Our local stores have about 5 cans of corn and beans wtf.
Jow Forums pls tell me it isn’t happening to you too *pic related but from google
Roll call- food shortages
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Seeing this post is all the evidence I need, time to resort to cannibalism, next person I see I'm eating.
The trade war with China is showing effects, eh? Buy from local farmers, fag.
Items like pasta and canned goods are low around here so I was just wondering. Is it time to stock up? Is it gonna hit the fan
We have so much extra food right now we're literally giving it away for free to our schools. Apparently, China isn't buying as much. Hell, I just threw a whole extra-large taco supreme pizza into the garbage, just because I can.
I thought the USA was self sufficient about their food. What happened?
shelves barren here in the inland empire
Ww3 confirmed
Cant wait for irl call of duty
They ate it all
please help
dde! look at he right of the based nigger! all the salsa and hot sauce you can sustain upon!
Nope, no issues what so ever here in socal. Prices on meat are even quite good this time of year
How long has this been happening??
It is self sufficient but I think our crops are getting hammered hard and Walmart has little signs printed saying availability is limited due to some logistical problems but that sounds like BS
That’s the point cattle are being slaughtered because corn prices are probably going up, right?
3 weeks to a month as far as I know. I didn’t realize it but last week at the store they didn’t have my usual variety of barilla pasta and now it’s getting harder to find normal canned foods too
I went grocery shopping yesterday. All stores were well stocked and fatasses were out. All is well.
>I think our crops are getting hammered hard
By weather or economics reasons?
look at my flag bra you dont want me near you.
I’m not sure but if I had to guess, it would be weather. Now what if the rich know about this and are diverting food away from the grocery stores to stockpile?
Walmart doesn't sell u.s. food other than dairy and meat.
There was heavier than normal flooding in the Midwest after the thaw. Most of the precipitation last winter was in February. Crops were planted late.
Lol then where do the Oreos and canned corn come from
>Now what if the rich know about this and are diverting food away from the grocery stores to stockpile?
Hmmm are prices skyrocketed yet?
If not then I doubt that was it.
Any meat shortage yet?
Thanks for the info that actually makes sense
I would say it was the brutal winter that went on longer than usual and then the melring snow and ice,caused huge areas to be flooded, this meant planting crops was massively delayed, maybe too late depending on when the cold weather arrives.
Great Depression II has already started media keeps you distracted with pedos and shooters
Corn is probably American. The contents of Oreos likely come from South America. You do realize the beef industry in Brazil is almost entirely u.s. investors and all that out of season produce can't possibly be local, right?
I also figured that if corn prices are going up more meat will be on the market because people will have to slaughter cattle
Any future development to avoid this happening again? Rerouting rivers or shit like that?
Well the fruit makes sense but there’s lots at the store, the Oreos are mainly flour right so that would probably be American but not the cocoa but we also have plenty of Oreos. Idk
You can feed cows almost anything. The majority of barely not going to beer goes to cattle feed for example. Barely is great in wet weather actually and makes good soup. We just have a farm industry obsessed with corn and soi.
that’s concerning user. No problems here in Australia and all of that food is produced in the US, maybe people are anticipating shit to go down.
Damn not even achieving food supply independence makes food supply rock solid.
It was just an actually normal winter, but most of the precip was late which isn't normal. Rivers were diverted long ago to make a lot of that flat cropland. That's why it floods. It does every year, was just more volume than usual. It thaws in January and then again on March with February being bitter in the North.
I thought farmers stop using corn as their main cattle food.
ooooh got it.
Farmers have harvested crops just sitting in silos, they were riding out the tarrifs. We toss over half the food we produce, usually at the store not selling it in time.
You can walk into a WM store any Saturday evening and think there's a food shortage by looking at the shelves. It's pretty basic why, they primarily restock at night due to safety and practical concerns and dont refill during the daytime. I've seen no evidence of a food shortage. Even Trump's trade war has had the biggest impact on dairy farmers and not food growers. As far as the weather, it hasn't been so abnormal. The SE US actually had a milder winter than normal and farmers here are looking at record breaking crops due to that and rain thus far coming in almost perfect intervals over the summer.
>We toss over half the food we produce, usually at the store not selling it in time.
Over here milk producers do the same thing.
Prefer to throw the product to get paid even less.
Couple of years ago most of the farmers/milk producers slaughtered a lot of their cows because it wasnt viable to keep producing.
looks like you will starve, antisocial basement dwelling autist
It depends on the location and climate zone. Here in the south our cows are primarily grass fed. In feed lots out west they're primarily cornfed.
If prices dont blow up there is no food shortage.
At least thats what I understand.
Dairy farmers bitch constantly about that here too. They don't realize the industry changed 80 years ago with mechanization so unless you have about 500 head, you're a hobby farmer. Had a guy I went to high school with complain and I said you guys have always had other jobs, it's a hobby. My family got out of farming in the 30s because the writing was on the wall.
Prices are so artificially low here due to subsidy that every hobby farmer would go bankrupt if we didn't give them welfare. We pay them not to grow certain crops in some cases.
hurricane harvey still happening?
Exacttly, all thi political stuff is just a huge distraction, tariffs are just an excuse for the price increaes that will come due to shortages down to crop failiures. When Trump mentioned putting tarriffs on french wine i laughed because the french lost almost 50% of it grape production due to extremely late and very hard frost events.
If youre not buying in as much food as possible to store for the future now maybe a good time to start before price increases really start to bite hard.
Wonder why the clear difference between those?
Maybe corn makes the milk taste different?
>We pay them not to grow certain crops in some cases.
wut? to avoid over supply of some crops?
How much corn being stored was lost due to the flooding ? I heard the losses were quite substantial ?
The whole Brexit thing has turned a lot of you prepers huh?
On cow feeding, it's because some parts of our country have such vast expanses of prarrie and scrub that grass feeding is a better use, i.e. ranching, than a factory farm feeding corn. On the subsidy, yes it's to avoid overproduction and to force crop rotation.
I walk into the store and there's too much fucking food here. I love money.
Stored? I'd guess little. A solo would have to flood to lose the storage. Usually they've got concrete foundations or are entirely cement. Some are steel. The loses are on not being able to plant soon enough this year and continued rain washing out planting.
You a farmer user?
It's due to what's more cost effective locally to feed them based on the environment. In the SE we have plenty of grass and hay year around to feed cattle due to our warm wet climate zone so it's cheap. In the west due to longer winters and lack of vegetation due to a drier climate it's more cost effective to feed them corn.
Nah i dont give a fuck , i have other plans , im just trying to bring some awareness to whats going on.
He'll probably survive for at least a year just from his own lard. Maybe he'll see his parents within that time, which would give him another few years. I think he'll do fine.
hmmm makes sense. Thank you.
No, just grew up in a rural area. Most own cropland they rent to farmers to pay their property taxes. I have family members that still do, but like i said, it's a tax subsidized hobby unless you've got huge tracts 'o land. As we say, their hats are always bent from bending into the mailbox to get taxpayer checks.
Here's the real judge of a food shortage or not and you can see food prices have been relatively stable for a while.
Read OP I clearly said it was a googled pic. Lmao
right, i forgot he is morbidly obese
even worse he doesn't starve
Can food
Canned beans are okay, but not a lot else. The only advantage to canned food is not needing refrigeration to store it.
>Food inflation is a major part of the Consumer Price Index. It is always discussed in the monthly CPI report. It includes pricing changes for "food away from home" and "food at home" — for example, the pair in May logged respective year-over-year increases of 3.1% and 0.9%.
"food away from home" as in restaurants?
A whole large taco supreme pizza just flew over my house!
California Valley here. Supply side looks relatively normal. US shit is a little behind schedule. Some of the South American shit looks light.
Local growers are doing fine this year.
I wonder if it's logistic issues, like packaging material from china or argentina.
If we drop into a Grand Solar Minimum now as some a predicting but others are saying will come after the next solar cycles in 10 years or so things will change rapidly, my concern is that the last 2 winters in the US have been quite brutal compared to what had become the norm and this coinciced with complete drop off in solar activity and when i see the record snowfall and the coldest temps experienced in decades happening as we speak in Australia im starting to get a little concered that Grand Solar Minimum Eddy has arrived.
OP is a faggot or only goes out at night whwn the shelves aren't restocked yet. Pic is from before hurricane harvey in 2017, people stockpiling
Where and when was this picture taken, you worthless pile of dog shit?
OP is a trolling faggot trying to rile you retards up. I was just at Stop & Shop yeaterday. Shelves packed.
>my concern is that the last 2 winters in the US have been quite brutal compared to what had become the norm
What are you on about? I live in the north east and the last couple years we basically haven't had a winter. This past winter we got a total of less than a foot of snow, usually we get a total of 8 or so feet. I didn't even need to wear a jacket for most of last winter, just a sweatshirt was enough.
grand solar minimum incoming
>The weather was not in itself a hardship for those accustomed to long winters. The real problem lay in the weather's effect on crops and thus on the supply of food and firewood. At higher elevations, where farming was problematic in good years, the cooler climate did not quite support agriculture. In May 1816,[1] frost killed off most crops in the higher elevations of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, as well as upstate New York. On June 6, snow fell in Albany, New York, and Dennysville, Maine.[8] In Cape May, New Jersey, frost was reported five nights in a row in late June, causing extensive crop damage.[9]
>At the Church Family of Shakers near New Lebanon, New York, Nicholas Bennet wrote in May 1816, "all was froze" and the hills were "barren like winter". Temperatures went below freezing almost every day in May. The ground froze on June 9. On June 12, the Shakers had to replant crops destroyed by the cold. On July 7, it was so cold, everything had stopped growing. The Berkshire Hills had frost again on August 23, as did much of the upper northeast.[11]
What state? I've never seen empty shelves in a supermarket.
Why don't you tell us where you live OP?
Corn an onions were planted incredibly late in n. Illinois. Some fields not planted at all. Harvests may be half normal. But this is feed corn and ethanol corn.
plz send food - 2 expensive 2 eat here :(
Maybe the day will come when we start subsistence farming again
Wasn't that because of a huge volcano erupting in Indonesia
two eruptions. but the weather might not be dissimilar to a grand solar minimum and 'year without a summer' sounds very cool. i'd hoped it would scare anons into buying beans
Solar minimum --> Crop failures --> Commodity inflation --> Civil unrest
you know they can't buy Chinese goods on the cheap anymore...sad all that money has to stay in the US now:)
Supermarkets should look at the products that don't sell after a food shortage and throw them in the bin.
if you live in a poor part of the country your walmart will only have barely enough stock because its not for you, the place is more like a supply depot for military to rally around in the event of a domestic emergency that pays for itself through the profits of being a "store" to a certain degree: in a high-value market the "supply depot" pays for itself but in. for instance, the desert of central new mexico your walmart doesn't give a fuck about your dirty mexican trailer trash ass so you'll find important items missing constantly. because you don't matter. understand, now, foreigners, how things work here? we have a lot of land to rule and we need depots for troops. every country in europe has been doing the same thing since the fucking gun was invented and a stockpile of gunpowder in key areas could let you rule far beyond what previous rulers were capable of: of course this developed, as a matter of convenience and practicality, into the modern "walmart" which i assure you is basically a military operation akin to napoleon covering the west bank of the rhine in supply depots that perhaps later developed into trading posts by virtue of traffic, etc. we're just more purposeful and organized today and have better technology.
white people should always have a well-stocked pantry and functioning garden, it's a huge part of our cultural heritage...being prepared and able to independently feed ourselves for months at a time....
seriously, try it....you will feel a sense of calm in your every day thinking once you are truly prepared to feed yourself...I think it may be one of the things in modern (((normal))) society that causes a low-key anxiety that is pervasive....
there are a whole bunch of fruits that are missing from or barely came on the market this year....peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, cherries....strawberry season was short and crappy too...the winter wheat crops did so poorly that some people are selling the cutting as straw, they didn't even harvest the grain from it because it was so poor...and the corn crop this year barely went in...there are still fields where last year's crappy corn is still rotting in the field because it wasn't worth harvesting last year and nothing went in this year....anything corn, wheat, or soi based is going to get hard to find....canned fruits and vegetables and fruit preserves are going to run short soon too....it was a crappy growing season for most of the US this year..
Crop failures, flooded farm land. Check out adapt 2030 channel on ytube. That's a big reason POTUS has had China stop imports. US needs the corn, wheat and other grains. Stock up anons, hunger is a bad way to die. Shadilay
nothing, this food shortage thing is just a meme. OPs pic is a stock photo from at least a year ago.
You’re full of shit.
Get off the VPN
and show your
real flag faggot.
You’re full of shit.
Get off the VPN
and show your
real flag fuckin’
you live in an area where niggers live?! gross
What kind of Canadian larp is this? I just went to the store yesterday and bought plenty of vegetables.
Yea the mist was a good movie.
Thats one way to make the mexicans and Puerto ricans go back, i guess.
Fyi Giving a blow job doesn't count as cannibalism.
Don't worry about it, if you can't survive on ramen whiskey and speed then you won't survive what is coming.