Why don’t white people have culture?
Why don’t white people have culture?
why can't we shoot niggers for fun?
the world is a mystery
because you jews destroyed it
culture is stored in the foreskin
We don't need to overseason welfare meat.
Buying chicken from KFC isn't cooking, jamal.
You have to be able to read to learn about white culture. That's why niggers think there isn't any.
we have bacon cheeseburgers and everyone elses food too beacuse everyone else wont fuck off and leave us alone
Daily reminder when you defend white people cooking chicken you are playing their game and giving them what they want
Your kind of culture, that involves dildos and anal sex?
>All White people come from the midwest
Because it/s racists and Nazi like for whites to come togeather and have culture. We have to let ourselves die and welcome the stranger into our countries. Because Jews tell us to.
Or are WASPs.
Doesn't this piss you Slavs, Italians, Spaniards, Swedes, and Greeks off? You're all just considered generic midwestern Dontcha Knows.
Only American "Whites" don't have culture, Europeans do.
this whole "lol white people dont season food" is a pretty funny irony considering most niggers overseason their food with prepacked seasonings or eat out all the time. To even think a nigger could complete something like a basic cheesecake or good pasta without using a can of prago sauce is foolish.
This meme screams projection like everything niggers do. They are masters are projection and denial. I bet OP eats his steak well done like a savage.
this meme is only available to americans
>people say Black Culture
>it's acutally african-american culture
>and by that iy's actually just hip hop, rap and street wear culture, not even Jazz or anything like that
>as if actual african were like that
Why dont any other race have super successfully societies? Other than Asians? Yes we colonized and raped the rest of the world in the beginning but in our position y'all would have done the same thing.
China would have enslaved and murdered anywhere they landed far worse than Europeans. And Japan proved their capacity for that in the 30s.
What kind of absolute faggot wouldn't think to line the baking sheet with foil???
Niggers' only two copes left are muh dick and muh seasoning.
Im white, but my family and all my white friend’s family always cook bland food. When i used to go to my ethnic friend’s houses it was always really good and well seasoned. Especially my hispanic friends.
So white people culture is just stealing land and killing and raping?
and yet
>electricity flowing within a resistor inside an insulated, programmable box
>no cultr yo
Too bad for you. Why didn't you cook the food? Or at least season it.
So you show your real colors. Was your previous message just lie? Most likely.
Electricity isnt culture
the language you are using is white people culture you faggot.
Hmmm you mean the culture that built the modern world and is the reason for all of your comforts in your life
Most people learn that from their families, and most white families dont really know how to cook
>niggers never invented electricity
>never invented watermill either
>mfw I made a plain chicken breast just like this ten minutes ago
>mfw it's going into a chicken salad anyway
Gotta get gainz somehow
Nice anecdote and you generalize. Everyone sees where you are coming from, and you aren't very honest.
This is all the culture I need bitch.
Japan did not enslave the Chinese to the degree Germany did.
oh look its one of those stupid black anti-white memes "yo why peepo aint use no spices muhfugga"
Then they show some boiled potatoes and chicken breast with no seasoning which literally no white people do.
Listen you dumb fat nigger, not only do African Americans have the highest obesity rate in America from eating shit food from not caring about eating healthy, but the reason they are fat and not starving in their racial homeland of Wakanda in Africa is beacause of the economy of white America propping them up with food stamps. But if you did manage to find any traces of culinary culture in Africa, it would be "chitlins" which is rotten stinking pig intestines.
they smack their giant dick sucking lips and say "dayyyum why da fuck whitey not deep fry dat sheet? He must got no's culture, nomsayin?"
Almost every recipe and cookbook is written by whites. Every top chef in the world is a white man.
You're a stupid low IQ cuckold. Fuck off and die.
Swiftfags will be first to get the rope
Being white is just so boring. No good food of our own, no cool unique style of clothing, no music.
Poor lost lamb.
I guess you are just a bot. Being NPC isn't much different though. :^D
>African Americans
What the fuck is your problem? They weren't born in Africa.
yeah, I can't wait go move to the Ethipoean neighborhood. I heard they had some good mumbagwah.
Thats the point. Whites have to pay money to go to culinary schools, while hispanics for example just learn from their families and are still just as good if not better cooks
Try seasoning it with salt & pepper, then searing it on both sides on the skillet, then put it into a 350 degree F oven for 10 minutes. The chicken breasts will be tasty and fully cooked through.
That's a funny question to ask in English
>as good if not better cooks
Hispanic food is garbage and so are you, cuckold.
harnessing it is
>burn the pepper
retarded.. you put it on after it's done cooking
Everyone has language. Wheres the good food? The music and fun festive traditions?
What does it mean that "white people have no culture" ameribros? It's hilairous but I often hear this.
This. How many niggers can actually make the burger from scratch?
Yeah that's why they all work at fast food restaurants lmao, such great cooks.
I can't wait until the day we let the niggers starve.
>The music and fun festive traditions?
Music festivals are white culture.
Can you not speak English, it's pretty self explanatory. Its means people who are descended from Europeans have no culture.
No culture? How about i dab on your ass before i yeet that very same ass off of my fucking website
>believing that graph as fact
Define culture and show me examples.
Spices should always be cooked to bring out their full flavors.
Twerking and smoking crack
imagine the smell
What? No you dont
Niggers are from south of the Sahara Desert. Whites colonized the north.
>not believing it
Yeah, if it's actually inside whatever you are cooking. When it's on the outside, you're actually burning the spice, but whatever do what you want.
I was just posting an example of the whites have no culture bullshit, I dont actually blacks waz kangz
americans are not white
all modern culture is white culture
>rubbing dirt on food
>The negro fears the actual taste of food
OP is a nigger. Real white people boil all their food. The negro fears the pot as it may drown in it at any moment.
>Wheres the good food? The music and fun festive traditions?
too busy working to pay for fat shaniquas to get KFC from food stamps.
If whitey ever dared have their own festivals they'd be branded RACIST, NAZI KKK HITLER EVVVVILLLLLL by niggers and kikes.
Why do we even respond to obvious trolls like you though? I guess its just to practice our rebuttals for braindead leftists who ask these questions.
KFC secret recipe
mac n cheese,
These are all literally white inventions look it up, and these are the things big fat smelly niggers inhale from their food stamps paid for by whiteys tax dollars. Then they turn around and say "YO WHITEY GOT NO CULTURE BLACK LIVES MATTER MUHFUGGA!"
I made myself kek
The idea of adding spices to the meat only after cooking goes against everything I've ever been taught about cooking and grilling, not gonna lie. You don't ever use a dry rub on your meats?
I'm a bus driver and we have a perspex shield between us and the niggers. I also pull me bus up to the White customers so they can get on first and choose the best seat. Fuck you Rosa Parks.
>culture is stored in the foreskin
explains america
Was going to post this.
that Egyptian gold mask looks like a fucking white person lmao u "folks" are so dumb
fuck... USA BTFO
Why are you baking Jew noses?
mmm very nice pics pls come to bangaladesh I recieve you
We have more cultures than anyone else. Sage.
I only grill when camping because I live in an apartment and I can't use a real grill on my porch. But when I do go camping, no, I don't use a rub. I'll add salt because it doesn't burn obviously. Anything else I add to the burger goes into the meat before cooking or gets added after it's done cooking.
Renaissance fairs are white culture.
I just don't know, there was culture then there was a short "oi vey" in the distance and the culture was gone. i just don't get it.
Jews belong in the oven, fren.
What the fuck are those though? Looks like dry as fuck chicken
>Fuck you rosa parks
kek and shamelessly stolen.
be safe
Damn, look at all of the hateful replies this post garnered. Seems lack of white culture is a touchy subject to most of you.