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Boomers were a mistake

deal with it fag

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stalwart slide thread do not reply

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imagine not supporting israel.
imagine allow islam to completely rule that region, giving it the confidence to expand again.

Have you guys seen Epstein yet? Keep a watch out, especially in Tel Aviv.

imagine the smell

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>making their yearly pilgrimage to Israel
you know how even when you work from home you have to go into the office on Fridays

On October 23, 2018, McCarthy tweeted that Democratic donors businessman George Soros, businessman Tom Steyer and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, were trying to “buy” the upcoming election.[85] McCarthy tweeted this a day after a pipe bomb was delivered to Soros' home.[86][87][88] Steyer said McCarthy's tweet was a "straight-up antisemitic move" because the three Democrats are Jewish.[89] A vandal threw rocks at McCarthy's office and stole equipment from it, reportedly in reaction to McCarthy's tweet. McCarthy later deleted the tweet.[90]

>a bunch of low IQ boomers worshipping Israel
nothing new here

>Israel shooting at Saudi Arabia
t. has no clue about geopolitics

Getting an early jump on those 2020 campaign funds.

Treasonous faggots.

Seething trannies btfo
Two scoops
Two genders
Two great allies

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Based fellow deplorable
I also get all my geopolitical knowledge from redpilled tweeter posts
Dabing on libtards

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hah, you really are pathetic and worthy of death ratlets.

Silence circle

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Celebrating after the Epstein hit.

Go to bed Shapiro