@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>The Fine People Hoax 8/10/19
>AG IronBarr @FOP Natl Biennial Conf in New Orleans LA 8/12/19
>USBPChief Provost on F&F 8/12/19
>TransSec Chao/DepFAAAdm Elwell @FAAAdm Dickson Swearing-in Ceremony 8/12/19
>WH Press Brief (ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli) 8/12/19
>HHSVideo: HHSSec Azar @CDC on HIV 8/12/19
>KAC on FoxNewsSun 8/11/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan on MtP 8/11/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on (((Fake News))) 8/11/19
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 8/11/19
>StateDeptVideo: Morgan briefs press on Hurr Season 8/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Morristown NJ 8/9/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 8/9/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 8/9/19
>Lara Trump on Hannity 8/9/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Bloomberg 8/9/19
>DefSec Esper bilat w/ROK DM Jeong 8/9/19
>DefSec Esper visits USFK 8/9/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on F&F 8/9/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on FBN 8/9/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



First to awoo.

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hey /ptg/
hey come closer

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Trump is fat.

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epstin, hes race dying, searched the galaxy for the galaxies best massage


Vote for a socialist and solve the obesity crisis.

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trump is a "home run"

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The ongoing unrest and protests that continue to roil Hong Kong can be traced to ignorance and obsessive self-interest among some citizens. As long as selfishness and self-indulgence prevail, Hong Kong will forever be chained to turmoil and infighting. "Universal suffrage" will not help; the housing problem will not ease; the healthcare problem will not go away; and the income inequality will widen. It is selfishness that has prevented the SAR government from securing developable land for the construction of housing and public amenities.
>If such values and culture continue to prevail, can anyone imagine what the future of Hong Kong will be? I am sure it will be corrupt to the bone, poor to the bone, and will be left behind to decay. The irony is that some parents believe in the narrative that the "demonstrators" and rioters are fighting for a better future for Hong Kong.
I would simply call this ignorance and self-indulgence.

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stop posting these random youtubes so you can datamine us, glownigger

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just having a giggle mate, just a civilian

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>"if I misconstrue the intent enough, eventually I'll be right!"
I wish trump was trying to get rid of all these faggots that refuse to integrate.


>china on a vpn
They realize they are going to lose in the long run, or now. They choose now.

They're not starving in Sweden or Norway.

Go to sleep awoo you have awooed enough

I'm waiting for the tipping point of this historical event

Seems only days away

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some current streams.

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The second really decisive question was this: To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses?
It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses.
What the intelligentsia-or those who today unfortunately often go by that name-what they need is not propaganda but scientific instruction. The content of propaganda is not science any more than the object represented in a poster is art. The art of the poster lies in the designer's ability to attract the attention of the crowd by form and color. A poster advertising an art exhibit must direct the attention of the public to the art being exhibited; the better it succeeds in this, the greater is the art of the poster itself. The poster should give the masses an idea of the significance of the exhibition, it should not be a substitute for the art on display. Anyone who wants to concern himself with the art itself must do more than study the poster; and it will not be enough for him just to saunter through the exhibition. We may expect him to examine and immerse himself in the individual works, and thus little by little form a fair opinion.
A similar situation prevails with what we today call propaganda.

The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision.
The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function, like the poster, consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect.
All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be exerted in this direction.
The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success in pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.
The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.

> German authorities have investigated hundreds of internet users over comments they made on a Facebook video posted by the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The massive probe, spanning over 250 investigations, was launched in response to the live streaming of a migrant protest by the Bavarian-wing of the AfD party in 2017, German media disclosed on Saturday. Some 97 people were fined and three others were to face incitement charges in the court, the weekly Der Spiegel reported.

> The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy. “No one can hide behind a screen, not even with pseudonyms or made-up names,” Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann warned.

> The Facebook comments against agitating migrants came after a series of riots in refugee centers across Germany. Muslim asylum seekers have repeadetly agitated against supposed lack of consideration shown by the German authorities during the fasting month of Ramadan. “With Ramadan Come the Riots,” a 2018 headline in the Germany daily Bild declared. In 2016, two migrants reportedly burned down a refugee center for allegedly not receiving extra chocolate spread ‘Nutella’ during the Ramanda festivities. The fire ended up causing an estimated $10 million worth of damage.

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just adding more fuel to the fire

China's Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said it was astonishing to see the US State Department spokeswoman claim that it was the job of US diplomats to meddle in the domestic affairs of other countries.
> "Can the world be at peace given the way the US does things?"
Those comments come as US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus called China a "thuggish regime" for disclosing the photographs and personal details of a US diplomat who met with major leaders of the "Hong Kong independence" activists.

The US State Department spokeswoman should repent of her own words and behavior instead of using media reports to hit out at the government of another country.

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If you're not on the rape train, you will get raped
Alternatively if you're not on the Joe Train, you will get Joe'd

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This was the cellmate they gave Epstein.

Anyone else find that a bit weird? It's almost like they wanted something to happen to him.

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joe "sniff sniff" biden

Epstein probably became his prison wife and couldn't take it up the chocolate highway anymore

so they promised him a commutation or something, but he'll end up dead as well soon enough

Keep Jews out of country clubs!

so china is not a "thuggish regime"?

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basta the fuck on

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If only that picture were true...

>be Russian
>buy Telsa
>explode in flames
Is that possible comrade?

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>Is that possible comrade?
They are barely better than the chinks

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Another jew betrayed by your golden goy

>buy car
>slam it into a parked heavy vehicle
>it catches on fire

Look what I can do!

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> be chinese
> part hand operated wooden cart
> it explodes into a giant fireball

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Show flag Fusion GPS

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A pink tie?? I'm questioning my support of Trumo and might even vote for a strong woman candidate

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i was going to pass this thru ai portraits but it 404s now

You are the gangster regime for interfering with China affairs. Meeting with terrorists makes you their enabler.

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>Drop exact copy/paste of Trump's statements where it's black and white that he never said that neo-nazis were good people
>r/politics shill team remove it because it was getting too many upvotes

Thank god for redirect addons. I'm free from that hellhole now.


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very nice lil awoo

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> They’re killing Ebola Chan!

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It's like a trainwreck in there, user. You just can't not look at it.

but does not china interfer in everyone elses affairs?

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Yes you can. Why would anyone voluntarily go to a place designed to push a centrally approved opinion on them?

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DAMNIT! And I wanted a new Global Pandemic! First Bird Flu was a bust, now Ebola-chan! They just don't make good extinction level diseases anymore!

Nothing compared to the way Globohomo interacts.

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When you see the monkey cage at the zoo and all the monkeys are freaking the fuck out and attacking one another, do you just ignore it? Or do you sit back and enjoy the show?

beltan road

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It's over guys. We lost the farmers. Time to concede to China in the trade war

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>anyone at all
>anyone in the entirety of human history

This does not happen. The Chinese are cunts.

MSNBC interviewed farmers the other day and they support the trade war so...

This guy has like 2 dozen no-show swamp jobs. He'll be fine?

Bob Kuylen, South Heart, was elected as NDFU vice president in November 2011. He also serves as vice president of Farmers Union Insurance. Kuylen served as NDFU District 4 Director from 2004-2011. He has been active in Farmers Union at the local, county, state, and national levels, participating in legislative fly-ins to Washington, DC, and serving on the policy committees of both North Dakota and National Farmers Union. Since 2012, he has served on the Farmers Union Industries board and is currently the chairman. He and his family received the honor of NDFU Farm Family of the Year in 1999. Kuylen has been on the Stark County Board of Directors since 1997, and served as president from 2000-2013. He is the secretary of the Creative Energy Board of Directors. He has been a volunteer firefighter since 1980, serving 10 years as fire chief and was an instructor of hazardous materials for the State Fire Marshal’s Office. He was awarded an Honorary FFA membership. His leadership and concern for community is reflected in his involvement in school, church, city, and co-op activities. He and his wife Brenda have a farm and ranch operation near South Heart. The Kuylens raise cattle, wheat, oats, barley, safflower, mustard and sunflowers.

>Alabama is the second tallest (male height) state

That seems a bit weird.

>Iowa is the tallest

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just as they crack down on hong kong. that will look great.

Any farmer that feeds a Chinese Communist ain't no America.

We don't feed commies in America.

Are you saying a reporter named (((Newburger))) is trying to bamboozle us?

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This one seems more accurate.

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Bitcoin has fucked me
Now, my investment in sóy beans has too
I've been poor before, I refuse to go back to that lifestyle.
Death is far more preferable

sounds good to me.

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Oh no! There aren't a hundred other places to sell to

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You can easily debunk this pile of lies.
>China cannot feed its people
>China buys from the US
>China decides to not buy from the US and buys from some other country instead
With no leap in logic whatsoever, whatever country is now selling to China isn't selling to their previous customers. Those other buyers still need the agricultural products, they'll still buy them, particularly if they can get them from the US.

The idea that the only buyers of ag products in the world market is China is a fucking joke.
The idea that some other country was growing the same ag products, in the same quantity and quality that the US was selling to China, and was just throwing it all away waiting for the Chinese to dump the US farms and switch to them is a HILARIOUS joke, nigga.

It's a nearly closed system. US is country A, China is country B.
>A sells to B
>C sells to D
>B stops buying from A and buys from C instead
>A sells to D
"It's really, really getting bad out here" says the fake farmer.
It's a "body blow" says the retard named 'Zippy.'

History has proven that both China and the United States benefit from cooperation and lose in confrontation.

Many state legislators expressed their desire to see US and China overcome their differences and build a closer trade relationship.They briefed local business leaders at a luncheon hosted by the International Business Council, Nashville law firm Baker Donelson, the Tennessee-China Network and the Tennessee World Affair Council. The delegation presented China's perspective on the current trade issues.
>"It is important for us to always remember that this relationship is mutually beneficial. China and the US have been each other's most important trading partners, and the two countries also act as an important source of investment to each other."

Xu said that China is Tennessee's third-largest goods and services export market. In 2016, exports from Tennessee to China supported more than 20,000 jobs in the state. Also, nearly 70 Chinese companies have established operations in Tennessee, providing nearly 4,000 jobs.
>According to US statistics, American exports to China supported more than 1 million jobs in the US, and trade with China helped every American household save hundreds of dollars.

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like literally just start a shopify dropshipping store

seriously though
what the fuck is up with the cost of housing?

>The idea that some other country was growing the same ag products, in the same quantity and quality that the US was selling to China
I am ignorant on this but doesnt the US government pay for farmers not to plant too much? If this is true maybe other countries do this too?

>History has proven that both China and the United States benefit from cooperation and lose in confrontation.
You lying piece of shit. The only ones benefiting were the Chinese at the expense of American manufacturing.

No, that's impossible because Drumpf lies.

China was buying huge amounts of agriculture products from USA. Now, that large amount is not going to be sold to some other country because they're already buying at the limit of their own capacity.
Losing China as a buyer of products of agriculture means ALL farmers lose more money and will have to declare bankruptcy.

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>Bitcoin has fucked me
you havent HODLDED long enough then. your time is coming

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Reminder /ptg/ and Israel stand united against seething mudslimes that literally want to ALLAH ACKBAR us apart

>self reported

Manafort kept in solitary confinement, had dirt on Trump and Russiagate. Lived thru 2 year investigation.

Epstein? Dead within weeks of incarceration.

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not correct the majority of /ptg/ disagrees with trumps stance on israel as they have read the wiki on the USS liberty and the Lavon affair

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Iowa's tall because Germans,
Alabama's tall because Niggers

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>If this is true maybe other countries do this too?
Subsidies exist, but that doesn't mean there's 10k acre soibean farms just lying around waiting for China to change it's mind who they're buying from this month. The amount of food they buy is staggering, and if they're not getting it from the US, they're going to get it from some direct counterpart that is going to stop selling it to someone to give it to them.


>ALL farmers lose more money and will have to declare bankruptcy.
You promise, shill? You promise we'll finally be able to end the bullshit subsidies keeping corporate farmers floating on welfare dollars for nearly 100 years? Your limpdick shilling aside, it won't happen anytime soon.

Aren't you sleepy user?

According to US statistics, American exports to China supported more than 1 million jobs in the US, and trade with China helped every American household save hundreds of dollars.

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You've lost a lot of hit points. You are dying.

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>Medical examination data maintained by the CDC shows that white (average height of 510 rounded to the nearest inch) and black (59) men tend to be significantly taller than Asian (57) or Hispanic (57) men. Hawaii, California and New York have high Hispanic and Asian populations. In Hawaii, fewer than one third of the population identifies as black or white. In Alabama, by contrast, 96 percent of the population is black or white.

okay WTF

did Pelosi really go to Guatemala to influence their election?

what's wrong with this old gas bag?

also, it's almost time for Morning Joe

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