Why don’t these far right terrorist mass shooters ever target the politicians responsible for mass immigration?
Why don’t these far right terrorist mass shooters ever target the politicians responsible for mass immigration?
getting guns though Israels 12ft concrete wall is not easy.
Because then you get charged with anti-semitism too.
They are mossad niggers
Israel is a long way from australia, if you wanted to go at the source of the problem
That's a dumb fucking question
Why would the deep state turn their own mk-ultra golems on themselves?
But i could name the exact politicians that need a shower.
Because they are puppets for glow niggers.
Tarrant was a Mossad asset, mass shootings in America are either faked, or false flags. Brejvik is a fucking freemason, who is sure to be living well in his "prison cell" that no one can confirm he is even in.
>not targeting future politicians
1488 checked and witnessed
Well people on the far right aren’t known for their intelligence.
i hope the get is good.
Learn the difference between hard and soft targets.
>white nationalists go after muslims
>white nationalists go after jews
>white nationalists go after black people
>white nationalists go after jews
>white nationalists go after hispanics
It's almost as if somebody is unifying all of these disparate groups against white people.
Because politicians in NZ aren’t mannequins you can pile up in the corner of a room and shoot a blank gun at them.
This one is funny though
Because they only care about ego or are just glow niggers
White genocide has three facets:
1. Kikes
2. Libtards
3. Shitskins
If you want to end the problem, you have to deal with all three facets.
Considering the answer isn't "all of them", you have a long way to go
Daily reminder there is now supposedly first letter from Saint Tarrant himself.
Same reason they never mention the jq in their (((manifesto)))
He did though. He also calls for expulsion of Jews out of white countries.
Soft targets. How dishonorable.
Why don't you shut up, glowfaggot?
Joe Cox was shot. Just correcting your assertion that politicians are never targeted.
Yes they are actually.
Forget politicians, most are too heavily guarded to get a clean shot. But why not members or the real ruling elite, ie the people who benefit from mass immigration to push down wages and increased demand. Instead of shooting up a Walmart why don't they just hit a Walton? Killing a hundred ordinary people doesn't send as strong of a message as hitting one of those who are causing it. WW1 didn't start by the shooting of a market, it started with the assassination of the archduke.
That wouldn't be as effective in pushing accelerationism.
When several appear at the same location that location tends to not be a soft target.
Mass killer of unarmed unsuspecting civilians lacks honor. Gee, bet you had to think real long and hard about that.
Wasn't Breivik's main target some famous female ex-pm who he was planning to behead muzzie style?
>Joe Cox was shot.
Yeah. Right when it was most convenient to halt campaigning before the UK's Brexit referendum when leaving was taking the lead in the polls.
Not buying it.
You forgot trannies, the biggest threat of all since they are targetting our kids
Reminder that shills will whine and complain no matter what the target is, because their purpose is to deradicalize and demoralize. And it's not true that militants never target those who are responsible
Do you have info on when and where this was first shared?
Olof Palme was shot in the 80s. The perp was never caught but it is suspected it was rightwing perp.
And Sweden still had more politicians in line to take over the work Palme had started.
Check out the archive, it was earlier today.
Because they are lashing out in anger.
>me hate muslims
>me kill muslims
That essentially the thought process behind it.
White terrorists are cowards. Only attacking unarmed civilians, its the ultimate faggot thing anyone can do.
To Israel. As long as there is a state named Israel, there will be subversion. Tarrant made a mistake as he should have denied the existence of Israel, but in the end far right national identitarians allign with zionist beliefs. Why trying so hard to hide this fact? Do you know about the "streissand effect"?
>Zionists and far right reactionaries
>What defines Zionism
"Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews ".
>Are you an anti-semite?
>Brenton: No
>The zionist model masked as "white identity".
My fucking sides.
>inb4 b-but he clearly said "as long as they don't seek to subvert or harm my people"
Like scripted.
>To Israel
Prove that, he never mentions this. He just calls for their expulsion, he doesn't specify where. Also that is how expulsion works - you kick the fuckers out and don't care where they go.
>As long as there is a state named Israel, there will be subversion.
Then he considers them his enemies, as stated in manifesto as well. This is not a rocket science, user.
>Brenton: No
Finish that sentence. So long as they are not trying to harm or subvert white countries.
What would be a good way to target an important politician with all the security and guards they have? Sacrifice/suicide is the only option I can think of.
Its a false flag if a politician gets shot because only someone from the inside like MOSSAD is capable of doing that.
>i have no concern about myself and i only worry for europe's future
& based
nice timeline will look into that
Because that would actually be effective and wouldn't give ammo to our political opponents.
I wonder how much higher the rate of accidental death is among politicians
tarrant took out probably the biggest terror recruiting cell in new zealand
a bunch of the victims and their families were afraid to even come forward because they weren't in the country legally
the bitch PM had to give assurance that nothing would happen to them
I got you real badly here witrh this inb4: I have studied your discord script for months.
>Prove that
"A jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine".
>Also that is how expulsion works - you kick the fuckers out and don't care where they go.
Exactly, Brenton is exclusive to how all jews living in Israel are not his enemies, he mentions Israel user. All jews outside of Israel are literally non-zionists.
I don't see the problem in admitting he is okay with zionism...is there any problem with that? As an example, I personally don't have a problem with any jew living in Israel, it's their land.
Because it is too hard.
This, mass immigration is mostly maintained by greedy politicians.
You didn't provided any argument, user. Also no, if you deliberately omit half of the sentence, saying "inb4" won't make it somehow less retarded or dishonest.
>"A jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine"
=/= "I want to kick all Jews to Israel. Stop being dense. And again, there is a second half of that sentence you keep ignoring.
>Brenton is exclusive to how all jews living in Israel are not his enemies
As long as they do not try to harm or subvert white countries. For the third time. The fact that you repeat same one dishonest lie is telling.
Because they are crisis actors, that work for the system. The news is fake as fuck. Like Soviet era Pravda.
Threads doubting the motivation of these guys make me question my own beliefs of these guys being terrorist with ideals vs just being narcissists drawn to a cause and getting as much exposure as possible (or being glow nigger assets).
Both of them chose soft targets over targeting politicians, academia or media figures.
>Be in Israel
>Do not subvert and harm other races
It's okay to be a zionist jew :)
>What defines Zionism
"Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews ".
Tarrant is trully a hero! he has opened the road to zion.
>The fact that you repeat same one dishonest lie is telling.
So wait, am I lying about?
>Be in Israel
>Do not subvert and harm other races
Why are you arguing with the points made by Brenton? you are kinda confused user, and I mean no offense to you at all, but I think you don't understand how Brenton supports the zionist belief, he is actually a very kind person and smart. He understands zionism. What is wrong about being a zionist? can someone explain this to me? am I lying when I say zionism is okay?
Ok, that theory of conspiration is interesting.
I'd say that perhaps letter her get shot was on the table?
I think she did die tho.
I still remember you idiots saying Gatorade explained all the radio stains
>hy don’t these far right terrorist mass shooters ever target the politicians responsible for mass immigration?
Who is Walter Lubcke?
That's a good question, and honestly, I don't know. Maybe they assume even attempting to stalk someone rich and powerful would get them blackbagged... maybe they are holding out on the hope that the "traitors" will see the error in their ways... maybe they just can't bring themselves to dehumanizing a billionaire who has an articulate and presumably innocent family - to the point of committing violence.
I have often wondered though... I mean, it seems rather idiotic to risk losing your life killing 10 refugees worth a collective total of $.01... when somewhere along the line there are actual billionaire human traffickers who send out "refugee ships"(plural) carrying 50+ illegals each 24/7 365.... we all know in our hearts Mohammed's impoverished dumb ass didn't make it here unassisted
It's logistics user. What St. Tarrant did can pretty much everyone do, provided he has enough balls and some basic training any civilian can get. I think that is also a reason why he took the GoPro - to show us what one angry bad goy with no special background or experience can do. And how you can see from the fact that more than four months after, whole world is still sperging about it, it is TREMENDOUSLY effective. On the other hand, to attack some high-profile target like OP mentions, with all their security teams, armored cars and villas built like castles in gated communities - well that takes time, shitload of resources and intel (which on it's own need to be researched by expensive professionals, so you won't raise any red flags) and most importantly whole team of professional people with military/le/tactical background and great deal of experience. It is strange that so many anons disregard this. If someone is able, then it is clear. If someone is not, then it is clear as well.
Besides, one name prove I'm right - Stephan Ernst. How many of you itt heard of him? This board doesn't even recognize him. He is a German natsoc who shot and killed this pic related traitorous anti-white politician. Very little anons know him, media outside of Germany didn't really mentioned him. On the other hand, everyone knows Tarrant.
>The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
>No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
The Enemy MK power is almost incomprehensibly mighty (by design, naturally its first purpose being to confound). Almost any would-be opposition is actually controlled by default.
Because of low IQ and mental illness.
I first visited Jow Forums after this shooting, mainly because I wanted to watch the video, and I did.
I’ve deployed to Iraq two times ( yeah yeah suck my dick ), and I can tell you when “the shit pops off” people panic. The video I could hear any screaming, lack of blood ( as pointed out previously ), people would be screaming in pain, and it was none of that, at least from what I saw.
It was incredibly suspect the video was made illegal to view in certain countries which should raise red flags everywhere.
I also have a million questions about Las Vegas that will literally never get answered.
Couldn’t hear any*
You can see plenty of blood and screaming in the video. Some timemarks in pic related. Also lurk more before posting.
Probably because said politicians have a fucking private army to protect them. All the while advocating for gun bans for the average citizen, of course.
can someone post the soldier sfm recreation of the image where he's in his car
>Why don’t these far right terrorist mass shooters ever target the politicians responsible for mass immigration?
Huh, it's weird. They always go after random people on the street. Strange. You'd think they'd target politicians and NGO's. Very odd. Not sure why that is. They never really explain their choice of targets in their manifestos. Bizarre.
pls explain to me why anyone shot fake this?
cui bono?
is it it to make right wingers look like psychos?
is it to crap the guns in burgerland?
have you taken your pills lately?
Thanks. I will.
My biggest question was when he first enters the location and begins mowing people down, why weren’t people going crazy? Guns are loud, to most they are scary, from my experience when people start shooting the people without guns literally lose their shit.
I haven’t watched the video since then, it was just something I noticed while I watched it. I can’t say one way or another, just some questions I had.
Ah, so all far right terrorists are lazy retards who only ambush unarmed civilians for convenience. What else is new?
Based and tarrantpilled
Politicians have body guards and would be replaced just as easily
If you have the time or interest I’d recommend watching this short video.
Deer in headlights moment. There are plenty of them who didn't froze and some even get away (like the guy jumping through the window on the left), some managed to crawl to the windows too - it's the reason why they were piled in the corner, check the pic, it explains it as well.
Your own Breivik attacked purely political target, two of them too. Al-Noor mosque Tarrant attacked produced actual terrorists as well. Would also be cool if you could actually read rest of what I wrote.
I'll check it out, I know very little about LV shooting beyond some basic reading.
Thread last night.
Okay, no rebuttal to this so I guess we can all agree Tarrant is a zionist then.
the same reason why ISIS never targeted Israel
I'm just not interest in useless semantics with someone who considers repeating everything ad nauseam with no regard to what other side is saying as argument.
based can you really send him letter ?
If only there was some kind of document that explained the reasons for his target.