Ok, so here we had a news saying that from Epsteins Florida Appartment they found links to some execetive of a corporation working from Tampere Finland.

The Daily News doesn't name the person or the company, but it says that the name is public and can be seen from public records.

Now time is of the essence. In Finland we don't the kind of laws that would help us find information, and citizen journalism and research is pretty hard when all records are private and releasing them or getting hold of them is a crime. So basically we are at a dead end.

Those people will try to take their life away from internet as quickly as possible. So we need to find their names. There are two finnish guys that have connection to that Epstein appartment. Please find those names and we can take over from there while we have a change.

Attached: epsteinfinland.png (640x584, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pbcgov.org/papa/Asps/PropertyDetail/PropertyDetail.aspx?parcel=40434503000060180&srchtype=MASTER&srchVal=laurel inc
search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=LAUREL F430910&aggregateId=domp-f43091-9232c40f-b61c-4357-b83b-e0c93cbc766d&searchTerm=laurel inc&listNameOrder=LAUREL 2137910




Floridanomous should deliver!!


Attached: finnishposter.png (919x737, 311K)

I'll see what I can do

tish paprer is glue saying helper helpes neededing


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>REVEALED: Jeffrey Epstein owned $1M home a few miles from his Palm Beach mansion, which has four bathrooms, a pool and NO BEDROOMS - and is registered to a company in Finland

>-Jeffrey Epstein purchased two properties in Florida through a company registered in his name
>-In addition to his $12 million Palm Beach mansion, which he transferred over to his company in 2011, he owns a $1 million home in Lake Worth
>-That property is approximately nine miles south of his mansion, and has four bathrooms, a pool and no bedrooms
>-A cabana was built on the property in 2015, and there is a long pool, both of which are similar to the ones that Epstein previously built in Palm Beach
>-The current resident is listed as the son of two Finnish nationals, whose ties to Epstein are unclear


>Jeffrey Epstein owned at least two properties in Florida at the time of his death.
The disgraced millionaire, who was found dead in his prison cell on Saturday morning at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Manhattan, had a home approximately nine miles south of his Palm Beach mansion in the town of Lake Worth.

>That 3408-square-foot home was purchased by Epstein through the same company that he used to purchase his mansion, which is registered to an address in Finland.
Palm Beach property records also reveal that the home has four bathrooms and a sizable pool, but no actual bedrooms.

>Property: In addition to his $12 million Palm Beach mansion, which he transferred over to his company in 2011, he owns a $1 million home in Lake Worth (above)

>Pleading: The current resident is listed as the son of two Finnish nationals, whose ties to Epstein are unclear (Epstein and his lawyer enter a Palm Beach court in 2008 for his plea hearing)

>Records show that the property has recently been updated, with a cabana being erected on the half-acre of land back in 2015, adjacent to the pool.

>Epstein did the same at his mansion, making a much larger cabana that he began work on back in the early aughts, which included multiple bedrooms and a kitchen. The home was built in 1965, and after Epstein added the cabana and pool, the total market value went up over $75,000 in just one year.

>It continued to rise until 2018, when it dipped down $20,000 from the previous year.

>The current resident is listed as the son of two Finnish nationals, whose ties to Epstein are unclear, and the address for the purchasing company is in the city of Tampere.

>That same company states that it is located in St Thomas on the records relating to the Palm beach mansion.

>Epstein transferred that property over from his name to the company shortly after he completed his probation following his guilty plea to two counts of soliciting a minor under 18 back in 2008.

>Epstein managed to shut down a federal probe into his illicit and illegal activities with underage girls and secure his sweetheart plea deal by providing information' to the government, FBI reports confirm.

>A federal investigation into the pedophile led by the FBI was closed out on September 18, 2008 when Epstein 'provided information to the FBI as agreed upon' according to the case agent.

>That investigation had been underway for two years at that point, but it was noted in the final report that 'no prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the State of Florida.'

>The investigation had been dormant for seven months by then, with FBI records obtained by DailyMail.com showing that the lead agent had not filed a report since February 11 at the time he closed the case.

>That February report notes that 'that the criminal investigation into activities of Jeffrey Epstein is ongoing,' and that the case agent had been told the matter was 'highly sensitive' by the United States Attorney's Office.

>This was five months after Epstein signed his non-prosecution agreement, but four months before it would be presented in court during his sentencing on two charges related to solicitation of a minor.

>Big house: That smaller property is approximately nine miles south of his mansion (above), and has four bathrooms, a pool and no bedrooms

>There was a 53-page indictment that the federal agents were prepared to bring to a grand jury at that time, and the asset forfeiture investigator had met with Assistant US Attorney Antonia J Barnes several times.

>Epstein was spared from future forfeiture as well, as noted in the report that closed out the case.

>It is unclear when Epstein spoke with agents, as no one registered with the FBI signed into see him once he began serving his time in July.

>One source told DailyMail.com that Epstein was using his assistant Story Cowles to serve as his emissary at this time, and prison records obtained by DailyMail.com do show that the young man visited Epstein almost every single day prior to his being granted work release.

>Cowles would arrive in the morning on most days, stay for a few hours and then leave around lunch time.

>He would then return a second time and leave again around 7pm, generally logging six or seven hours in jail each day as a result, despite he himself having committed no crime.
Epstein tried to hide his association with Cowles by having him sign in as a paralegal, as only lawyers and a doctor were among the 20 approved visitors at the jail.

>Epstein also managed to get what was a two-year sentence in the non-prosecution agreement cut down to 18 months, and in the end was released 13 months after he reported to the Palm Beach Barracks.


>Epstein was spared from future forfeiture as well, as noted in the report that closed out the case.
It is unclear when Epstein spoke with agents, as no one registered with the FBI signed into see him once he began serving his time in July.

>One source told DailyMail.com that Epstein was using his assistant Story Cowles to serve as his emissary at this time, and prison records obtained by DailyMail.com do show that the young man visited Epstein almost every single day prior to his being granted work release.

>Cowles would arrive in the morning on most days, stay for a few hours and then leave around lunch time.

>He would then return a second time and leave again around 7pm, generally logging six or seven hours in jail each day as a result, despite he himself having committed no crime.

>Epstein tried to hide his association with Cowles by having him sign in as a paralegal, as only lawyers and a doctor were among the 20 approved visitors at the jail.

>Epstein also managed to get what was a two-year sentence in the non-prosecution agreement cut down to 18 months, and in the end was released 13 months after he reported to the Palm Beach Barracks.

NO BEDROOMS = secret rooms filled with things


Why are fingols so evil?

Goatmoon is my fav band

I don't get this.
Did he sleep in the bathrooms?

As long as they out every single one of the money grabbing selfish thots i can agree with taking down epstein.
If we want to be virtuous going into world war 3 we need to have consistency in our convictions, metaphorically, as well as in reality.

It would also be acceptable to me if no blame would be put on the females(victims). But if so, you must also concede the female lack of ability to predict accurately the outcomes of reality.

>were fucked bois

Trained by the best.



pbcgov.org/papa/Asps/PropertyDetail/PropertyDetail.aspx?parcel=40434503000060180&srchtype=MASTER&srchVal=laurel inc



I cannot claim that this info is legitimate, found it /elsewhere/

Suomi mainittu torilla tavataan.
>Finnish national
Is this another pure fucking cohencidence?

I bet that house has austrian style basement.

e-benis (90's style)

I made a video about Epstein, it's only 2 minutes.
Pls watch

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Vou ... I know the family from my childhood. I wonder what the real links between these people are.


Kek. Dropping mad bants, Finbro.

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And no there is no dead end ... the information is all out there and it is a really famous Finnish family. However, I would not draw any conclusions as to their involvement otherwise in this case.

>Owning property in Finland registered to a company

no bedrooms in caps?
whats the meaning of this?

Global Illuminati pedophile ring.

Dafuq, was he sleeping in a bathtub or what?

Where are all the construction workers who made this shit? Surely they must be registered in any building permits?

Whether there or in Little St. James , I haven´t seen anything from the people who built it.

Let's face it, his DNA's been everywhere.

so is it just 4 bathrooms and a swimming pool?

No one registers their company in Finland avoid taxes.

I don't think that person has anything to do with this case.

(((He))) used to do real estate business mostly in NY, stayed mostly in London in recent years.

>Zabludowicz has donated between $100,000-250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Well, well, well...

>The disgraced millionaire,
EVERY single news/print or msm is using "MILLIONAIRE" . The Billionaires are 100% trying to distance themselves.
"Hur Dur he was just a scummy millionaire lowlife , NOT , a classy law abiding Billionaire like us "
Unfucking real how scared they are/were

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No mitä paskaa!

Finland on the map once again

I retract my hypothesis. The 4 bathrooms house just sounded like an easy offshore account placeholder. It's quite common. We had to rule out the easy answers first. Carry on, I think we're onto something.

search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=LAUREL F430910&aggregateId=domp-f43091-9232c40f-b61c-4357-b83b-e0c93cbc766d&searchTerm=laurel inc&listNameOrder=LAUREL 2137910

This must be it (I doubt there can be multiple "Laurel Inc's registered), but there's no information who's currently living in there.

These people live there at the moment.

Juho E Viitala
Jarmo Viitalla
Tiina M Viitala

Palm Beach as in The Bermuda Triangle?

nice find user

So Epstein bought the mansion through cover company owned by FInnish business man whose family lives in the mansion, or that's what the records says?

What the fuck?

Pinnacle of editorial journalism, truly

Attached: 1477863924184.gif (785x755, 2.04M)

This Juho Viitala?

Attached: viitala.png (677x228, 55K)

Yes ... it is the famous Viitala family of Teraselementti (Marjamaki near Tampere).

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Bill Clinton was in Finland a while ago, don't think this is connected but I thought these articles were interesting.


Freemasons are dangerous people...

Oh no! Not a Frinrand!

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Can't stand the sight of that AIDS-riddled degenerate. Makes my skin crawl


Fkn disgusting pedos burn in hell

Go back to Swedistan cuck :DD

Thanks Liz.

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theres a nwo rape dungeon in helsinki synagogues cellar

>$1 million dollar home
>no bedrooms

They're everywhere...


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They didn't take the little girls there to nap with them. They fucked them in the livingroom.

was gonna say this

Based boomers gut Trumpenstein
1:01:00 for the finisher.

Wouldn't surprise me, they are everywhere in the West...

How about this...


I took a look at Epsteins public records using Truthfinder, and not only could I not find a property owned by Epstein that matched the details in the article, the single property I found that did match the details had nothing at all to do with Finland, or Epstein for that matter. I think the article is most likely bullshit.

Where did this faggot get all his money?
And more importantly, how many more years will it take before we lynch the rich?

Poju's father was huge mossad arms dealer.
Poju is as well an arms dealer. Mossad stole through Poju's father the blueprints for their Galil which was made of RK62, which is still today the most reliable AK-copy because of it's box. They also sold to finnish military missiles that can be remotely operated up to 2 kilometers. So they are stealing military technology from finland and selling them weapons.

Basically Poju and his father were running the arms tech inside finland.

He also has connections to finnish politicians. The kind of that would anger Jow Forums.

He also was interrigated in israel when their own internal political struggles were in high gear. Nethanyahu was being accused of some sexual harrashment or something in those lines and the police were asking Poju about it.

So Poju is highli connected with the Israel government. Poju is actually one of the riches men in the entire world. He runs arms and probably knows years ahead when wars start. Let that sink in.


Every single fucking time

Get in here! Its HAPPENING!

>4 torture rooms
>no bedrooms

>4 torture rooms
>no bedrooms

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Chill out kiddo

Finland in sight, il see what i can find out. Where do rich people hang in Finland?

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Finnish company has nothing to do with Epstein :D

Released: 13.8. 11:29

Finnish company didn't have any connection to the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
Ilta-Sanomat falsely reported on printed issue of 13. of august page A 14 in, that suspect of numerous sex crimes Jeffrey Epstein would have had ties to properties in Palm Beach Florida through company run by a Finnish man. News was originally released by British Daily Mail.

According to the Daily Mail, the CEO of connected company is Finnish and one of the resident of property would also be Finnish national.
The Ilta-Sanomat also confirmed that the information released by Daily Mail could be verified through registers of Florida State. The Ilta-Sanomat continued to investigate the story and it came up that the companys name was exactly same as the company owned by the Finnish CEO.

According to information by Ilta-Sanomat, Finnish man or the company he is running has no connection to Epstein or his business activity. Ilta-Sanomat apologizes for the mistake. :DD

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wonder how much that cost?

finland is very corrupt, supposedly the most free country for press but in reality it is the best at repeating the cia hillary shill narrative. just look at parazite or the amount of drugs on the darknet that come from finland for proof of the corruption in your country.

silkitttie and the rest, this shit wouldn't exist without corruption.

Their money comes mostly from Tampella. Howitzers and mortars. Soltam was Tampella subsidiary in Israel. After Yom Kippur War Soviets kindly suggested that Finland stops selling weapons for Israel and they were told by Kekkonen to get rid of it. Elder Zabludowicz got the company cheap as result.

When it comes to Spike and who is involved in Finland with that on corporate side of thing things, that would be a Tampere based company, Insta DefSec Oy. As part of offset trades for Finnish Spike purchases and locally made content they ended up manufacturing thermal seekers for the missiles and that business continued well past Finnish procurement as Rafael was selling more missiles their own production capacity for several years after that. Poju might be indirectly involved in that.

Thanks for verifying that I'm not thinking backwards. I wasted several hours crosschecking shit. Too bad I can't ruin the day of some random rich dude from Finland, though.

Finns should go through the black books and look for names of Finnish politicians

This is not based

>Journalist: Hi! I'm journalist from iltasanomat I would like to ask you a question.
>Viitala: Yes, sure.
>Journalist: So are you connected to Epstein in anyway?
>Viitala: No, Of course not!
>Journalist: That what I though also. Well thanks anyway. Have a nice day.

So apparently the reported called him and asked if he had a connection to notorious pedophile criminal with connections to sex trafficking and organized pedophilia. So he obviously denied any involvement but no excuse were given why he owned the property Epstein was staying. And the reporter actually took his word for it.

And because it's mainstream news, now it's officially settled.

Are you on the ferry? Good luck Eesti bro.

Dude, it's the same guy. He has connections to Epstein. The media is covering it up. Ylilauta is biggest discussion forum in finland and all the mainstream media is fogused on it. After there was this thread about this connection. It took like 35 minutes for the mainstream media to deny Viitala had any involvement with Epstein.

Dude keep searching.

Surely not?!?! What is wrong with this world...

the absolute state of Finnish news

Soon brother, soon.

Wouldn't be surprised if they are Freemasons and Jews, and their blackmailed subjects.

Maybe this...

Makes me wish I had the means to become a freelance journalist even if I did get shoahd

>don't think this is connected
It is!
>Zabludowicz has funded politicians like Alexander Stubb (Finland), David Cameron (UK) and the Clinton Foundation (USA). Zabludowicz has donated between $100,000-250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.


Minkä kokonen virimma? Laaja kirjanpitovelvollisuus syntyy jo aika pienelle firmalle ja se velvottaa antamaan jo lainottajien, pääasiallisten omistajien nimiä jne.

>bumping your own thread