In the old days, if an autistic teenager started ranting and raving about end-of-the-world doomsday theories, she's be medicated and put into the quiet room for a bit. In 2019 however....
>what do we make High-end cars Low-tax financial products Aircraft parts (Rolls Royce jet engines, etc) >what does America make that we want medical products (we need to stop relying on the EU) cars (I wouldn't mind a Chevy C8) food Fuel + plastics
This is what I wish for more than anything. U.S. and U.K. teaming up and kicking out all the kikes. all the loisense shit we give you, and all the mutt shit you give us is just two brothers messing around. We were meant to rule this planet, all we have to do is cut off the kike parasite draining us both
Hunter Reed
wtf u guys know how to make good editions for your general. Only come in here once or twice to bait and flame you guys but kinda jealous seeing this. Do ye get this treatment every morning?
Carter Turner
Its the immigrants fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills
Its the immigrants fault I pay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills
Its the immigrants fault my rents gone up again
It's the immigrants fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school
It's the immigrants fault I’ll never own a home
It's the immigrants fault my kids still live at home past their teens
It's the immigrants fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night
It's the immigrants fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks
It's the immigrants fault I cant find them good social care
it's the immigrants fault the main road into town is congested every morning
Its the immigrants fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week
What treatment? The bait and flame? Or the general layout each morning?
The later then yes it's the same. The former is when the Germans are finished changing the bedsheets and giving enema's to their wives after spending all night watching their bull.
Carson Cooper
You sound like a small child.
Jacob Carter
Yes, yes it is the immigrants fault.
Landon Morgan
fooken 'ell mert. you suverners have nooh bloodeh idea, do ya?
Came back to visit last month. All the youths' interests revolve around Love Island or football. The older generations are starting to realize what's happened to the country.
Ethan Taylor
>fast track deals You're gonna get so fucked UK. It's not even funny anymore.
Henry Carter
I know a lady who worked for these alleged "royals" and they are dreadful people. It makes me laugh how people here in this country worship them.
Jacob Edwards
>Boris That guy looks like a buffoon, like an idiot. He needs to get a haircut.
Thomas Fisher
for me, it's the SNSP.
There is only one god. His name is Hitler. Assad is his prophet.
John Morris
we're fucked anyway. May as well go out driving a cheap Chevy C8.
Yup. I'm in my early 20s and all my peers are absolute fucking idiots. Hoping to get out and move somewhere with the missus once we have a decent bit of money.
Connor Sanchez
No this was from the early 80s to around when diana was killed.
Carson Rodriguez
All American cars eat too much gas, except maybe some Ford models. >we're an island nation that needs to buy buy buy. Really? Where's your industry? How's the trade deficit? The only way you will stay relevant is by making stuff and selling it as high priced as possible while keeping demand high and making a presence in the global market. NOBODY WANTS OVERPRICED OVERTAXES SHART PRODUCTS! If you want to buy get on the China cock and start sucking.
Jayden Martinez
I wouldn't mind a Dodge Charger SRT.
Mason Peterson
oi oi mad ting vossi bop innit senpai hahah wasteman blud
I just want Katie to be my wife, is that to much to ask.
Cooper Edwards
No I'm just noting it, Rosa had/has a daughter.
Owen Barnes
Football is more popular among boomers than zoomers.
Josiah Brown
>says john bolton So I guess we're invading Iran with America?
Oliver Adams
We run a trade deficit with the EU and we pay the EU for the privilege.
>Industry Bought by EU money and relocated to mainland Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, see Range Rover).
We've been sucking Chinese dick since the second Opium War, be silent boy.
Matthew Morris
>But really, the EU is fucked, tick tock EU. Nah, Germany is doing great and Germany is the locomotive, biggest economy in the world, this train will be slow but it'll go forward. I don't like the backroom and socialistic ways and other stuff but... it's better than before, in Eastern Europe anyway, it's keeping the ultra corrupt mafia somewhat in check and not turning the whole country into a serf plantation.
Dylan Green
Bolton's moustache looks like a broom. Same brooms the Germans use in training exercises.
Easton Cooper
Nah, most of it it's China baby, everybody cpt of industry with >2 brain cells went to China. Now it's not as attractive as before but still.
Carter Long
>Nah, Germany is doing great and Germany is the locomotive It's in recession, it's been dipping in and out of one for the last 3 years. It's also liable for the majority of Eurozone debt. Deutsche bank is on the verge, it's not if but when.
>biggest economy in the world, this train will be slow but it'll go forward. lol just no.
So you're from Eastern Europe? You remind me of Ireland, they were all enthusiastic for the EU when they were taking from the pot, now they have to contribute to the pot, they don't like it so much.
When all the contributors of cash to the EU have gone, and the burden is upon you to pay for the inevitable contribution or tribute they'll demand, tell me? Will you be happy paying for Albanian road repairs whilst your people undergo austerity measures?
>It's in recession, The bullshit US media has been harping. Germany is doing better than ever.
Oliver Gonzalez
Back during the suez crisis, America got us to withdraw by threatening to crash our economy.
Now its much easier for them to push us around like that again now we are going to leave the EU
Dylan Watson
Reminder: The British people are living on borrowed time, centuries, nay millennia of rich history is being slowly extinguished. A demographic bomb was detonated decades ago and since then more bombs have been planted, of course the explosions play out over decades and so it seems that all is fine to most folks as the go about their daily business. But it is not fine, we have been erased, it is done, we are finished as a people, as a race and as a nation. The future in brown and Islamic and short of the biggest most extreme ethnic cleansing ever witnessed on this planet (which of course is not only never going to happen, within 10 years it won't even be realistically possible) there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it. NOTHING!
Enjoy the sunshine.
Cooper Bell
Cause they are pulling the whole EU forward including the nigger slavs in the east. They are doing something imperial and smart. But now China is doing so great that the wages are increasing + other costs so it will slow it's growth meaning Germany can pick up and profit from that until they move to India or some other place with better infrastructure and low wages.
Evan Jackson
I admire your hope, but unfortunately the reality says otherwise, industrial production in Germany has slumped massively, you said it's the locomotive, it's oil is industrial production. Takes a slump? Gets fucked.
Plus all the shekels they owe and are going to owe (reparations, bailouts, emergency financial aid packages etc).
It's funny.
Adrian Nguyen
If it wasn't for the EU, there would be no car industry in Europe at all, it would all be in Asia. What car industry we got left is fucking off now becuase nothing will be stopping us from importing cheap as fuck cars from China without the EU's protectionism
they will be wearing drag in a few years mate... even just the last 5 years there's been a massive reduction in Islamic radicals. Liberalism is far more powerful than Islam.
Brayden Ward
Nah, looks a bit dangerous t b h senpai
David Gonzalez
You think it's just one thing? Why is it cheaper to import cars? Production costs, labour costs, no carbon taxes, low to no VAT on part imports etc etc etc.
To pretend the EU has helped us in anyway? No, it's helped France and Germany, mainly Germany. It's even helped Germany cover up the defeat devices it placed in "Green cars".
Pathetic remainers know nothing.
Alexander Collins
this The muslims have only been here for a few years and already the neo-marxist toxic atmosphere of London is turning them into fags.
In the future the children of the migrants will say their parents were forced here under neo-slavery, then they will use this to demand whatever they choose.
Ryder Ortiz
>labelled racist By whom? More media manipulation as they pretend the views of a few progressives are representative of the public overall.
Eli Myers
us bongs saved your arse today mate, heard it was 3 brits who took down the islamist stabby boi in Sydney earlier.
Logan Cooper
>Why is it cheaper to import cars Because chinks will work for slave tier wages which any Europeans won't.
John Rodriguez
It's The Mirror mate, no one of great import reads that rag. Piers Morgan used to be editor, that should tell you all you need to know.
Michael Bell
The EU has helped all of Europe and you'll learn how in the next 5 years
Christian King
They recently paid a huge chunk of the national debt, wages will be pulled down because of the millions of shitskins that flooded, they will make the automatisation process stupid friendly so the niggers can handle it, it's looking good for the economy. The only debt idiots are the PIGS and they should have their banking either closely regulated and monitored or completely denied the issuance of currency. It'll be a slow and steady growth. >Eastern Euros Yes Eastern Europe is thriving on free money. Also yes western Europe is eroding and rotting under nigger shit. Western Europe quality of life will decrease dramatically and it'll get closer to Eastern Europe or worse in some parts cause niggers are wilding.
Gavin Perez
The EU helps Germany, it's designed this way. Everything funnels into Germany.
Brandon Murphy
Those exmuslims and lgbt Muslim crowd are all actually Jews that fled Iran after the Islamic revolution, their hardly representive of the average paki