D'Souza Nationalism

When did you become a D'Souza Conservative, Jow Forums? For me it was after I watched Death of a Nation.

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>For most of history, India was at the center of civilisation

real quote

eww, boomer takes.

George Soros
The Clintons
Richard Spencer
Adolf Hitler
et al

Poo's with me?

isn't he just yet nother zionist migatard

And a correct one.


Not even close. His take is too subtle for Jow Forums, I think.

what does he think about israel

He doesn't even mention it. His main preoccupation is party-political wars within the USA, and how it defines democracy itself.

israel and judaism is the single most pertinant question when it comes to american politics, it's the most powerful force in american politics

if he doesn't even mention it he's either a cowardly cuckold bitch or he approves of it

Maybe to you it is. He's more of a political historian, he mostly talks about things that happened long before Israel even existed. If you want to talk about America/Israel, go to a different thread.

you're a bluepilled retard, lurk moar.

This man has been inside Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter.

I couldn't possibly lurk more. Fuck off, schizo Swede.

Is that a fact? Good for him. I still think Ann Coulter is hot.

He's the pajeet Thomas Sowell

Attached: Civic nationalism literally is globalism sfe.jpg (548x612, 276K)

kys you fucking kike nigger.

tell us about this fucking souza kike nationalism then, what is his analysis and what does he want to do

I highly doubt that, but thanks for your half-arsed input all the same.

I'm done with you, go away.
Watch this movie if you want to learn more.

>muh democrats
you are fucking retarded. if anyone is killing of america right now, it's jews

We get it, man. You hate jews. I hate jews. We all hate jews. But this particular thread is not about jews. Please just stop posting.

>why is USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and soon Iran

>why did america open its borders, why are white people getting replaced, why are there so many immigrants

>why is america spiritually and culturally dead and worship degeneracy

Can you you maybe just start a thread about the Jewish influence on America, and leave my thread alone? Could you do that?

i literally asked your for souzas points so we could have a discussion but you just linked to some fucking good goy movie. i dont think you want to discuss anything with anyone, you're just a fucking fanboy. otherwise we would discussing souzas ideas right now. but you just wanna be a cheerleaders for him


why are all boomers autistic? holy fuck

>D'Souza Conservative
You mean a liberal who likes the idea of free markets but is still a corporate shill?

Maybe, yeah. I dunno. I think D'Souza is critiquing on a different level. He doesn't address corporatism directly, but free-market ideas in terms of personal freedom verses freedom from the state. We don't know his political/economic theories from his texts, but we do know what we should be against, and how, in particular, we should interpret the Democratic party and the criminals within it.

>Yeah I'm a boomer and I'm autistic
Now go fuck your mamma's cunt and stop with this retardation.

Keep posting about Jews based Swede. This is your thread now

He's earned it, I've got to say.

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