Why do they do this? Why don't they want their own to excel, achieve and better themselves...

Why do they do this? Why don't they want their own to excel, achieve and better themselves? Why don't they want to improve their own race's reputation? Niggas iz dumb fr fr

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Because they're right. The manner of speech. The manner of dress. The form of education and the knowledge itself. All of it is White. Blacks who act White are not much different from weebs.

Oh dear, she isn't supposed to point that out.

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I know which one I can tolerate more.

>Blacks are dumb apes, hurr durr.
>Don't you dare try to better yourself. Can't have you not give me a reason to shit on you now.
Profoundly retarded leaf.

Certainly, one is an improvement. But it's still a betrayal of their race and culture, such as it is. It's not much different from a native assimilating.
They are dumb apes, and they can't better themselves. A small minority of them are intelligent enough to leave the apes behind and join the people, but we still shouldn't accept them because they'll stab us in the back.

Not many of you in this board will have experience this but at my high school we had to wear uniforms. The principal stood at the gate and made sure all 1200 students had their uniform worn properly, shoes polished, correct belt etc. he banged in about having pride in ourselves and taking the effort to look presentable. Now I am an adult and I would rather wear comfortable clothes to work but I take the time to look presentable. I respect myself and others then do the same.
Now I live in a foreign country and speak English a different way than I do at home so others can understand me better for effective communication.
Every normal functioning adult does this, it’s isnt about talking white or dressing white it’s synonmous with giving a shit about yourself.

According to your story blacks don't give a shit about themselves?

>Not many of you in this board will have experience this but at my high school we had to wear uniforms
"most of you are probably lower class plebs" - the post

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Well you would have because you’re Aussie like me.

I’m saying if they think looking nice, speaking well and getting an education is anything other than caring about yourself, they are wrong. We have to do the same shit. It’s about self awareness. Different spheres of society use different linguistics codes. I don’t speak to employers or students the way I speak to my mates in the bar, that would be retarded. I also don’t speak to my foreign friends they way I do my Aussie friends because It wouldn’t make sense. I slow down when talking to my gf’s grandparents because I tend to speak quickly and they are old Icelandic people.
I’m just saying the same expectations are there for white people too.

Some of us unironically want nigs to keep acting like uncivilized apes. It's more fun that way.

There are entire countries full of subhumans to crap on. Why would you want to do the same to those who live in your neck of the woods, and want to live/act the way you do?

People will eventually get sick of their shit and redpill themselves into sending them back. There's only so long it can go on for.

Redundant statement is redundantly redundant.

Also checked.

Is he wrong tho? I mean damn, sure. some poor kids get a free ride, but for the most part the GOOD schools are expensive and they do require uniforms.

Because, on average, they have an iq just slightly above full blown retard (thanks o white admixture from the slaverism days)
What else would you expect?

Every school in Australia wears a uniform. I would say my school was probably better than most but not too expensive as the 3rd child in catholic schools is cheaper so I went to slightly better school than my sisters.
My point being is I didn’t give a shit as a kid but now I understand it as an adult.
People genuinely treat you with more respect when you dress nicely and speak clearly.
I am less likely to trust some Chav/bogan than I am some guy in a suit. The guy in the suit most likely has some modicum of self respect and at the very least that’s what he is projecting. It’s sounds snobby but its a fact of society.
Dressing well, speaking well, getting an education shows self dicipline. Doesn’t matter what colour you are.

Black culture is crab-mentality personified. Diverge from the herd and you'll be treated like a pariah. Better to be a dumb nigger and fit in.

It boils down to successfully conforming to the expectations of others.

Then it’s a matter of who the others are and what are the expectations.


The best thing you can do for ghetto black people is criticize them. Like honest criticism.

>"Speak more clearly please"
>"I've noticed you're a loud person"
>"Can you please explain _____?"

Whites being racist makes blacks go woke. Treating blacks like people makes them (try to) act like people.

Because if enough black people become successful members of society the shit ones won't be able to cry racism for being unemployable oxygen thieves

>Every school in Australia wears a uniform
is it brown?

Funnily enough yes, something like this

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It's just jealousy and laziness, anyone who stands out by actually achieving something makes the others look bad, so the easiest solution is to cut them down. I'm phoneposting so I don't have that "what it is like to teach black students" pasta to hand, but it remarks on the extraordinary level of conformity - they all dress the same, act the same, only like rap music etc.