How do I red pill my sister?

So last night we had a conversdation about various isses and she unironically believes that you can just get married with 30 with no problems and she asked me why i dislike feminism and said that she supports it.

She is 18

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Marry her to a staunchly Muslim man who will set her straight and turn her into a loving wife and provider for his children under threat of death by the entire extended family because thats what humans have been doing for thousands of years and thats what works.

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Are you crazy?
I don't want to get her killed nor
to become muslim

They are your choices. Islam will provide a spiritual existance for her and community for her offspring. You will provide awkward world views and limpdickery.

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Oh I just noticed your flag.
I like your other shitposts better

It's objectively true that you can marry a t 30 without any problem seems like you are retarded and aren't even articulate enough to defend your position by yourself so you need your e friends to help you, pretty embarrassing

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But then you get 31, 32, 33....
Also post tits

Tell her that if she waits until 30 then absolutely no good man will want her and she will be left having to settle for someone who she isn't even attracted to.

Yeah, tell her if she waits till 30 she will have to settle for some like you lmao

Tell her men will consider her too old after 30 to have children and she will have an increased risk for retarded children. Men at any age will never consider women at 30 or older as something serious. By the time she wants to settle at 30, men at that age are going after women 18 to 22 to settle down with to have children. Men don't care about how smart or successful you are that is only something women value in men.

Slap her and hatefuck her. Maybe that will make her more reasonable and open for your arguments.

Why are you so racist Hans? Re-education gulag for you!

Disappointed, I thought he was gonna smack his ass real fucking bad

Fuck off pedo goat fucker.
Women typically imprint the ideas of their boyfriends or husbands or strong male counterparts.

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Encourage her feminine qualities. e.g. When she coos at a baby, tell her she will make a great mother one day.

>incel rage

The political opinions of women literally don't matter. Women run on emotion, not logic. This is a fool's errand.

He told me that marriage is a social construct and that she feels like she wants to "live life" before she settles down

Tell her about the Caroussel and the Wall
Tell her about hypergamy and hypogamy

Tits or gtfo

This is the right answer. Also appeal to emotion arguments work better on females.

imagine arguing with a property (woman)

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I don't even know what hypogamy and hypergamy are

woke and decucked

Getting married at 30 is fine. The problem is for that you need to be engaged at 29 and preferably have been dating a year or two prior to that so 27.

tell her no good man worth anything wants a washed up 30 year old that rode the cock carousel and that pre marital sex is a sin

To add to this it's unlikely you find someone ideal straight away so you'd probably have to be dating with a view to marriage at at least 25.

Then number of partners impacts marriage success so you've probably racked up a few dicks at 25, so again. Ideal to go earlier.

Life is shorter than you think when you're a kid. Nature has seen fit to barely give us time to grow and reproduce before we die. It wasn't designed to give us a party decade.

She doesn't care about money and is a virgin.
She is agnostic (not an athrist) so it's difficult to explain to her why morals should come "from an old book lmao"

She is still a virgin. She will never be a whore, I just think that she will have a boyfriend before she gets married

>what is bund deutscher mädel

Attached: maedel13.jpg (1536x2048, 118K)

also remind her that after 1 dick before marriage her chances of a divorce went from 20% to 50%

tie her up and spank her dirty ass while shouting quotes

She's your father's property.

No, I'm not a muslim

What is feminism technically?
Blindly supporting retarded female choices?
Equalizing the wage gap for them doing a shittier job (and less time) compared to a man?
Feminism is a faggot label like racism that means nothing and only those who feel affected by it can determine what it means.

>She is still a virgin. She will never be a whore

It's true.
I have never seen a boy in our home

You poor soul


Let me fuck her

She only considers quality men, so no

The wage gap doesn't exist you fucking dunce.

oh my sweet summer child

Just act like a man and she'll stop with that nonsense, most guys supporting it are weak beta cucks

In Germany not every girl is degenerated like in your country.


I don't want to force anything on her but I should just lead by being a positive example

Whoa checked
However she really is a virgin. Additionally she is introverted so most of the time she is at home anyway

Why does having dozens of penises shoved into her pussy always get referred to as "living life"?

That's not what she means, I just think that she feels like being married= stay at home mom

But you said she's already at home most of the time. Seems like she just repeats stuff modern culture told her.

Yes that's exactly it
I mean this exact message is everywhere and I think she is unsure what to do with life yet

Most German guys i see talk fast and in a high voice, be sure to do the opposite. Always say the truth too and get straight to the point, sit straight and walk straight and work out. This will not only show your sister what a real man behaves like but it'll make your life better aswell. She will respect you and value your opinions higher

I'm a straight shooter, however that often leads me to trouble, because I cannot "feel" like others feel, I just speak my mind


She started having sex at 12, and is currently having a sexual relationship with a sandnigger.
Wait till she brings the "boyfriend" home, you'll understand I'm right.

this shit is so bad you know 13y old facebook niggers made this.

lol no
she never had sex and finds sex at a young age disgusting

Marry her yourself and make lots of Aryan babies. Don't let your kids marry each other though. I think one time should be fine.

>checks flag
Oh okay

What are kind of German are you?

>Adult diaper redpill
I’m a 35 year old man who uses adult diapers and NEVER uses a toilet. Street shitting is bottom tier society. Toilets are mid tier society. Using an adult diaper is peak efficiency in society. An adult diaper does NOT need to be worn 24/7. You will typically carry two diapers inside a pocket or small bag wherever you go. Similar to the way my mother carries at least two tampons when she leaves the house. Having the ability to poopi anywhere you wish, the ability to find utmost privacy, and the ability to poop in the comfort of a lounge or lovely garden is close to spiritual enlightenment. Please reply for more tips on how to do this.
>pic related one of my nice clean voids, ready to be sealed and disposed of in a rubbish bin

Attached: 4EF1F413-CBFF-4D49-A8F2-802999ACED8D.jpg (479x546, 114K)

Based and red pilled

Whoa user that sounds great. I'd be afraid to get caught in the act though

>She doesn't care about money and is a virgin.
sure thing Hans

She grew up poor so she started to value other things

Post timestamp
Write a script that plays it automatically.
You must destroy her ego, this is a good way to do it.
If you are not willing to be hated, you don't really care and don't deserve to be feared.

>she honestly believes you can get married at 30 with no problems
This is correct and not at all degenerate. We aren't cavemen that live to 20 or pilgrims that live to 40. 30 is not old and I'm sick of the young people on this site thinking it is.

>he thinks himself nature's master.
You will be conquered. Lube up your female relatives for me, they will give birth to french/german children.

The older th women, the more her looks fade away and the less likely she'll get a healthy child

No women in the USA like the French or Italians. We are a puritanical country and the French are considered adulterers, same as the meds. Germans have a downright repulsive accent and are undesirable as well.

You're really fucking clueless, haha.

>looks fade with age
Applies to men too. So fucking what. Not everyone finds supermodel tier women attractive. The healthy child bit has some truth but it is greatly exaggerated, lifestyle choices are exponentially more influential than this. Smoking, drinking, using drugs etc.

If I repeated this Jow Forums canned response to any women much less my sister I'd cringe up and explode out my own asshole.

You may have gotten extra decades of life, woman, but your eggs didn't. It's still the same, 30 and it's time to hang up the birthing hat. Hope you had kids!

My mother had me at 33 and I have no medical issues at all. I'm a man.

Okay now you exposed yourself as a women.
Post neck

No you're not.
You're a woman

Post tits.If you're a man this shouldn't be a problem for you

>I survived a car accident without wearing a seatbelt therefore seatbelts aren't a good idea

Wrong, majority of midwest is french german, show real flag.

>15th generation german