Literally sauron

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Exactly. Let's make that tower fall.

so who is frodo and what is the one ring in this analogy

Yeah, let’s let it fall

literally a star of david

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Lets make a fellowship

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frodo is ben shapiro and the one ring is an american foresking

This is what happens when faggots begin to confuse works of fiction with reality.

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You cant name ((( him )))

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>all seeing eye
We need to make it blind

Calm down, you stupid faggot. We're joking.

"Dont pronunce his name frodo"

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>all seeing eye creates an army of goblins and orcs
Wait a minute...

lord of the rings was a metaphorical documentary you absolute brainlet

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Look up the symbol for the deathly hallows from the harry potter books.

you think tolkien was living in vacun and wasnt influenced by the world around him ?

You, and me and all of us. And the one ring is the meme as a concept.

That’s clearly an Illuminati thing

The Jesuits(Roman-Catholic Church) and the Free-Masons have secret power in international politics!

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>Doesn't realize satire when he sees it
Don't be scared user, pol's a board of peace

>Made ring to bind them all.
>blackmail pedo ring
>we win

being an oxford profesor im sure he knew a lot of masons and their objectives the same way that indo european theories gave rise to elfs for example as the last remnant of the pure aryans

Who is him?
I thought he was referring to the international bankers.

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Not traditional Catholics tho, just novus ordo rome

>The ring of Solomon had a seal which was used to control demons
>to save middle earth and the world of man the ring had to be destroyed
>the king of men were greedy for power and didnt want to destroy the ring
>a bunch of midget throw Jews into a giant oven and ride away on giant birds

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Cringe, made me kek tho.

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Nigger those are Freemason symbols.

islamauron with the help of the petrodollarian burqoenlighters.

Does this make Trump Gandalf?

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According to John Todd, Tolkien was a member of the Rothschild's Golden Dawn who wrote his books by copying some texts from their witchcraft books like the Book of Shadow.

It would explain why (((Hollywood))) loved so much the movies.

the two colums of masonry
Tolkien was redpilled as fuck

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its the pillars of duality not colums

So the lord of the ring is basically aryans and humans vs jews and their pets?

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Do you think is an analogy ?

Maybe thats why so many people love lord of the ring , it conect at subconcious level with the truths that we cant let espress freely .

literally a leaf

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>y-yeah so what kikes are based at least my flag isn't a leaf haha now what oy vey

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