Meanest thing you did to a girl, go:
Meanest thing you did to a girl, go:
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one time I broke a girl's heart.
I broke her juggers
Give me a minute, I'll have to think about it. Lmao
I refuse girls' attentions and then they become bitter.
Why do they have to be like this?
I created a Rube Goldberg contraption to bonk a girl on the head with a bit of wood when she opened the gate into my backyard.
Cheated on her for half a year, dumped her a week before our wedding and convinced her dad to leave her mom for a younger woman.
Told her I hope she chokes on a cock. I know. Not even that bad.
I told a girl No once
Fuck her older sister while she was crying in her room, she could hear her moan. Then fucked her the same night.
A woman loved me but I was losing with depression and alcoholism and I blamed her and pushed her from my life. Now I will never be loved again. I rejected a gift from god with my hubris and I deserve this damned life. See in you hell lads.
>convinced her dad to leave her mom for a younger woman.
Told her no sex because my back hurt.
Was in elementary school. Girl had a crush on me and invited me to her birthday in front of my friends. In panic I ripped apart the birthday invitation right in front of her. She balled her eyes out and I think she left the school just a couple weeks later.
I said I would take a girl I met on Tinder to IHOP but I ghosted her because I got cold feet.
lied about wearing a condom
Pulled the chair out from under a girl I liked in middle school
Peak awkward
sorry she rejected you bro. just move on.
Kicked a girl with full force in elementary school. I broke my foot.
Promised I’d fuck and cum on her tits with my friends, broke up with her before I ever could.
Stuffed her into "medically overweight" from a skinny body before and then broke up with her because she was boring and did my pet peeve of trying to lie with me after not showering after work.
For the record I kept a log of her calories and weight to be as efficient as possible with her weight gain.
Fucking what? Storytime user.
She looked similar to this girl, I couldn’t love her but I still want to glaze those titties with my bros
stabbed a girl in the hand with a pencil in sixth grade but she had it coming
Jesus Christ
that time i shoved you in a locker
Wasted 4 precious years living with a 32-y/o knowing I would fuck off as soon as I met someone better.
Rejected one by calling her too old.
She was 28.
When I was a kid I was kind of a bully. I had a hate boner for a girl that I called fat and ugly. The worst (and last) thing I did to her was throwing her lunch to the ground and stomping on it.
For some reason this story turns on a lot of the women I've been with. They get really wet and horny. What the fuck? I didn't like being a bully
Hits close to home bro
My ex wife made my life hell for 10 years. I decided I was going to divorce her. So I waited until she was at peak happiness one day and threw the papers in her face. It felt good watching her sob. She was a sociopathic cunt. I knew her sobing would turn to anger pretty fast. She came at me and I knocked her out with a phone book. Doesn't leave a mark. She didn't give me children either. She tried to get alimoney but shortly before I filed for divorce I went on 100% disability. Then after everything was final and I had no alimony payments, I filed for bankruptcy and had the house discharged that she was living in and the car she was driving. After all of this I started working again. I'm now making well into the 6 figures, have zero debt and have a based German wife who is equally disgusted with what was done to her country. I noticed my ex wife had a new potential husband lined up. So I sent him all the pictures of her cheating on me. I had used those pictures in the divorce. He dumped her
I flipped out on some stupid cunt that wouldn't leave me alone. Had to tell her she needs to get her head checked because she was acting seriously crazy. She was trying to provoke me for some reason. She wasn't even an ex. We never argued before this. I still don't understand what her issue was. Maybe she was playing hard-to-get and doubled down when I got fed up with her shit and moved on. Whatever the case, she deserved to be taken down a few notches. I haven't done anything particularly mean to any woman.
I said I loved her.
You one of those rapefugees I've been hearing about?
I always wanted to be a feeder
I had sex with my good friends girlfriends mom on her dining room table while they slept on the couch in the living room 6 feet away. The day they broke up I told her about how I ceeampied her mom's asshole and she almost kys herself.
some trailer park boys shit right here
Poor dog
off topic slide thread sage
Oh, wait.
>Split up with a gf of 2 years.
>Her father commits suicide
>She blames me and the breakup
>Won't give me my half of our joint bank account
>I tell her to keep it and spend it on flowers for her father's grave
Seemed like a reasonable compromise at the time.
i once threw pocket sand in a girl's face
These things happen my friend. Just work on yourself and a chance at redemption will hopefully come before long.
based. you should have made her even fatter
So what's stopping you?
Nearly all of these are pre-written. Some tranny from discord is running this entire board with a VPN and some basic scripts and mods literally couldn't give less of a fuck that this board is being turned into /b/.
As gay as it sounds, there's nothing the human spirit can't overcome, with time and forgiveness. Life's made of choices, and the choices don't stop when you lose your way.
I can respect that
this, so fuck jannies and fuck the tranny dick loving mods
Checked. Also are you calling me a tranny from discord running this entire board with a VPN and some basic scripts. user, that's not very nice.
>Be me
>Retarded brainlet running around school
>Chick trips me for no reason, and I mean an obvious trip
>I fall down like a sack of potatos
>Everyone starts laughing
>I get up and punch her
>She starts crying
>I feel like shit about it
>Get kicked out of school
I still feel bad about it thinking back. It was a cunt move on her part, and a brainlet overreaction on mine.
God, you're a boring cunt, like the annoying jewy kid that wants to us to let him join in and play our game but keeps imposing his own jewy rules.
forcibly inserted my penis into her asshole
thats about it
Fucked a girl three times and ghosted her because I'm too much of a coward to tell her she seemed really disagreeable and hard to get along with
what the shit man? why? you a fag or something?
Two replies. That's it. That means there isn't more than two of you. And there are over 50 different "posters" ITT. All fucking proxies.
Eat shit and die. Go post BDSM shit on tumblr where you faggots belong.
I told her that her pussy smells like sardines and that she should be ashamed.
>be 6 year old user playing in backyard
>see friends’s cousin playing across the street
>grab frisbee, rope, 2x4 and some other junk
>finish girl trap, a looping mess of ropes and junk
>call girl over to play
>she opens gate
>events are set into motion, and she pauses to watch as the trap slowly unfolds
>2x4 drops free, bounces off of frisbee and lightly bonks her in the side of the head
>panic for a sec because holy shit it actually worked and now I’m probably in trouble for hitting a girl
>she laughs and says my trap was awesome
nice fake flex for Jow Forums man, really awesome
Gave her a dutch oven after eating a dozen deviled eggs.
Choked her out while having sex. She cried.
did you feed her your sausage
Why would she blame you for her father's suicide? Were you also the dad's best friend
How exactly is this thread Politics?
I think the worst Thing I ever did was push a girl off 3 foot high rafters in like 1st grade cause I liked her or some gay shit. Who the fuck hurts a women for the sole purpose of being a women? Dont you have mothers what the fuck is wrong with you virgins?
had sex with many that I had no intention of marrying and having children with
I was absolutely degenerate.
Got turned down from one for homecoming dance, so I peed on her locker and then when I got caught on school camera I lied and said she had pooed on my car. I got one day suspension and she got detention for swearing at the principal when they asked her if she indeed pooped on my car.
I refused to let her touch my benis. She killed herself moments later.
>tfw I have zero interactions with women and can’t think of anything
I was having sex with a girl I hooked up with at a club but was drunk and getting bored so while she was riding me I asked her for a beer.
Not out of malice mind you, I just felt like a beer would be nice to sip on.
She started crying and kicked me out.
Pretended to be interested in a fat lonely girl to practice my social skills
Dump her via text message making her cry for a week because she laughed with another classmate (we were 14 though)
Put a spider in her hair
>t. permavirgin upset he doesn't have a story about a girl to share
Or maybe they left their replies and went to do something else. Not everyone lurks here 24/7
Early 20's, one of my buddies had a huge crush on younger chick that worked at a fast food place we frequented. Me, being an awesome wingman and a slightly better catch convinced her to come hang out w us at his place after work.
She seemed really excited and flirty w me. I picked her up that night and she invited me inside to meet her grandma?? She actually thought we were dating or something??
Right as we pulled up to my dudes house I told her I had a gf and that my other friend was really into her.
Her face was priceless. Sort of shocked, confused, brought to a strange place w ppl she didn't know, stranded, no car.
Long story short, I woke up to the sound of her orgasaming HARD at like 5am. Apparently she was into him after all.
Next morning all she said to me was, can you please take me home, I need to take a shower.
Mass-reply niggers need to be shot
I tried my best. She was a little doughy because she wasn't very active but I had gotten her to the point where her hips and belly were like 1/3 meter wider when she would lay flat on her back. The fat gave her a super distinct, soft hourglass and her belly was starting to turn into a round little pot belly. I think next time around, I'm going to start with a somewhat active girl (maybe yoga or a cyclist) and go from there for a better firmness of body.
It's honestly a pretty top tier fetish and most girls seem to not be aware of it. I would get aroused by watching her eat, knowing she is over her calories and I would become diamonds after she would become big and bloated after a meal. Knowing that she was getting fat (and sexually appealing IMO) only because of my subtle encouragement was hot in itself. I love seeing a girl self consciously clutching her bloated belly, embarrassed after a meal because then I can get a chance to train her to like it. When she's big, fat, full, and bloated, I would fuck her into next week and always try to make her cum so she associates intense feelings of fullness with intense feelings of sexual pleasure. Theres a real technique and strategy to discretely helping a girl gain 20+ pounds.
Pic related is the physique goal from my feeding attempts.
spat my chewing gum into some bitches hair
she didn't notice but gave me a dirty look haha
bet it was a nightmare to get out
Based, you did nothing wrong and she thought twice next time.
That was surprisingly wholesome, thanks user
Ghosted her TWICE.
pump and dump
never had a woman so madly in love with me.
this is me on a certain level
take your meds schizo
that is fucking hilarious
Women have no heart