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FBI just burns and hides evidence though, how is that a happening?
Link or GTFO fag
>FBI just burns and hides evidence though
The evidence of Trump being there.
The FBI hates Trump, tho.
>arrest notorious convicted child sex trafficker
>don't search his house until after he's dead
Dishonest and homosexual.
that island was cleaned out the moment he went to jail
Don't be a complete faggot. They would simply never search the place. Everyone has known of its existence for years.
Rusty Shackleford drone footage showed the temple interior being scrubbed with the Moloch statues sawed off the roof.
That's what they want you to think. Not everything IRL same as the reality TV show, newfriend.
whahaha this shill, Fire ur self
You're an FBI agent
shareblue shill, gettin his last paycheck soon.
>The FBI hates Trump, tho.
That's why they will plant fake evidence linking him and only him to Epstein.
excellent ROLCON fellow stalwart, miga
Wait, are you saying that we can't trust the F.B.I.?
I guess Clinton did do it.
Actually they ask a lot of questions and sources
>Be me
>Don't see link
>Proceed to berate OP for his faggy lies
Ok Dershowitz.
>wait, are you saying...
You're a burger you would never know what people are saying only what you a programmed to.
hush little shill, day of the rope soon.
They're a bit late OP
Everything is already gone
Even if they're is stuff why did they wait until the man is "dead"? Oh, because now he can't implicate anybody else
>was a 'stand in'
Is that so? Has he been located?
your cute, you'll be banned from your little proxy soon too fuckface.
>fbi removes tump evidence
>works for 3 years to build fake trump/russia case
>didnt even look at hiliary emails on obma/clinton/iran uranium deals
sloppy work glowniggers
side note:i didnt realise glowniggers ran a nightshift shitposting crew, how much you pay?
All incriminating evidence is being smashed with hammers and bleached as per SOP.
Fucking thread
Retarded burgers are real sadly.
You're... And you'll be fired soon
What anons are forgetting is no witness no crime Exspecialy for them.
Things were covered up and evidence was destroyed during the first trial.
It sucks that we spent years and we got so close only to be cheated out of justice.
and their probly going to deplatform the chans so we cant get united. hope im wrong
Dont need search warrants if person is dead.
Hey, it's illegal for you to stop sucking that rapefugee dick. Get sucking.
The FBI is a Jewish controlled organization. They are cleaning up the most damaging shit and maybe will throw a little crumb for the goyim to munch on and keep them in belief of the government and their institutions.
Exactly what I was thinking, 47 unlocked mastery earlier and started in guard attire, no ko needed.
Rol lin for who did epstein in
>mossad (1-3)
>MI6 (4-6)
>CIA (7-8)
>private agency (9)
wow the level of this comment, you must be proud go tell your mom
>anglos as always.
They're putting on a show because they think they're going to get lynched for being involved in a massive kiddy-diddling conspiracy.
it's even being discussed on a Dutch football program. The whole world is watching the stage collapse and the actors are gettin scared.
>tfw the note had one word on it, a last name
I'm more worried than anything about the international consequences. The rockefellers, rothschilds, and the rest of those fuckers are political superstars in the EU. If we prove one of them is behind Epsteins death (And you can be absolutely sure the FBI knows exactly who did it, since they know who the guard is) it could seriously cause some problems depending on who it is. While he definitely died in a way that implicates the Clintons you do have to keep in mind that he was "best friends" with them, and I think that shows a much increased likelihood of it being one of the other kiddie diddlers.
What if we end up at war with the EU over this? What if that's exactly what Epsteins death being perpetrated in this way was supposed to achieve?
I've been saying, you know, this is the time to organize. The normies are starting to understand. We can use democratic process, but we can't just be lazy voters who listen to speeches from professional liars and choose off the menu presented to us. We all have to put some real work into raising up the most trustworthy people from among ourselves, checking each other, and keeping each other honest, we have to start forming little local hierarchies, and merge them into bigger ones, until we're all in one together, that's organized and able to promote reliable people and defend itself from subversive infiltrators.
The liberals promise to move toward a better tomorrow, the conservatives promise to keep things from getting worse or roll things back to a better yesterday, and everyone wants all of those things, and they made each other their excuses to do something else entirely: make things worse and worse for us, and better for a very small number of rotten people. They chose the way they presented themselves to us to split us, make it look like we were making a real choice, when our votes didn't matter at all.
What we've got to do now is completely replace everyone who's currently in a position to interfere with investigation and prosecution of past and ongoing wrongdoing, and everyone who was involved in getting those people into power. Make a clean sweep of the power structure.
The best thing to do is hit them were it hurts and thats their comfy little paradises that they spend their time at.
Find those places and pester the fuck out of them by invading their safe places that and make them worry about whats being done to their food and beverages.
simple gang stalking tactics
This madlad actually filmed them inside one of the buildings with his drone:
Every user with a drone should be fucking with them irl constantly fuck their privacy then you might actually catch them in the act...
So will the media continue calling it a conspiracy theory after its confirmed to all be true or will they accuse Trump of shielding yidstein?
I see NYPD shirts in there – why would they be there?
I would think the feds could pretty easily get a warrant on a previously-convicted child sex trafficker, no?
NYPD has special influence in the DHS and I think it allows them to operate outside of NY in cases where terrorism is suspected. They've gone to other states in the past as well pretty sure kike politicians helped NYPD acquire extra privileges since 9/11.
Probably because the NYPD has been involved with this case since the Wiener laptop was seized. You'd be fighting to avenge the people who died because of that or were so fucked up from what they saw they had to quit.
Epstein was also being held in an NYC jail.
It was all their nicknames that Trump gave them.
I think the same my brother.
But we redpilled and awoken a part of the mass. We are doing heavier and faster job than the jews.
If we keep fighting, we can only win. All that within OUR generation!