?

They can't ban Freddo Frog. It's a registered trademark

Attached: Z-Caramello-Koala.jpg (816x816, 112K)

don't ever fuckin call me or my wife's boyfriend fredo again, ill slice u like a fuckin shoulder of gabbagool u fuckin got it?

After cC gets fired, which will be this morning.

It happened on Fredo's birthday.


Guy who played Fredo born on the same day Fredo meme was born.

Fredo is not an ethnic slur this faggot is just a sensitive fucking wop

That’s way too much plastic surgery.

Since never. Cuomo is the perfect representation of Fredo.


Attached: 37654.png (510x340, 94K)

He's just afraid that his governor brother will whack him after their mamma has died

we should meme fredo this week. Call his studio.

Let him know what you think

Yikes, not a good look for Fredo

Chris Cuomo what an absolute pussy & faggot. Flips the fuck out in public about being called Fredo.
OBVIOUSLY that wasnt the First time hes been called Fredo.
> its always the guilty that scream their innocence the loudest
> as if theyre trying to convince the world
God I HOPE HOPE HOPE Trump uses that phrase on him.
Please please please

Cuomo's a fucking gangster. Why are democrats and liberals so much tougher than republicans and conservatives?

stop, my sides are already in orbit

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Would rather be called Cuomo homo Dukakalakis

Would you like any fritos. Lightly salted?

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He has a good heart, but he's weak.

14/88 shitpost nigger

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is fredo a banned word on twiter yet?

Video is down. :-(
Lest we forget that Fredo's job was as a pimp who arranged the prostitutes for high status men...

I'm going to tell Don Lemon that I enjoy his work on television and that I thought his name was George "Kingfish" Stevens. Everyone do this from now on, forever, to all CNN employees. Wear your bodycam.

Nah, I found that image

It's the Streisand effect in action

lol who cares what that stupid fredo thinks

He is causing a smoke screen for Epstein


grab it before YT takes it down again

What a fucken retard fredo