Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be.
Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea. >The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that > THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE >But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. START SCREECHING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS NOW, NIGGERS. DO IT MY FRENS. START SCREECHING AT EVERY REPUBLICAN CONGRESSNIGGER.
I stand with XI Xinping and mainland china against the capitalist pigs in HK. I say seize all their assets and redistribute to the billion other needy chinese who deserve these whiny bastards.
So TOm already claims them as Chinese. FUCK YOU TOM.
Tom is how WARS get started
Nicholas Howard
Did they ever come out with a second season to the hamster anime? I found it satisfying that one episode when she was a real bitch to her brother and she was all sorry at the end because she realized what a cunt she was being.
At this very moment US Congressmen and Senators are discussing the 2nd Amendment. It is up to "We," the American People to help them make the right choice in preserving our right to bear arms. Contact your Congressmen. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. > Contact your Senators. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. > Contact President Trump. Write him letters, Email, and Phone. > >1 - 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 1 1 1 1 These organizations have many contacts in Washington and can also help your message be heard. Email, Write In, and Call GOA, Gun Owners of America > NRA, National Rifle Association > Of particular importance in this Debate are the leaders of the Senate. Mitch McConnell Leader of the Senate > Chuck” Schumer Democratic leader in the Senate > Finally, the top House members. >
i'm an old fag I've been here all summer. I remember reading about Epstein in my teens here. Now I'm 30. It's weird how the msm is talking about Jow Forums shit. when I read he died, I knew everyone would be validated in their own conspiracy bullshit.
but let's be honest here. he was in an American prison brought in by Barr. Either the Trump administration killed him or Epstein paid someone a lot of money to commit suicide. Like an expensive third party orchestrated the guards, the cameras, and supplies.
If it is Trump, then honestly, I genuinely don't think he's smart enough to get away with it. However that's 2015 thinking and the world...
Is changing
Joshua Lee
Zachary Robinson
If she's a Fox bimbo, she's almost assuredly compromised.
delet those milkers are not meant for lewd >started work as a pollster and election campaign subcontractor definitely, but that doesn't mean you can't cuddle
I have sent emails from my own design and GOA to Trump, my rep, and my senators in addition to sending letters to every Repub congressnigger from my state and Trump.
Kevin Lopez
He's simultaneously an evil genius and a clueless retard. That Blimph guy is a real enigma to the left.
The private sales bill is the one the House passed, and the Dims wanted Turtleman to bring up in the Senate - which he won't. Trump isn't pushing any piece of legislation right now, only talking dribble. Grahams' "red flag grant" bill is the only thing that is being talked about currently. We won't know what is happening until Sept. Now, Trump is in NH Thurs. and will talk with Gov Sununu who just vetoed a shit ton of anti-2A bill. He'll have Trump's ear then and can, hopefully, swa Trump away from red flag and background crap