Seriously Jow Forums it's just sad at this point.
Not everyone is a secret Jew involved in a global conspiracy, y'all just can't handle the fact the world is more complicated than that.
Stop scapegoating the Jewish people
Other urls found in this thread:
ohy veeey
>prepare for screen shot
dont be sillly
look at this jewish supremacist asshole
But it realy is us
Just the other day i hypnotised a white girl into leaving her white family and becoming a blacked porn star
I am also a banker from walstreet who likes to shitpost on Jow Forums
Please don't vote for trump he is a zionist puppet
This is inaccurate; not all the people I don't like are jews. Some are:
>Violent niggers
>Insectoid chinks
>Lazy spics
>Explosive mudslimes
>Vile poojeets
The point is, jews only make up a small percentage of the people I loathe.
I'm not a Jew as (((you))) imply
y'all is gender inclusive
third american in under 2 minutes
they just want to be safe
Jews are just normal people
You're not helping your people rabbi :