Cooking is Redpilled

The Art of Cooking is a skill that fewer and fewer men and women can claim to possess in the Twenty-First Century. Dependency upon prepared food, whether through cheap and unsatisfying "restraunts" or pre-packaged microwaved meals has grown exponentially. Thousands of USD are thrown out each year per household as a result of this disgusting dependency.

Some may declare that it is an archaic skill, preferring to partake in all sorts of degeneracy instead of bonding with their families when having wholesome meals together. However, the ability to prepare food for yourself and your loved ones is attainable to those who are dedicated to the recipe of order.

A surprising number, approximately 90% of Americans despise the idea of nourishing themselves properly.

Additionally, its a national security weakness. Europosters often like to point out that Americans have a gun in one hand, and a burger in the other. This is not tongue-in-cheek, but a statement of fact. Foreign adversaries need by catapult cargo-loads of sugar into our nation and watch as imbeciles continue to fatten themselves while making sure the country is doomed to collapse.

Although firearms do not require one to be in peak physical condition to operate them, it is necessary to be appropriately healthy to make sure no one is allowed to easily threaten the nation.

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People don't cook for the same reason they don't want to be in the trades. It's work. It requires planning and effort. Their parents either...

Spoon-fed them a life plan such that they have no capacity to acquire information on their own, did everything for them as a measure of control and thus crippled them, or microwaved so many meals that they think making spaghetti is fancy.

This. I cook for my boomer parents and put away their dishes. They aren't invalids, they are just spoiled and lazy. My dad plays on his ipad while my mom is too stressed to do anything. When I talk about getting healthy they both say
>well we've made it this long without problems, why don't we just enjoy ourselves.
Boomers everybody.

incel zoomer cook slave vs chad boomer feedpigs

It's so easy to learn to cook, a toddler can do it. Start with a Crock-Pot and throw stuff in. Bunch of veggies, what ever. Then cook. Add spices later to give it a kick. You only need to know a few spices, salt, pepper, basil, cayenne pepper, garlic. If you are going to fuck it up, it will be when you put the spices in. Be conservative, add a little, then taste, then add a little, taste again. That's really all there is to it.