Why are Americans tolerating this spoiled unelected beauty queen dictating policy...

Why are Americans tolerating this spoiled unelected beauty queen dictating policy? Do they not realise how clownish it looks?

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have you not realized that Americans are really fucking stupid by now? literally a nation of retards

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>DAAAAAADY!!! Jared and I have talked to our fellow NYC Liberal Jew friends and we think the goyim should have their guns taken away!!!
How long until the /ptg/ niggers swarm the thread backing Trump and Ivanka?

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>says the leaf

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Daddy guns bad


>ugh, the goyim again.
>why do I always have to deal with these flyover inbreds bitterly clinging to their precious guns?
>hugh, release some more cartel hitmen in red states. maybe more crime will get the suburban women scared.
>hey brad, if you'd get your bots shilling for red flag laws, that'd be great.

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She is the real president

Call your legislator and suggest how he respond to this call from the Firstish Lady.

Jow Forumsfags will bend before the mighty Jewess

She is such a fucking piece of shit.
No one elected her.
No one would elect her with her shitty backwards views.
She is a spoiled rotten little brat and needs to fuck off back to new york and never return.

The problem being that Trump brought Ivanka and Jared into the White House as advisors so they can have direct influence over Trump/White House decisions. End the nepotism and get the Kushners out of the White House

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all I can imagine is her whispering on the phone

>n-no u!!1

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Oh, I don't need to explain anything. Everyone is already laughing at you.


She killed 5-6 Syrians by crying to her daddy about fake sarin, burn in hell jew bitch

Trump fucked himself the moment he fired Steve Bannon.

Would you rather Bannon in his ear or fucking Ivanka/Kushner

Thats right, jews "goy bye"'d him in their press, because jared cuckner and his wifling ivonga were going whisper tons of shit to president mongrel

Bannon. But who cares, Trump is never going to drop his family especially if they are kikes.

Kushner fired Bannon. In the brief period when Bannon ran Breitbart after leaving the White House, it was all anti-"Javanka" all the time.

I was wondering what loudly calling them would be like

Yeah he can. Tell them to fuck off to NYC or Europe.

AOC pls go

AOC and Ivanka agree on more things than they disagree on. They both want to strip Americans of their civil rights. They are both little wannabe despots.

that face is super curb stompable.

Wow. And magatards actually wanted this bitch to be the first female president. Fucking whore.

Where did Ivanka proved that she is a wannabe despot? AOC certainly gave ample proof, as documented by her speeches and Twitter.

This. She is literally a failed fashion designer without good looks or charisma. She had so little else to do that she still hangs around with daddy.

Trump's sons keeps a distance i think.

what do you mean unelected? she was hired by Trump as an adviser, the same as Kellyanne Conway is an adviser. They're allowed to do work on behalf of the POTUS and report back to him.

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Her support for red flag laws.
Taking away civil liberties without due process is the desire of despots.

>Trump's sons keeps a distance i think.
threadly reminder that Trump's sons are pro-gun and actually shoot guns... I think Don Jr. may even own a shooting range

this Ivanka shit is ridiculous, listen to Don Jr. and Eric not that cunt

It seems they have their own lives going on as well, not latching onto daddy into their late 30s. Ivanka probably spends her time staring at the wall and reading feminist blogs until daddy gives her a little attention.

I'm sick of family members who aren't elected officials. This isn't a fucking monarchy, your silver spoon riding worldview doesn't match reality for your average American. Also I wanna throat fuck Ivanka until her snot dribbles onto my shaft and makeup is streaming down her face.

Princess Ivanka is actually offering BJ to those that pass gun control laws.

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Behold OP, Brock's stalwart nerd virgin!

Low effort shareblue. No brock-buck 4 u.

>your silver spoon riding worldview
We all hat democrats here

You actually think ivanka has a positive influence on trump?

that pic is haunting

She is a vital part of his game. This stretches far beyond mere "influence".

>she wasn't elected!!!!
I wish I heard more of this when Michelle Obama was straight up introducing nationwide regulations and not just making phone calls

>Michelle Obama

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Canada is like the shitty, retarded step cousin of America but we aren't overtly arrogant to the point of it being memed on tv commercials "Fuck yeah America!!". Canada would be the same shit as America if it was ruling the world.

Seriously she looks like she's straight out of a horror film and giving a death glare(maybe she's scared?) and then there's prince kike with his perma-smug look on his face. I bet he's always smug cause he literally bought Ivanka years ago and she can't escape. No way she'd be with that turbo jew if he wasn't connected as fuck

Ivanka knows whats better for everyone then you do, retard.

If Canada was ruling the world there would be a lot more weed and 90s music would have never died

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Ivanka is a Democrat.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with trump getting advice from his daughter.

Trump has tons of people around him, influencing him all the time. It's his job to listen to them.

But up potatoenigger.

Kushner 2024!