
>Nigel Farage on Boris and Brexit: "Deliver or DIE!"

>muzzie cunt gets battered in Bruceland after stabbing women

>UK 'first in line' for US trade deal, says John Bolton

>Londonderry: Petrol bombs thrown in third night of violence

>Munster Square stabbing: Boy, 16, killed in Camden

>Prisons: Boris Johnson pledges £100m to boost security

>Hong Kong leader warns protesters not to push city into 'abyss'

>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't get over how retarded the Greens are. The same party that wants to close every female prison.

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Heard Patel has gotten the green light to build some Gallows in Trafalgar Square. Can't wait until she starts hanging people for capital crimes like shoplifting and homelessness. Based af.

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An all female cabinet, that's cute.

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>Wearing sandals to your execution

Yesterday's news bruv.
Would love to batter the poo on the bike tho

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Does she have every form of autism going?

Based Commando Baz takes down bicycle terrorist

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What made me laugh was when she said we should have an all-woman cabinet because women are less tribal

And some new forms of autism we didn't even know about.


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She also has mutism and doesn't talk for days when she gets upset apparently

Behold: The essence of life captured in a single piece of music.

Imagine the cabinet meetings? They'd spend 75% of it telling everyone what Anne said to Sarah about Amy while complaining they're overworked.

just got scammed by unite the union, quit my subs after near 20years. slimey fucks still took the direct debit. Im thinking its like EU divorce bill.

plus they'd vote in 10 year fully paid maternity leave

Being conservative, fascist, or right wing in general is associated with stupidity, and you should never underestimate human stupidity that starts from the typical dude. It is one of the most powerful forces that shape history

-Western Exceptionalism
-Hyper Patriotism
-Hyper Nationalism
-Cultural Mythology That Shapes Everything
-Propaganda That Informs Everything
-Clearly Defined Enemies, Simultaneously Weak and Overwhelming
-Military And Police Worship
-Militarized Police
-Patriarchal Relations/ Structures With Stereotypical Gender Roles
-Strong Advocacy For The "Traditional" Family
-A Strong Centralized State That Is Completely And Totally Captured By Capitalism
-Uncrititical, Miseducated, Irrational, Submissive And Obedient Population
-Extreme Xenophobia

The list could go on indefinitely. The groundwork has long been laid. It's woven into the fabric of UK, US, European and Western culture. It can happen here. And it already is.

>UK 'first in line' for US trade deal, says John Bolton

Boris is going to make us the 51st state under the control of this evil clown. War on Iran anybody?

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some Australian man shouted some things while waving something around in Australia.

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Ngubu unsettled at Norf FC, wants a £90m move back to Souf FC, cites cultural shock

>REEE we're going to be the 51st state, BORIS IS A FASH
no Susan, it's a free trade deal. Means we can buy and sell without tariffs. Calm down. Take a breath.


why is the left wing so murderous and hateful?

Lol based Aussies

no match for Deano and his mates

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oi oi what you lookin at cuz? *tsk*

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poor mosely, you britshits really deserve what you're getting for bullying him, the man fought in the great war for his country and out of his love for his country tried to prevent another costly war, yet because you guys are overly offended faggots, you let him be shut down and started another unjust war, if that wasn't homosexual enough you faggots mocked and ridiculed the man for his failure and his spent the rest of his life being hated and shamed.

She'd need Netanyahu's approval for anything first

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She has aspergers.

I love how those fucking idiots at the Guardian took her seriously.

No, that's usually societies that are inplanted with cultural xenophobia, patriarchal/misogynist, hate, if they aren't already totalitarian and police like which is caused by those ''bravado'' things

>Dad! We need to stop eating meat every night! Our teacher told us it's a main driver of climate change!

What do you say?

Man knows to give me that bike, safe, come to Asda blud go on a mad ting

Generation Z are doomed, they've swallowed the hoax

"Yeh mate, just bought the new BMW M3, it's fast as fuck mate. Well, didn't buy it, my mate Andy over at the dealership got me an amazing finance deal, 120 monthly payments of £450, that's like nothing! Didn't even have to pay a deposit! No, I don't know what depreciation is, some sort of poofta word?"

And a quick look over at the Guardian today.

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top kek
*Slams it into a wall after a ket binge*

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Literally everyone in Germany was stupid in the 1930's and everyone in the USSR was smart. That makes sense.

Show her this

>Make environmentalist party
>It turns into a radical left leaning fringe terrorist party
Why does this keep happening?

Seen loads of these about in the past year. Do people mostly get them on credit?

If they'd have done that in the UK to a Muslim terrorist, they'd probably be sent to Prevent.

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>literal word salad
ok I'll answer my own question. the left wing needs totalitarianism to achieve it's goals. power corrupts. absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yup. Deanos love 'um. Take a walk through any Deano-box new build estate.

does anyone fucking remember the blonde lad who posted his picture on here with his bird in bed? lad on the left here looks abit like him

>just a free trade deal

You really are a naive little child if you believe that. Our Tory poodle government already stole the Venezuelan gold reserve, bombed Syria and seized an Iranian tanker off Gib at the request of these US neocon zionists and based on lies. Bending over backwards to ingratiate themselves in the hope of this "just a free trade deal" that will never happen. 300% tariffs like the one on Bombardier more like.

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So is climate change real or what?

Deano like car with loud engine...BRUUMMM BRUMMM ....HE HE...shiny car

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Bit late but first for brapqueen

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the guardian is the embodiment of the left wing. there always has to be a crisis and an enemy. in a true right wing paper there would just be weather and cricket news.

Its the immigrants fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills

Its the immigrants fault I pay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills

Its the immigrants fault my rents gone up again

It's the immigrants fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school

It's the immigrants fault I’ll never own a home

It's the immigrants fault my kids still live at home past their teens

It's the immigrants fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night

It's the immigrants fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks

It's the immigrants fault I cant find them good social care

it's the immigrants fault the main road into town is congested every morning

Its the immigrants fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week

>its the immigrants fault

sounds like Corbyn talking points to me


Read Graham Hancock

natural phenomenon which is why the governments haven't revealed the anti gravity aircraft yet

This but unironically

Potato girl says so

Prediction: 1 post by this ID

of course

what isn't real though, is this wild concept that the world is going to turn into a massive fucking desert... lets call it "extreme global warming": absolute nonsense. we'll be fine, we just have to make the right changes.

climate change is real because the climate changes. global cooling is a form of climate change.

>Derry: Petrol bombs thrown in third night of violence
Tiocfaidh ár lá

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No, it's a con for higher taxes.
Read Christopher Booker and James Delingpole

The Chad motorist vs the Virgin bikefag.

>"What do you say?"
"Ixo eta jan ezazu zure orkatza"
And she better like it

>an all bugman cabinet
That's funny.

the left is a liberal revolutionary towards right wing authoritarianism, violence, war, misogyny etc

Up the IRA

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Fuckin' hell lads. Some black girl today starting talking to me about my white privilege and blaming white people for slavery. Luckily she proceeded to forgive me for my ignorance as I am but a simple privileged white male. She's on the ilk who believe it is impossible for black people to be racist because she bought into the racism/power dynamic. Does she know about the Barbary slave trade? Does she know about the millions people still currently enslaved, not by white people mind you? Lads, all of us, our countries are toast. The things they are teaching the kids at college... they have been all but fundamentally taken over by Marxists. It's like the Frankfurt school 2.0, they are teaching feminism, gender studies, intersectionality, critical theory, socialism in a favorable light. These children are going to graduate eventually and be our future voters and leaders, not to mention the hordes of minorities which are being allowed into all of our countries. "Diversity is our strength" is a literal Orwellian term with "hate speech" as the weapon to police thought crime. You are all aware of what's happening right? It's growing beneath us, and one day, in a flash of light, it's all going to change before our very eyes, and we're going to wonder "what happened? Where did it all go?"

It was 104 today, feels like my lungs are collapsing.

show real flag

Right folks

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woke up today feeling shitty, depressed, lost a bit of weight, supposed to be going to the gym but haven't even had the effort to make breakfast yet
i am suspect low t is behind this
why tho? why does this randomly happen?
should i quit my job so i can recover from workouts properly?

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Avoid blacks at all costs. There like brainwashed robots trying to rob you when you let your guard down.

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little ted says gas the kikes race war now

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Hey you should look up Ryan Dawson on YouTube and BitChute.

Taken to its logical conclusion, this would apparently excuse Greenlanders being child-raping drunkards. It's not them, it's the climate. It's US.

based blue van man

Come to Bright House where everyone leaves with a smile on their face and a mortgage on a washing machine. Win, win.

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where the fuck is this "Londonderry"
>bad enough that is is anglicised as "Derry"
Doire Cholmcille, what have they done to you ..

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The IRA helped carry out a major bomb attack against the South African apartheid government, according to a former ANC cabinet minister.

In posthumous memoirs, Kader Asmal, also claimed Gerry Adams was approached to provide IRA men to train ANC members in Ireland.

Professor Asmal, who was a founder of the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement, died in June aged 76.

Sinn Fein has so far not responded to the claims.

change diet? make sure you are getting right nutrients and stuff ?

Yes, they'd be less conflict. I'm not saying that men should be discriminated, but I think women run society would e more rational and reasoning.

And men wouldn't be talking about sports, cars, women, and maybe problematic stuff?

Shouldn't you be at midday prayers?

hello African friend

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start waking up earlier

>Over the past three years the spectre of a rampant English nationalism has gripped the imagination of the liberal left.
>In 2016 the bulk of the leave vote was provided by voters more likely to emphasise their English rather than their British identity. And it was Conservatism’s appeal to working-class English voters with a similar profile that denied Labour a majority in 2017.
>Of course, not everyone who lives in England says they think of themselves as primarily English.
Probably because they're not.
>These English identifiers resent the Barnett formula that gives deprived English regions less public spending per head than Scotland. Many see the NHS, university fees, social care and education – even the EU and immigration – as issues where the English interest is distinct from the UK as a whole.
>Nine out of 10 think it is important that a political party stands up for English interests, but nearly half can’t identify one that does.
>Englishness is a national identity deeply rooted in the identities of local places and it was inevitably disrupted by the rapid impact of unexpected levels of migration
> The number of people claiming you have to be white to be English has halved over the past seven years – to just 10% – undermining claims that Brexit was driven by ethnically exclusive English nationalism.
Very sad.
>Labour could set out a vision for the English nation within the union. Perceptive Liberal Democrats should understand that the voters who abandoned them for the Tories in 2015 were driven by the English interest. If England’s democratic aspirations were recognised, the English could once again become part of the mainstream political conversation from which they have been excluded for too long. Misplaced fears of English nationalism could be put back in the box.

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An bhfuil aon ghaeilge agatsa féin?

Maybe you should actually reason with her instead of sticking a wall between the debate and standing there like a docile confused person? That's probably why she ended up calling you simple because your mind isn't fluid and adaptive enough because you're blissfully unaware thanks to your, yes. Just being a white dude.

I'm sorry I dont speak Swahili...

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No. Men tend to get on with their work first. Women spend an inordinate amount of time gossiping rather than working.

Less tribal means more migration, and more migration of Muslims means eventually a take over hostile or otherwise. Tribalism has its faults but it's also necessary. Women have not lead precisely because they are not tribal -- they do not care about the tribe or preserving it. Ultimately, they seek to be dominated, and will flock to the more dominant male regardless of his race, hence, war brides. They have also never been the builders or maintainers of civilizations. They are in control today simply because they have been allowed to be, and look what they are doing, inviting in the most masculine culture imaginable to come dominate them and take it over. I'm right.

But will constantly tell you the opposite

They're all on lease. Just like the pakis did years before.

>never been with a group of men
You don't realise how childish men are when they're in a group. Laughing at each other, harassing each other for ''fun'', bullying, shouting slur words etc. They'll get on with their work later.

my diet is pretty good i think, mostly meat grains and veggies/fruit
i was thinking of cutting out carbs a bit but i'm trying to gain weight so it's probably counter-intuitive while i'm still pretty skinny

good advice, i was waking up at 7am consistently a while ago and it was great. just having an odd spell lately after falling back into some bad habits i guess

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