Jeff Bezos makes $215 Million a day

>why is this ok?

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He's an android, Elon Musk built his eye along with Zuck's processor

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he's being blackmailed by kid fucker jews with the CIA/Mossad (they're the same thing at this point), so it's basically their money

>how does stock value work
retard alert. it's gonna blow your mind when you realize stock value can go down too.

Would make complete sense... a valuable asset. They know how to get their money, ill give em that.

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eat shit commie

Why should I care?

So what. If you worked harder and put in a bit of could be making big money too. Lazy bum.

It's not. Unrestrained capitalism is socialism for the 1% at our expense.

limits on the amount one person can own is not communism, it's common sense.

It is not Biblical

This guy beat real life cookie clicker

Because it's not real money.

Not for long. If America goes to the ferals. We're gonna eat the rich. Like not even spiritually speaking. Like literally.

The only problem is that money is the prime metric by which we measure success today.
Libertarians consider economic success as the epitome of success and so do socialists. They only disagree on its fairness. You can whine about rich being rich but it is just giving them credits for being rich, which doesn't solve anything.

There used to be a time when we had nobles looking down on merchants. Which in turns forced merchants to give purpose to their riches instead of being an end in itself. Hence why they ended being patrons of the arts.
TLDR bring back Monarchy, the "if you think you are better than me I'll forge proofs of you being heretic faggots and burn you at the stake", not the english type.

What your sub 100iq is missing is the institution which imposes that limit effectively owns everything and is merely lending people their property.

>tfw elites make more in 5 minutes than you will in 50 years of working overtime every single day at a good paying job

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Maybe start calling out the Jews if you care about the bible so much.

>Maybe start calling out the Jews
I do

Why is it okay to earn profit at all? Same answer.

If you need need a practical example of what one could do with such wealth: Research and development.

There's lots of sectors, like medicine, that require a massive amount of money to break in to, with no guarantee of profit. You can't practically do things like fund development of a new drug unless you've got ungodly sums of money to burn. Further, it would be possible to amass enough capital to buy land from a country as sovereign and start your own nation. This hasn't been done yet, as far as I know, but there are legitimate reasons to earn so much money.

Fundamentally though, the reason it's okay is because he earned it. If you're providing a product/service people find valuable enough for you to voluntarily give you money for, you've earned it. You've provided a mutual benefit. If it wasn't a benefit for the purchaser, why did they purchase it? Why should the amount of value you're allowed to mutually provide have a limit? That seems unethical as fuck.

>make your own Amazon jealous goy

he gets paid just because hes CEO. he doesnt have to do nothing, he has proper people calling shots and who are making his company not him. real money should be getting these people not him

>why is this ok?
Why is this not ok?

What do you mean by "okay"? Nobody is forced at gunpoint to make purchases from his website empire. Sure, in the EU they dodge a shittonne of tax by renting their logo back to themsleves from Luxembourg, I'm sure if you lobbied you could change that though.

That chap is rich because billions of people give him their money. "Okay"? And more is the point, if you robbed the guy and "redistributed" his wealth, he be rich again to the same tune about two years later as folks would still be handing him back his stolen cash.

You'd be on less shakey moral or even just technical grounds if you went after a super rich landlord, yet the principle undermining of the argument for suspension of property laws followed by robbery remains.

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Just five or so years ago, AMZN was only $300 per share. Now it's $1823.72 per share. During the 2008 financial crisis it was around $75 per share. What happens when the AMZN bubble pops?

what they mean is Amazon earned that, to obtain that money he'd have to sell his shares in the company.

He built his business up from scratch and has created millions of jobs worldwide. He deserves every penny of that money and you're a lazy fucking jealous ass commie.

Because he owns the biggest internet marketplace. Get over it you loser.

Why isn't it okay? Who are you to decide how much money someone can make?

because he invented amazon faggot

thanks for devaluating the dollar. the normal people will suffer most of this.

yeah funny isn't it... ha ha.... ha..

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nigga was on epsteins flight log

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Or more than his entire work force put together.

Read "Investments for dummies" or something.

yet their website layout is the biggest piece of human feces the world has ever seen. they could literally increase their profit by over 30% if I were to design it.

it isn't a bubble, it has singlehandedly supplanted a giant chunk of retail in america and is expanding rapidly overseas
at some point it will be broken up (or will split itself up first) but those pieces are going to continue to perform well
screencap this

Vote for Bernie faggot and quit carrying the water for billionaires by voting Republican. Bernie ain’t a Dimwit.

I hate the way he buys every Chevy pickup and case of beer within 500 miles of me driving the cost of my goods and services up.

Its NOT ok for 1 big reason.
Everything Bezos has was 100% funded by the CIA and by all legal rights belongs to the TAX PAYING CITIZENS of the USA.

If you know how to Jew, it really doesn't matter.

I fail to see how this is common sense. If a person can own property by earning it (they produce something somebody wants and exchange in for something they want), and they earn a lot, why can't they therefore own a lot? Common sense dictates that fulfilling an arbitrarily high number of mutually beneficial trades should result in an arbitrarily high amount of wealth.

Amazon is insanely overvalued. There's a reason why Jeff got a "divorce".

It's kind of unbearable to live knowing he makes more in one minute than I will earn in 10 years of constant humiliation and hardships.

Nah economic slowdown/collapse will make everyone reconsider having every purchase you make get delivered by niggers with smart phones who are just going to steal your order

BASED AND REDPILLED. In fact the only comment in this thread worth reading.

The French revolution was a mistake.

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Wheres the money going to go unless the company does something to decrease the amount he gets? It's not just going to vanish into thin air, he isn't the pentagon with 6.5 trillion dollars. Everyone always says "It isnt fair that billionaires make billions of dollars" but if they're using all the right channels to legally not pay taxes then sure it is. Especially if that person is the one who started the company

Government subsidies are called the free market you communist

Cope. Amerimutts are fat, dumb, and brown. They will never get up and go places to get their shit.

Im just grateful for my $200 a day. Ive never lived so well

fair and saged

>why is this ok?
He delivers.
Do you?

What are dividends

why do you buy from Amazon then?

That’s the value of his company, not his income. That money doesn’t actually exist until he sells his shares. And if he sold his shares all at once, Amazon’s stock price would collapse and he would only get a fraction of his supposed net worth.
People less than 100 IQ shouldn’t be able to have economic or political opinions.

because it's the best way for CIA to launder money?

And where is it all? Oh thats right. Hes got employees to pay. Fuck off.

What the fuck are you even saying faggot?

It's not about going somewhere to buy something, but buying shit you don't need.
Prime Day always has shit no one wants discounted, yet they'll still buy it.

Instead of just you, try your entire neighborhood, kids and pets included.

*Hires mercenaries*
Nothing personal kiddo.

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I highly doubt Amazon will crash or even decrease any significant amount while Bezos is alive. Amazon is the greatest store in history.

Seething incels turning communist

I am sure the Amazon executives are getting paid pretty fucking good. They just arent making "global meddler" money like Bezos.

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Seething poorfag, googling others bank accounts.

I don't think you understand what the term "common sense" means. Common sense would be something EVERYONE understands and agrees with. Example: It is common sense not to run across a busy street without looking.

Example of what is NOT common sense: Imposing arbitrary limits on income.

Not everyone understands and agrees, therefore your notion is nonsense, not common sense.

that Bezos got rich with your mom's tax dollars you absolute fucking subhuman kike worshipper

please die

Making money is ok
Tax avoision is another thing

Biggest problem with corporations right now is the runaway executive compensations while workers are squeezed for everything they have. In the past ceo could still be very rich but lot more of the success of the company went to the workers too, these days executives do less than in the good old days while earning more. In the worst cases company is going under and executives still get increased rewards while cutting jobs.

yeah, his wife was probably smart enough to realize this was the top for amazon and decided to devorce him to get her paycheck.
fucking tard.

How do you figure?

How did he obtain those tax dollars?

this, just get out there, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, shake a few hands, and you can be a billionaire too

Dilate incel
Oh wait, you cant as then youd have sex
Seeth harder

The existence of billionaires is a failure of capitalism.

He could buy and employ every disgruntled group coming to storm his estate. Especially the user who made that threat you replied to.

based mutt

Fuckers like Bezos is why we will never allow life extension to be discovered or marketed, lettin this bitch live to 500 would take all of earth's wealth for themselves and make us slaves if they lived long enough.

>making money good

>not paying taxes sucks

Niggers call me olive oil but im more a pastrami on sourdough

>wealth increasing via stock holdings is the same as cash
He's lost billions in a single day, too, retard. Why can't Bernie bros understand how the world works and that the "billionaire" wealth literally props up every investment retirement fund out there in both government and private sector jobs. You people are braindead.

Is your problem that he makes that much, or that you don't?

Just as real as the Trumpconomy
Seethe harder neet
Mommy isnt supporting you now that violent video games are unamerican

Yeah and Amazon business (and cost to run said business) has grown and the stock has gone up with everything else since the DOW bottomed at 6,000. Are you like a detective or something?

Walmart eps 1.33 on a 107 price
Amazon eps 5.22 on a 1827 price.

Amazon has already priced in the future monopoly and margins.
Any shake up, antitrust, oil price shock, serious chinese product tariffs, global slow down, investigation of govt cloud contracts, etc etc and amazon will squeal like a bitch.

Amazon has literally never paid a dividend. Holy shit, do you even know what you're talking about or just bullshitting? Amazon puts its profits back into the company, hence the "do not pay taxes" meme. Just shut the fuck up you literal moron. The absolute state of Bernie brainlets

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The fuck with so much money. You don't have time to spend it anyway.

I don't think I'm the kind of person who could ever become ultra-rich, but if I were, I genuinely imagine that I would be using my fortune to enrich the world.

Ah, I see you have no argument. Congratulations on repeating the same useless drivel as always.

It's not real money. It's stock evals. He can't go to the bank and withdrawl 6.2 billion dollars. That money doesn't exist if Amazon tanks. He is still a billionare but that is a bullshit number.

Why wouldn't it be?

He earned it, it's his.

You can earn it too but your too low of an IQ to ever amount to anything. That's the beauty of America, anyone could be Jeff Bezos

What is needed?
You fuck kids to become president
Bezos refuses and instead collects that sweet seething incel gamer money
>its not real
Im sure its Obamas economy too

Why is it wrong? The guy is successful. How is that a problem?
Why are you so jealous?

That's not what I'm saying at all you dense motherfucker. They both know the house of cards is going to tumble down. The company has a market cap of nearly 900 billion is overvalued. The "divorce" is a way for them to get close to 50 billion in stock into "her" hands to move to another investor for cash. Jeff knows he can't start selling off his shares without tanking the stock price.

Unequivically based and (((financialrevolution)))pilled

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Assuming he could actually spend even half of his "monthly earnings" imagine the kind of good he could do if he actually gave a shit about his country or community. He's literally richer than Bruce Wayne. He could fix a thousand problems (that truthfully are not his own) making life better for millions. If I ever get ridiculously wealthy, I hope I can still appreciate people in the way he must not anymore

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The rothchilds are worth $700 trillion.

based & monarchy pilled

I hope you are realizing that by insulting others, you just make them stronger