God loves all his children, God is love and makes no distinction between gay and straight. There is no jew, greek...

God loves all his children, God is love and makes no distinction between gay and straight. There is no jew, greek, American or black in front of God's endless grace.

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Pedophila is natural
Love is love

>God means being nice to everyone
no and sage

imagine believing in a kike on a stick in 2019

That's true but it's forbidden to cut parts off your body

Maybe God wanted you to be a Unique gender without resorting to violence to conform to either.

>6 replies in 2 mins
never stop posting dude

Some of the most gifted by God have been gay because maybe their pursuits on earth are toward angelic excellence

If God's grace made us all the same, why are we different? If God thought of everyone as equal, why does He think (((they))) are the chosen people?

Don't just put the "we're all humans" thing into God's mouth, you blaspheme

cry more memeflaggot

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God isn't real

Being gay is not a sin but indulgeing in it is! Good is good but he is just and firm woth his rules. But accept it as a cross live in celibacy or pray for mercy so you become hetero again (because to god everything is possible he just decides when trough his wisdom) and god bless u. But dont say its not a sin. When people choose whats good and whats bad leads to death. Whats good and whats bad is already written in the best book ever. And homesexuality is bad. Sorry and god bless u

Grace means God forgives your sins, but LGBTQ people say their sexual activity isn't sinful. Queers & trannies reject God's grace

God loves us for what we are in his eyes, not which skin color we sport, the chosen people notion is a satanic blasphemous one.
God allows us all to repent for our past sins. Trannies and queers will still inherit the kingdom of God if they believe and repent down the line.

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Abraham was the dumbest wanker He could find.

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Go read the Bible and you'll find out you're just spewing blasphemy everywhere claiming it's from God

He Allmighty is against homosexuality and values some people over others. No, He did not change into "let's love everyone" in NT, because in the Revelation He only wants 144000 saints in his realm, not everyone

That said, if you want to be tolerant to LGBTQABC, do it out of your ideas but don't claim it's from God

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Yes, I suppose that this is true, but He hates the perversions that they do.

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But does christ-chan diddle little boys?

Those sinners haven't repented and accepted God in their hearts. God loves everyone who believes in him equally.

>God loves lgbt
explain why he destroyed two cities filled with faggots

Remember, god does not exist kids!

You're wrong. It will be conclusively proved otherwise before 2060

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Leviticus 18:22-24, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26 , Romans 1:27, Romans 1:28-32, 1 Timothy 1:9-11, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Kings 14:24, Romans 2:14-15, Deuteronomy 22:5, Deuteronomy 23:1, 1 Corinthians 6:18

He doesn't love the sin or them. He calls them "dogs" in revelations thus not only does he have a problem with their actions but also their person hood. The bible uses language that the modern left would call "demonizing" or "dehumanizing." "Sons of Satan" "Brood of vipers." Evangelicals are not even close to the level of biblical ruthlessness in the old AND new testament.

everybody are the same.... infedels



it unironically is tho


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